TI calculators

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I have written several programs in BASIC for various Texas Instruments graphing calculators, specifically for the TI-83, TI-85, TI-86, and TI-89. Up to this point, they have all been for either math or science. While they are, to my knowledge, entirely free of bugs, if you do find one, or have a suggestion, please email me.

This site is still under construction, so pardon the mess. If a link to a file does not work, inform me. If a link to another page within the site does not work, it probably has not been written yet.

Update: this site is being reorganized, as it has grown beyond the scope of graphing calculators. I am adding a section for my rants and viewpoints and for game codes, as well as planning to add more IB stuff. I am in the process of moving the offsite links for my programs to this site, as well as converting the readme files to html and adding source code files.

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