Creation or Evolution?


1.       How about the Giraffe’s Neck?


The Lamarkian theory states that “the giraffe’s neck became longer as it tried to reach for the leaves on tall trees,” and Darwinism claims that “over the generations the giraffes that could reach for leaves in tall trees managed to survive.”  But if the extension of the neck is requisite to the survival of the fittest in the evolutionary sense, then the baby giraffe and any other leaf-eating animals with short necks could not survive.

Also, it is said that “…the longer the neck the sooner the discovery of, and the better the chance for escape from enemies.”  But on the other hand, long necks surely make them more conspicuous and readily visible to their enemies.  So it is obvious that the giraffe’s neck is not long as the result of evolutionary change, nor because it is most needful for survival.  The sheep which cannot reach for tree leaves eats grass.  Neither can the sheep become a giraffe through the process of natural selection.

Now the Bible (God’s Word) states that the original species of both plants and animals were made by God “according to its kind.”  This must be true.  God made the giraffe and the sheep a sheep from the beginning.


2.       Mutation Does not Produce Good Species.


It is known that mutations occur at the rate of once or twice in one hundred thousand chances, and that in most cases they cause functional disability, demonstrating that repeated mutations result in the retrogression and not in progression.

Mutations can be produced by treating the genes with chemicals, drugs, or radioactivity.  The nuclear radiation generated by the atom bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused the appearance of various abnormalities, physical impairment and still births.  Also drugs like thalidomide have had ill effects on the fetus causing the birth of freakish babies with poor hearing and short arms.

The results of many mutation experiments have shown that there is not a single case of a new species arising from mutation but only variants within the same species.  The same can be said for mutations arising from accidents of nature.


3.        Total Absence of the “Missing Link” (Transition Stage) among Living Organisms.


Evolutionists arrange their fossils in order to claim: “Both plants and animals gradually evolved from the simple to the complex.”  In other words, they contend that things evolved in the order A-B-C.  If that were true, in the process of evolution there should be a medium stage between A and B and between B and C, the “missing links” species AB and BC.

But meticulous examination of the fossils has produced no discovery of any specimen in the transition stage.  Moreover, such medial links are not found anywhere among present-day plants and animals.

This also seems to validate the following words from the Bible: “The omniscient and almighty God created everything according to its kind.”

If evolution is true, there should exist creatures whose hands, feet, and eyes are in the process of development.  But nowhere in the past or present are such organisms to be found.

All things living seem to be complete and self-sufficient.


4.       Change of Species Impossible.


Appearance of variations within the same species (A1 or A2) or (B1 or B2) is not evolutionary change, but is absolutely impossible for species A to become species B.  It is obvious from Mendel’s Law of Heredity that there can be different varieties of dogs but a dog can never produce a cat.

It seems that the theory of evolution has confused evolution and variation, or that it errs in believing that during the process of the development of varieties there might be deviation into a new species.  Is not this a figment of imagination, rather than scientific fact?  A true scientist is a person with an attitude that humbly acknowledges the facts.

Within the same species, there is a limit to the procreation of variations.  For example, breeding a horse and a donkey produces a mule, but mules are sterile and between themselves they cannot bear offspring.  Also a lion and a leopard can reproduce a leopon but it also remains sterile.  This demonstrates the limitation of procreativity to the same species.

In biological experiments, attempts have been made to unite an ovum of species A with a sperm of the closest resembling species B.  It was found that it is impossible for the sperm to penetrate into the ovum, if the partners involved are of two different species.  And the sperm dies even though it is implanted into the ovum after artificially removing its outer membrane.

Even if a dog and a cat, or a cow and a horse are crossbred, there is no offspring.  In this respect, the same is true in regards to man with a chimpanzee or a monkey.  This is because the blood and the chromosomes are not the same.

Yes, God created man as man.  Because man, in a special way has a spirit given to him by God, he can know and pray to God.  Each one of us is a gift from God.


5.       Why the Similarities in Structure and Growth?


Is not the reason for similarities in both plants and animals, that is, in their corresponding structures, physical organs and growth processes, due to the fact that they all have a common Creator?

Similarity is no proof for evolution.  Take buildings for an example.  By no natural change can a dog house transform into a one-story wooden house, then into a steel-frame structure and then finally into a ferro-concrete building.  Furthermore, a one-story wooden house cannot be made from a doghouse.  Each one is made according to its respective kind and use.

By modern science, we can definitely confirm the fact that the man’s sperm and the woman’s ovum are “unique to mankind.”  The human embryo can be identified as human embryo.  At no stage of growth in man is there a respiratory apparatus like the gill of a fish.  The piece of flesh in the embryo which resembles a gill develops into the auditory canal, the eardrum, the inner ear and ossicles.  All the one hundred eighty so-called vestigial organs in the human body which the early evolutionists claimed to have found, have been identified as vital and necessary hormone glands of the body by modern science.  These are evident facts derived from studies in the fields of comparative anatomy, paleontology, serology and eugenics.


6.       Absence of Evolutionary Progress.


According to the theory of evolution, man evolved through the following chain of stages over a long stretch of time: unicellular organisms (amoebas, etc.) – invertebrates (jellyfish, sea anemone, etc.) – amphibians – reptiles – mammals – man.

But if such is the case, then how can we explain the existence today of amoeba, jellyfish and fish which are not going through evolutionary development?

Recently, a fish fossil, supposedly fifteen million years old, was found in Yamagata Prefecture (Japan), and when it was compared to a living specimen of the same variety, hardly any change was found.  This is proof that there is no “evolutionary process” even after fifteen million years.  The long-fin lungfish Coelacanth, renowned as a fossilized animal, was said by evolutionists to have become extinct some ninety million years ago at the time when fish were evolving into land animals.  But recently, quite a few of this variety of fish were caught off the coast of Madagascar.

This again confirms the fact that the lungfish has always been a lungfish and that it was created “after its kind.”  Even in the realm of plants, why is it that there is no alteration in the leaves of the existing maiden-hair, or of grapes when compared to leaf-fossils of these plants which are claimed to be several hundred million years old?


7.       Noah’s Flood.


In the Jurassic Period, the global climate was mild and there are evidences that there was lush tropical vegetation even at the South Pole.  However, the earth’s temperature dropped suddenly, making it unbearable for the dinosaurs, which then died abruptly because of the cold and thus became extinct.  The evolutionists do not know the cause of this phenomenon.  Only the Bible gives an explanation of this catastrophe.

The book of Genesis gives the account of the worldwide “great flood.”  The earth’s surface up until that time was relatively even; the atmosphere was probably overlaid with a thick layer of moisture (“the waters above the firmament”).  So the climate of the whole earth, as in a greenhouse, was mild throughout the year.

There are no annual rings in the Paleozoic era trees because of the absence of temperature changes, demonstrating the prevalence of a mild climate throughout the year.  Also, the thick layer of moisture which covered the atmosphere served as a filter, absorbing and deflecting harmful cosmic rays which bombard the earth from outer space.  This may be an explanation for the long lifespan of the men in the Bible who lived before the flood.

It takes about five thousand seven hundred and thirty years for radioactive isotope Carbon-14, used in dating objects, to lose half of its radiation.  Before Noah’s flood, the amount of isotope Carbon 14 was small because it was absorbed and deflected by the waters above the firmament.  Thus, if the atmospheric condition before Noah’s flood is overlooked, there will be an outlandish error in the results of chronological measurements using this method.  The reason is obvious: the presence of isotope Carbon 14 was low from the beginning of time.  For this reason, we find the evolutionist’s dating as against the Bible chronology to be extremely prolonged, and this, of course, is an erroneous calculation.  The supposition that with the stupendous lapse of time there might occur evolutionary progress is likewise false.

With the sudden collapse of the tremendous amounts of “waters” that shrouded the earth’s atmosphere together with the eruption of the subterranean waters, the greenhouse effect in the earth’s climate was eliminated, and extreme cold set in at the north and south poles where the benefit of the sun was reduced by the slanting and weakness of the sun’s rays.  This resulted in the sudden freezing of many plants and animals in these areas.  Besides this, much of the giant tropical flora and fauna of the earth was buried beneath the sediment of the flood.  These became lignite, coal and petroleum, transformed by the action of geothermal heat, and they are now being exploited by men.  It is difficult to explain these phenomena if we disregard the catastrophe of the great flood.  As we know, dead animals and plants left alone and exposed to the elements disintegrate and turn into dust.

At the time of the flood, the earth’s temperature fell abruptly and the crust of the earth shrank and became distorted.  Rugged terrain resulted.  High mountains and deep seas appeared as the waters receded (see the Bible – Psa. 104:8).

Today, fossils of seashells can be found on high mountains.  And the Grand Canyon and other numerous rock formations throughout the world give many indications of the occurrence of the flood.


8.       Earth Strata and Fossils.


According to the theory of evolution, the older the stratum, the more simple the forms of the organisms discovered in it, and the more recent the strata, the more the complex the organisms discovered in them.  However, it can also be claimed that most of the fossils and the various strata were formed of buried creatures and sediment that settled during and after the Great Flood (of Noah’s time) that covered the whole earth.  The many layers of the belt-like strata give evident proof of this.

In the lowest stratum we find many fossils of plants and animals normally living on the ocean bed, and as we advance to upper strata we find first fish, then amphibians, and then land mammals.  No doubt humans and animals with higher elevations as the flood waters advanced, and it was from there that they were swept away by the swelling waves and currents, and thus buried in the relatively upper strata where we now find them.  Thus, the strata do not necessarily reveal the progress of evolution.

We must also keep in mind that the fossils of living things will not be formed unless those organisms are buried alive, or at least shortly after death.  If dead organisms remain in water or exposed to air, they will soon disintegrate and decay.

The traditions of the Great Flood have been found in the cultures of many widely separated races and languages.


9.       Regarding Primitive Man.


The so-called “primitive man,” such as Neanderthal and the Cro-Magnon man, has a larger skull capacity than modern man.  He stands erect and is not in any way inferior to man of today.  Even among contemporary men people of varying skeletal shapes can be found.  Progress in civilization and culture will be readily acknowledged, but it is also noteworthy that there are building skills found in primitive (rather, decadent) civilizations which are superior to those employed today.

Recently it was discovered that the fragments of fossils of the Java man, Ramapithecus, and Australopithecus are skeletal remains of large monkeys.


10.    Life from Lifeless Matter?


In recent years, with the great progress in molecular biology research, it has become clear that life cannot be generated from a lifeless substance even with the passage of hundreds of millions of years.  This fact is obvious even from Pasteur’s experiments.


11.    From the Laws of Science.


Supposing man made a cell, if it was left alone, with the passing of time, it will disintegrate and return to its original component elements.  This happens in accordance with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Entropy), which states that, “Bodies of complex structure gradually deteriorate into simpler forms.”

Thus, even the laws of science do not validate the evolutionary progress of matter but its regression.


12.    Sexless Forms to Sexual Forms – Why?


Why do cells, through the process of simple cell division, increase by two’s, four’s, and eight’s etc.?  Also, how does sexless reproduction change into sexual reproduction?

In order to effect production of offspring by union of a male and female, it is necessary for the male and female reproductive organs to evolve fully into childbearing capability, simultaneously and close to each other.  If such a transformation were possible for both sexes at the same time, then evolution is nothing short of a miracle.


13.    The Intricate and Exquisite Cell.


When a cell is viewed through an electron microscope, it is astounding to see that the structure of the cell is as complex and exquisite as a lively metropolis.  In the core are the DNA (nucleic acid) chains, and for man, this is 1.5 meters long.  The chains twist in a spiral, and are parallel; they are constructed in ladder-like steps, and over 5,000,000,000 varied genetic codes are contained in the steps.  5,000,000,000 is equivalent to the number of letters contained in a thousand complete sets of encyclopedias.  It is a little less than the world’s population.  Imagine it!  All this is found in the nucleus of the cell which can be barely seen through a microscope.  It is clear from this that it is impossible for even a cell to have evolved or come about by mere chance.

In your brain there are 100,000,000 nerve cells and even one of these is more complex and more exquisitely made than an electronic computer.  Furthermore, they all work in coordination and in mutual relationship to each other.  Indeed, your brain is a wonderful organ.


14.    Renewal of 1,200,000,000,000 cells in the Human Body.


Your body is made of a vast multitude of cells – approximately 60,000,000,000,000 – of varied characteristics.  Of these, 2%, or about 1,200,000,000,000 cells, are freshly produced, the old ones being destroyed and discharged from the body, daily.

No scientist can make even one single cell.  Who produces the new 1,200,000,000,000 cells every day and causes you to live?  It is none other than the almighty and omniscient God.


15.    Changing Body and the Unchanging Spirit of Man.


In this manner, through metabolism, the blood, muscles of your body, and even the protein in the 10,000,000,000 brain cells undergo a total change and are completely renewed in a mere one hundred and twenty days.  Why is it then that you do not lose your power of recollection?  Neither is there any change in the consciousness of self.  The reason is that the spirit is not the product of the material components which constitute our physical make-up.  The fact is that man’s spirit is given to him by God.

It is written in the Bible that “God formed man from the dust (elements) of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath (spirit) of life, and man became a living soul.”  But finally “…the dust shall return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” (Gen. 2:7 and Eccles. 12:7).


Seiko Tsukioka (former instructor, Engineering College Yamagata University)