Dear Father,


            I confess all of my sins to you.  And I thank you that you have already forgiven me because of my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.  Fill (control) me with Your Holy Spirit in every way and at all times throughout this day, so that I might be pleasing to You in all respects.

            Father, I praise You for your infinite grace, mercy, love, goodness, patience, and forgiveness.  And I pray that You would pour upon my life and ministry these of Your attributes in abundant measure.  I also praise You for Your holiness, justice, faithfulness, Almighty power, wisdom, and presence everywhere.  I praise You too that You’re unchanging, eternal, and sovereign.

            Father, work in me both to will and do of Your good pleasure.  And cause the fruit of Your Spirit to abound and increase in my life more each day.  Put in my heart this day a supreme love for You, a complete obedience to You, a faithfulness in serving You, and a pleasing faith in You.

            Thank you Father for health and strength, for the ability to see, hear, speak, walk, and touch.  Thank you for Your protection over me.  Thank you for providing for me the food, clothes, shelter, car, and finances that You have.  And thanks for all the spiritual resources too, especially the Bible in my own language to read.  I thank you for the education and mind that You’ve given to me, as well as, the talents, abilities and spiritual gifts that You have endowed me with.  Thanks Lord for choosing me for salvation, and for the peace, joy, and fulfillment that You’ve given me.

            Father, I pray for Your wisdom, discernment, and understanding both to lead my own life in the right way, as well as, those You bring across my path.  Cause me to walk in truth, and to live a pure and holy life always.  Bind Satan and all his demons from in any way undermining, oppressing, influencing, or controlling my life and ministry.  Use me, Lord, as a vessel for honorable use to evangelize and disciple all the days of my life.  Give me a burden for the lost, a zeal for evangelism, and a shepherding heart.  And Lord, continue to give me a right perspective of both myself and You – that apart from You I can do nothing.  Cause me to be spiritually-minded, to view things from an eternal perspective, and not to view my circumstances from an earthly point of view.

            Father, I pray all of these things that I’ve requested thus far would be granted not just for myself but for all of Your children.

            I pray too for spiritual revival in this country.  Open the eyes of all your children to be able to see life’s purpose – that of glorifying You through evangelism, discipleship, and holy living.  Cause all Your children to disentangle themselves from the affairs of every day life.

            Father, I pray for the leaders of this country – for our President, his cabinet, Congress, and judges – that You would cause them to make decisions that will keep this country moral, free, and at peace.  Cause them to be pro-Christian and pro-Bible, so that we would have Your blessing rather than Your judgment on this country.

            And Father, I thank you for my family and friends, and I pray that if it be Your will that You would draw those of them that are not Christians to salvation.

            Grant all Your children a hunger and thirst for You, Your Word, and righteousness.  I think especially of the students that I’m working with and have ministered with and to, that You would put it in their hearts to be committed and true followers of You.  And cause them to be disciple-makers of still others.  Thanks Father.

            Lord, You know the personal requests that I have for specific people, and I pray that You would grant them to Your honor and glory.  I love You.

                                                                                                                        In Jesus’ name, Amen.