

“Discipline” (Heb. “misar” and Gk. “paideuo”) – means punishment, instruction, or correction.


Job 5:17          Why shouldn’t a person despise the discipline/correction of the Almighty?


When God disciplines you, do you despise it?               Why?


What are some ways that God disciplines people?


Prov. 3:11       What did Solomon advise his son to not reject?


How do you feel about this?                                          Why?


Prov. 6:23, 24             What are the way of life to keep a person from the evil women?


How do you feel when someone reproves you (out of love for you) to discipline/instruct you in order to protect you?                                                                 Why?

Prov. 12:1       What does the person who loves discipline/instruction love?


Do you love knowledge?                      If so, then what do you also need to love?


Why do these two qualities go together?


Prov. 13:1       What is true of a wise son (or daughter)?


Would you consider yourself a wise son (daughter)?    Why?


If so, give a specific example of when you accepted your father’s (or spiritual leader’s) correction.


Prov. 13:18     What will come to the person who neglects discipline/correction/instruction, and why?

Do you neglect discipline?                     Why?


When was the last time someone corrected you?                       And what did the person correct you on?


Prov. 13:24     What does the person who loves his son do?


Has your father loved you this way?                  How?


Heb. 12:6        Who does the Lord discipline?


How much has the Lord expressed His love toward you in this way?


When was the last time the Lord disciplined you?                      And how did He do it (if you care to say)?


Prov. 15:10     Whom is stern discipline/correction for?


Have you ever been disciplined sternly because you forsook the way (of the Lord)?

If so, give a specific example.


Prov. 15:32     Who despises himself?


            Why do you think people neglect discipline/correction?


            Is this ever true of you, and why?


Prov. 19:18     When should you discipline your son?


When do you think there is no longer hope?                  And why?


Prov. 19:20     Why should a person listen to counsel and accept discipline/correction?


Would you consider yourself a wise person based on these characteristics?                    Why?


Prov. 19:27     What will happen to the person who ceases listening to discipline/instruction/correction?


Are you straying from the words of knowledge?                        Why?


Prov. 22:15; 23:13      What will the rod of discipline remove?


Did your parents use this on you?          If so, what has it done for you?


Prov. 23:12     What should a person apply his/her heart to?


            Are you applying the instruction/correction you get?


            Give a specific example of where you’ve done this.


1 Cor. 11:30-33          When we are judged by the Lord (with illness or death at times), we are what, and why?


When was the last time you were disciplined/punished by the Lord?


What happened (if you care to share it)?