Gen. 22:2, 3    What did God tell Abraham to do?


            What was Abraham’s response to God’s command?


            What was Abraham’s concept of God, and how did that influence Abraham’s response to God’s command (Heb. 11:17-19)?


How does your concept of God influence you when God tells you to do something as recorded in the Bible, such as in evangelizing the world (Matt. 28:19, 20; 2 Tim. 4:5), building up other Christians spiritually (Rom. 14:19; 1 Thes. 5:11), living a holy life (1 Pet. 1:15; 2 Cor. 7:1), or not marrying a non-Christian (2 Cor. 6:14), and why?



Do you give excuses for not evangelizing or building up other Christians spiritually (e.g., “I’m shy;” “I’m not a good speaker;” “I don’t know the Bible that well;” “I’m not that intelligent;” “I look ugly;” “I don’t have a great personality;” “I can’t read that well;” “I don’t have a big vocabulary;” “I’m not the leader type.”)?


Do you give excuses for not living a holy life (e.g., “But if I don’t lie to this customer like my boss told me to, I’ll lose my job!;” “But if I don’t cheat on this assignment/test, I’ll flunk the course, or lose my scholarship, or not graduate;” “If I don’t speed and break the speed limit, I’ll be late and in trouble with my parents, my employer, my friend, etc.;” “If I don’t go to this “R” rated movie with my friends/co-workers, etc., they’ll think I’m a religious fanatic and not invite me to anything anymore.”)?


Do you give/make excuses for marrying a non-Christian (e.g., “If I don’t marry this non-Christian now, I might never have another chance to get married since I’m getting pretty old;” “After we get married, I’ll convert my mate to Christ;” “Even though my fiancé(e) isn’t a Christian, he/she believes in God and is nicer than most Christians I know.”)?


Gen. 50:15-21; 45:4-15 Because Joseph believed in God’s sovereign control of events, what attitude and/or action did this foster in Joseph toward his brothers?


            How do you react toward people who treat you wrongly or to circumstances that appear adverse, and why?


Ex. 1:15-21     How did the midwives react to the king’s command?


Why did they disobey the king’s command?


How would you respond to your civil authorities if they told you to do something contrary to the Bible’s teaching (e.g., “What if our government passed a law that said it was a hate crime to call homosexuality a sin and was punishable by a big fine or time in jail? “What if our government passed a law that said you couldn’t evangelize people of other religions or say that yours, Christianity, was the only right/true one?”), and why?


Would you respond as these did in Acts 4:1, 18-20; 5:27-29; Dan. 6:7-10, and why?



Num. 13:30 – 14:10    What did Caleb and Joshua tell the people of Israel to do and not to do, and why (vs. 30; 14:8, 9)?



            How did Joshua and Caleb know this (13:2)?


            Do you believe that God can help you defeat the giants in your life (such as: the lack of some physical necessity, premarital sex, pornography, illicit drugs, alcohol, fear, hate, worry, lack of discipline, anger, jealousy, pride, laziness, procrastination, inferior feelings, lusts, doubts about your salvation, etc.)?


How do you respond toward God’s promises (do you: Ignore them?  Believe and act upon them?  Forget them? Disbelieve them?, etc.), and why?


What are some giants in your life that are defeating you?


How are you dealing with them, and why?


Would claiming and practicing the promises or principles in these verses help, 2 Tim. 1:7; 2 Pet. 1:3; Gal. 5:16; Rom. 13:14; Gal. 5:22, 23; Phil. 4:6, 7, 13, 19; 1 Jn. 5:13?                       If so, how?




Deut. 7:16-19              What did Moses tell the Israelites so that they would not fear the nations they were to dispossess?


            Do you ever remember things like this whenever you are afraid (2 Tim. 1:7)?                  If so, give an example.



Deut. 1:26-33              What did the Israelites perceive to be God’s attitude toward them?


            Even though Moses tried to correct their attitude, what didn’t the Israelites do (vs. 32)?


            Have you ever felt that God hated you and was out to destroy you?                      If so, when, and why?


Has anyone ever tried to correct your improper concept of God (e.g., wrong concepts, like: a cosmic, bully police officer; a cosmic, jolly Santa Claus; a cosmic, old-grandfather clock kind of guy; a sadistic joker; a distant, indifferent, apathetic kind of god; a weak, uncaring braggart, etc.)?


How did you respond to his/her correction, and why?



1 Sam. 14:1, 6-15   Why did Jonathan believe that he and his armor-bearer could take on a whole Philistine garrison (vs. 6)?


            Do you believe that God can simply use just you to conquer enemy territory on your campus, on your job, or in your neighborhood (through evangelism)?     Or, do you think that you need a big group to accomplish this, and why?


            Are you willing for God to simply use just you to reach out and conquer with the gospel the areas where you live and work?               Why?


            If so, how is this happening?


            Do you ever experience feelings of inadequacy when facing seemingly insurmountable fortresses in your life?



            How would 2 Cor. 3:4, 5 and Phil. 4:13 help?



1 Sam. 17:20-54          What was David’s concept of God (vss. 26, 36, 37, 45-47)?



            And what had God done for David in the past (vs. 36)?


            As a result of David’s concept of God, what did he volunteer to do, and how (by what means – vss. 32, 40, 45)?


Because of past successes in trusting God (like David in verse 36), is that enabling you to trust God to do bigger things in the present or future?               If so, what?


How do you handle the “giants” in your life (e.g., fear, worry, trials, financial problems, strained relations, etc.), and why?



1 Sam. 26:6-16                        What could David have done, but didn’t do, and why?


            What was David’s concept of God (vss. 9, 10)?


            How does your concept of God influence your desire for revenge on those you dislike or who have wronged you, and why?


            Does Rom. 12:17-21 matter, and why?



Matt. 25:14-30                        What was the lazy slave’s concept of God (vs. 24)?


            What did he do as a result?


            What’s the least he should have done instead (vs. 27)?


            Do you see God as a hard Master to please?                   Why?


            What do you think He wants you to do that you’re not presently doing, and will you do it, and why?



2 Chron. 20:1-26     What was Jehoshaphat’s response when he heard that a great multitude was coming against him (vss. 3-6)?


            What was Jehoshaphat’s concept of God (vss. 6, 7, 9, 12)?


            What did Jehoshaphat say and do as a result of God’s answer to his prayers (vss. 20-22)?



            How does your concept of God influence you when you are up against great odds?


            Do Rom. 8:28, 31; Heb. 13:5, 6; Lk. 1:37 help, and why?




2 Chron. 32:1-8, 20-23           What concept of God did Hezekiah share with his people that encouraged them against the oncoming Assyrian army (vss. 7, 8)?


            How often do you share the appropriate, biblical concept of God with your friends when they are in adverse circumstances, and why?


            Do you know enough of the biblical concept of God to be able to do this for any set of circumstances?

If not, what will you do about it?


Ezra 8:21-23               Why was Ezra ashamed to ask the king for troops to protect the Jews on their journey back to Jerusalem?


            Did Ezra’s intellectual concept of God seem to be contradictory to his real desire to have protecting troops?


Is your concept of God merely intellectual, or does it result in the proper desires and actions which that concept of God would demonstrate?                   Give an example or two.



Neh. 4:14, 20              How did Nehemiah encourage the fearful people?


            Do you encourage other people with similar thoughts about God?             Why?


            If so, give some examples.


Neh. 1:5-11     What was Nehemiah’s concept of God (vs. 5)?


            Do you agree with Nehemiah’s concept of God?             Why?


            How do you know that God is like this?


            What was the action resulting from Nehemiah’s concept of God (2:5)?


            Would your concept of God have motivated you to do what Nehemiah wanted to do?                    Why?


            Is your present concept of God motivating you to want to help hasten God’s kingdom here, realizing that this is God’s will (Matt. 6:10; 19:28; Rev. 20:4; 2 Tim. 2:12)?                     If so, how, and why?



Esther 2:2, 12-17        What appeared to be the reason that Esther was made queen?


            What did Mordecai think was the likely reason Esther had attained royalty (4:13, 14)?


            When you are successful in achieving a project, position, or goal, why do you think that this came about?


            How would Psalm 75:6, 7; Jn. 15:5 affect your concept of God in this matter?



Job 1:20, 21    Why did Job fall down and worship God after all the calamities that happened to him?


            What concept of God did Job have that caused him to not comply with his wife’s suggestion to curse God (2:9, 10)?


            When you encounter trials and/or tragedies, how do you react, and why?


            And does your concept of God affect your reaction?                   If so, how?



Dan. 3:8-18     Why didn’t Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego fear the king’s threat to kill them by fire (vss. 17, 18)?


            How would you have responded to the king’s threat, and why?


            Have you ever had any threats from parental, civil, or religious authorities because you were doing God’s will?

            If so, how did you respond to their threats, and why?



Jonah 4:2        What was Jonah’s concept of God?


How did his concept of God affect his actions (1:2, 3)?


Does your concept of God that of being merciful, forgiving, full of grace, and compassionate cause you to ever get either mad or jealous when God blesses someone who you don’t think should be blessed, and why?