Promises to Claim for Christians


PROMISE – A solemn assertion, by which one pledges his veracity (truthfulness) that he will perform, or cause to be performed, that which he mentions (1 Ki. 8:56; 2 Chron. 1:9; Psa. 77:8).  Promises differ from the commands of God, the latter being significa­tions of the divine will concerning a duty to be performed, whereas the former relate to mercies to be received (The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary, p. 1039).

An assurance that one will do or refrain from doing a specified thing (The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, p. 800).


Mk. 8:35-37; Jn. 12:25      What will happen to the person who loses his life (self-life; soul-life; inner, deepest being, the real you) for Christ’s sake?

Are you devoting yourself completely to Christ, to spreading the gospel, to help­ing people in need, to building up believers spiritually?                            Why?

Did you realize that by dying to self (worldly pleasures, possessions, prestige, power, and position), you will save your life/soul/inner being to eternal life?


Lk. 12:8, 9            What shall the Son of Man (Jesus) do for everyone who confesses Him (publicly proclaims as his Messiah/Savior) before men?

Will the Son of Man confess or deny you before the angels of God, and why?


Lk. 14:11; Prov. 29:23       Who will be exalted/honored?

Do you think you will be exalted/honored by God and possibly even by people, and why?


Mk. 10:29, 30; Lk. 18:28-30            What benefit will those receive who leave house, wife, brothers, parents, or children for the sake of Christ, the gospel, or the kingdom of God?


Is there anything you wouldn’t leave in order to follow and obey Christ or spread the gospel, and why?


Jn. 7:38-39           Prior to Pentecost, what did Jesus promise to those who believed in Him?


[With the exception of the Samaritan believers in Acts 8:14-17, after Pentecost all believers received the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation/believing in Christ/conversion (Acts 11:17; 10:44, 45; Rom. 8:9; Eph. 1:13, 14).  The Samaritan incident falls between the brief period between Pentecost and the preaching of the gospel to the Gentiles.  The conditions existing at this time should not be taken as the final relationship between the Spirit and all believers throughout this age.  Rather, it was a sign to the Hebrew Christians that all people (in­cluding Samaritans whom the Jews hated because they were half Jew and half Gentile in ethnic background) were to be included in the kingdom of God and Church upon their belief in Christ.].

Do you have the Holy Spirit living in you?                     How do you know?


Jn. 8:31, 32          What would be true of these believing Jews if they abide in (remain in or obey) Christ’s word?


Are you consistent in your obedience to Christ’s words or the Bible?                      Why?


If you are, have you experienced liberation from sin’s bondage?


Jn. 12:26               If anyone serves and follows Christ, what will the Father do?

Do you think the Father will honor you?                         Why?


Jn. 14:21               What will be true of the one who loves Christ?


Would you say that you love Christ?              If so, how do you show it?


Jn. 14:23               If anyone loves Christ, what will they do?

What other benefits will they receive for loving Christ and keeping His word?


Jn. 20:27-29         Who would be blessed?

Can you believe God simply because He says something in His Word, the Bible, or do you have to have physical proof to convince you of something God says, and why?

Acts 1:9-11           What did the two angels promise would happen?


How does this promise make you feel, and why?


Rom. 2:9, 10         What will God give to every man who does good (a person’s doing good shows that his life has been regenerated or converted/born again, Rom. 3:12; Matt. 7:18; Gal. 5:22)?

Did you realize that God would bestow these blessings upon Christians?


Rom. 5:17             What will those who receive grace and the gift of righteousness (in other words, become Christians) experience?


Are you reigning through Christ in life over sin and Satan?                        How do you know?


Rom. 6:14             Because Christians are under grace rather than the law, what doesn’t have to be true of us Christians?

Have you ever claimed this promise?               If so, what happened?


Rom. 8:6                What does the mind set on (controlled by and/or pursuing) the Spirit (and things spiritual) result in?

Are you experiencing life (fellowship with God) and peace (harmony with God; contentment; security)?                       Why?


Rom. 8:9                What is true of those who have the Holy Spirit dwelling at home in them?

Are you in (controlled by) the Spirit because He’s at home in your life?


Rom. 8:10             What is true of the person who has Christ (His Spirit) in him?

Is your spirit (that part of you that is God-conscious and is able to worship God when made alive by the Holy Spirit) alive because of righteousness (Christ’s righteousness given/credited to the believer)?                             How do you know?


Rom. 8:13             Who will live (eternally)?

Are you putting to death the deeds of the flesh in your own life?

What steps could be taken to help you achieve this goal?


Rom. 8:14             Who are the sons of God?

How can you be led by the Spirit of God (1 Jn. 5:14, 15; Eph. 5:18)?


Rom. 8:26, 27       When you as a Christian don’t know how to pray or what to pray (due to “weakness”, physical, emotional, and/or spiritual disability), what does the Holy Spirit do for you?

[“grown”, Gk. “stenazo” – an inward, unexpressed feeling of sorrow/grief].  This has nothing to do with praying in tongues.

How does knowing this make you feel, and why?


Rom. 8:28             What does God do for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (i.e., are believers)?

Would you say that this promise applies to you?

If not, what steps will you take to make sure that you love God and are called according to His purpose?


Rom. 8:34-39       What shall be able to separate us (Christians) from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus?

How does knowing this make you feel, and why?


Rom. 9:24-26       What does God call Gentiles (non-Jews) whom He has called (chosen for salvation)?

How does knowing that God showed mercy upon you if you’re a Christian, make you feel, and why?


Rom. 13:3             What won’t you have to do if you have good behavior?

Do you fear policemen?                      Why?


Rom. 16:20           What will the God of peace soon do?

How does knowing this truth make you feel, and why?


1 Cor. 3:8              Though he who plants (evangelizes) and he who waters (further evangelizes) are one (in purpose and goal), what will each receive according to his own labor?

Does knowing that rewards will be given for being involved in the work of the gospel (evangelizing) motivate you to share your faith?                      If so, how?

1 Cor. 3:12-14     What shall a person receive if his work (teaching) remains (is shown to be accurate doctrine) after being tested by fire (at the judgment seat of Christ)?

Does knowing that God promises a reward for those whose work/teaching remains (is shown accurate) encourage you?

Does it matter to you, and why?


1 Cor. 6:2, 3         Who will the saints judge?

How does this make you feel, and why?


1 Cor. 6:14           God, who raised Jesus, will do what to us?

Does knowing this affect you in any way?                     If so, how?


1 Cor. 10:13         God, who is faithful, won’t allow what to happen to you?

But with the temptation, what will God provide?

What are some ways of escape?


Do you take the way of escape that God provides?                      Why?


1 Cor. 15:51-53                   What will happen to all Christians when Christ returns?

How does knowing that you’ll be raised up immortal make you feel, and why?


1 Cor. 15:56, 57                  What has God given us through our Lord Jesus Christ?

As a result of this, what should we give to God?

Do you thank God for the victory He’s given you?                       If so, how often?


1 Cor. 15:58         Why should we be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord?


Will this promise help keep you from getting discouraged when you’re work­ing for the Lord?                            If so, how?


2 Cor. 5:17           If any man is in Christ (related to Christ by faith in Him), what is he?

What are some changes that take place when a person becomes a new creature, a Christian (2 Pet. 1:4; Rom. 8:1, 9; 6:17, 18)?


Has a life of slavery to self and sin gone?                       Do you have new attitudes, actions, and devotion to Christ?

What are they?


2 Cor. 9:6              What will happen to the person who sows bountifully (gives materially and generously)?

Have you ever put this principle into practice?                              If so, what happened?


Gal. 3:9                  What is true of those who are of faith (believers/Christians)?

Did you know that you would receive the blessing/benefit of justification (to be declared righteous in the sight of God) if you had faith in God?                         If so, when did you realize this?


Gal. 4:6, 7             What has God promised to do to those who are His sons (Christians)?

And if you are a son, what else are you?

Does knowing that you’re an heir of heaven motivate you in any way?                   How?


Gal. 5:16               If you walk/live by the Spirit controlling you, what will you not do?

Have you found this to be true?

If not, when will you start walking by the Holy Spirit (depending on the Holy Spirit for power and guidance)?


Gal. 6:9                  What should we not lose heart in?


Do you ever grow weary of doing good, and why?

Will claiming this promise for a greater qualitative life in heaven encourage you to continue to do good, and why?


Eph. 6:16               What will you be able to do once you take up the shield of faith (by believing what God says in the Bible)?


Are you trusting in God’s promises and principles for power and victory over Satan’s missiles of temptation (to doubt God and the Bible or to sin) directed at your life?                               If so, how?

Phil. 4:6, 7            What does God promise when we share our concerns with Him in prayer and our thanksgiving?


Have you ever experienced the peace of God guarding your heart and mind (keeping watch over your emotions and thoughts to keep you from worrying)?                 If so, explain.


Phil. 4:19              What shall God supply to those who support God’s spiritual workers who are evangelizing and building up believers spiritually?

In what manner (according to what)?

Have you ever claimed this promise?                               If so, what happened?


1 Thes. 4:14-17                   What will happen to Christians who have died and to those who are alive at the time of Christ’s return to earth’s atmosphere?

Is this promise comforting?                        Have you ever shared this promise with anyone who’s had a Christian loved one die?


2 Thes. 1:6, 7       What will God give to those who are afflicted/persecuted?

When will this relief (from the tensions of trials that those who are un­justly persecuted) come?


Does this promise give you encouragement when facing unjust afflictions?                           If so, how?


2 Thes. 3:3            Since the Lord is faithful, what has He promised to do?

How does God do this?

Are there times God won’t protect a Christian from the devil?


1 Tim. 4:8             Of what value is godliness?


Does this encourage you to value and strive for godliness?                       If so, when will you start?


2 Tim. 1:7             What hasn’t God given Christians?

Instead, what has God given us?

Have you ever claimed this promise?               If so, what happened?


2 Tim. 2:12           What privilege will God give to those who endure?

Do you think that you will reign with Christ during His Millennial Kingdom (Rev. 20:4, 6), and why?


2 Tim. 2:20, 21                    If a person cleanses himself from wickedness, what will he be?


Do you qualify?                   Is this what you want to be?              Why?


2 Tim. 4:8             What will the Lord award to all who have loved His appearing?

Do you think you will receive the crown of righteousness?                        Why?


Heb. 9:24               For what reason did Jesus enter into heaven?

Did you realize that Christ did this for you?                    How does knowing this make you feel, and why?


Heb. 13:5               What did God promise that He would never do?

How does/will knowing this promise affect you?                                           Why?


Jas. 1:5-7              If any Christian lacks wisdom concerning how to handle a trial, what should he expect after he asks God for wisdom?

What condition must be met for this promise to be true (vs. 6)?

Have you ever doubted this promise or any other promise of God?                           Why?


Jas. 1:25               What will happen to the person who looks intently at the perfect law (the Bible) and abides by it?


Are you being blessed in what you do?          How can you tell?


Jas. 4:6; 1 Pet. 5:5              Who does God give grace/favor to?

Have you experienced this promise?                If so, when?

Jas. 4:7                  Who must we submit (render obedience) to in order to claim this promise?

And what will happen if we resist (take a stand against) the devil (by quoting appropriate Bible verses related to the areas of temptation, e.g., Matt. 4:3-10)?

[It doesn’t mean that the devil won’t come back later, Lk. 4:13. So you’ll need to resist him every time in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.].

Have you ever practiced this promise?            If so, what happened?


Jas. 4:8                  What will happen if you draw near to God (enter into close communion with God as an acceptable worshipper)?


Does this promise encourage you to abandon worldliness and move into a closer relationship with God?

If so, what steps will you take to make this a reality?


1 Pet. 5:4               What promise is made to faithful spiritual leaders when the Chief Shepherd (Jesus) appears?


Do you think you’d qualify to receive this reward?                       Why?


1 Pet. 5:6, 7          Why should we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God?

Why should we cast all our anxiety upon Him?

Do you believe these promises?                       If so, how do you show it?


2 Pet. 1:10            As long as you practice the things in verses 5-7, what will be true of you?

Are you making these qualities in verses 5-7 a consistent part of your life so that you’ll never fall (into sin and misery)?

If not, when and how will you start?


1 Jn. 1:9                Because God is faithful and righteous, what will He do if we confess our sins?

What affect will knowing this have on you, and why?


1 Jn. 5:14, 15       If we ask anything according to God’s will, what does God promise to do?

Have you ever claimed this promise of God before?                      When, and what?

Promises Related to Salvation

Jn. 6:35                 What did Jesus, who is the bread of life, promise to those who come to Him?

And what would happen to the person who believed in Jesus?

Have you found permanent spiritual satisfaction and fulfillment since coming to (believing in) Jesus as your Savior?

If not, what do you think is wrong?


Jn. 8:12                 What would be true of the person who follows (believes and obeys) Jesus?

Are you walking in the darkness (moral/spiritual ignorance and sin), or do you have the light (illumination that issues in salvation)?                                                           How do you know?


Jn. 10:27-29         Since Jesus gives his sheep (believers) eternal life and no one can snatch them out of God’s hand (no one can take us away from our relationship with God), what did Jesus say would never happen to them (vs. 28)?

Did you realize that this was a promise of God guaranteeing your salvation, if you’re a believer in Christ as your Savior?

How does knowing this affect you, and why?


Rom. 5:10             Since we have been reconciled (changed from a hatred to a friendship re­lationship) to God through Christ’s death, what can we be assured of?

How does knowing that Christ’s life (in heaven interceding for us) shall completely and finally save you into heaven, make you feel, and why?


Rom. 8:2                What has the law/principle of the Spirit of life (the Holy Spirit) in Christ Jesus set Christians free from?

Have you been set free from the law/principle of sin and death (from the enslaving power of your sin nature which produces spiritual death)?                                 If so, how?


1 Cor. 15:22         What has God promised to all who are in Christ?

Will you be made alive (resurrected) too, and why?


2 Cor. 5:1              What do we know that we will receive if our earthly tent (our present earthly, physical body) is torn down (dies)?

If you are a Christian, knowing this promise, should you worry about what will happen to you after you die, and why?


Gal. 6:8                  What shall the one who sows to the Spirit (uses his finances to support the Lord’s work) reap?

Will you reap eternal life (qualitatively, with a harvest that will last forever), and why?


Eph. 1:7 In Christ, what do we have according to the riches of His grace?

Have you been redeemed (freed from the bondage of sin) by God?                          If so, how?


Eph. 1:13, 14; 4:30              What happened after you believed, having listened to the message of truth, the gospel?


What is the Holy Spirit given as and for?

Did you know that God promised to give all Christians the Holy Spirit as a pledge (deposit, down payment) of their inheritance (heaven) and for securing/sealing them unto the day of redemption (when the Christian gets his glorified body, Phil. 3:21)?


Phil. 1:6                                What was Paul confident about?

How does knowing that God will perfect (bring to completion) the good work (our salvation) that He began in you make you feel, and why?


Col. 3:3, 4             What will happen to Christians when Christ is revealed at the Rapture?

Does this make you secure, appreciative, joyful, or what?                                           Why?


1 Thes. 5:23, 24                   What will the faithful God who called you, bring to pass?

Does knowing that God will sanctify you (make you holy) entirely/completely (when you get to heaven) encourage you to live an obedient life, and why?


2 Tim. 2:11, 13    If we died (to the penalty of our sins) with Christ (by believing in Him as Savior), what will be true of us (in heaven)?


If we are faithless, what will God do/be, and why?


Does this promise give you assurance of your salvation, knowing that even if you’re faithless (unfaithful), God will not deny you the salvation He promised you once you have it?


Jas. 1:12               What does God promise to the person who perseveres under trial?

To whom has the Lord promised the crown of life (eternal life in the full)?

Do you think you will receive the crown of life?                            Why?


1 Jn. 5:13              Who can know that he/she has eternal life?

                Do you believe in the name (person) of the Son of God (that He’s the Christ/Savior, the One who paid for all your sins)?

State the promises found in the following verses (Salvation)

Jn.          3:16-18






11:25, 26

Rom.       1:16

3:29, 30







Rom.       8:1


8:29, 30


10:9, 10




1 Cor.     1:8


2 Cor. 4:14

Gal. 3:26

Eph.        2:18


Phil. 3:20, 21

Col.         1:13, 14



1 Thes.   1:10

5:9, 10

Heb.        9:28



1 Jn.       3:2
