Made in Canada is the proud recipient of a 2000, 2003 & 2004 Prix Aurora Award!

Julie E. Czerneda

Changing Vision Ties Of Power. Beholders Eye A Thousand Words For Stranger

Julie E. Czerneda lives in Orillia, Ontario. She was a finalist for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for the Best New Writer in 1999. Her short fiction has been published in numerous anthologies including First Contact, Far Frontiers, Spell Fantastic, Silicon Dreams, and New Voice in Science Fiction

Julie's published SF novels are A Thousand Words for Stranger and Ties of Power from the "Trade Pact Universe" series and Beholders Eye and Changing Vision from the "Web Shifters" series. Beholders Eye was a finalist for the 2000 Aurora award for best Long-Form work in English.  Julie's novel Changing Vision and her short story Down on the Farm were both finalists for a 2001 Aurora award. Julie's novel, In the Company of Others was a finalist for a 2001 Philip K. Dick award, winner of the 2002 Aurora Award for Best Long-Form Work in English and is on the preliminary Nebula Award ballot. Julie also won the 2002 Aurora Award for Best Short-Form Work in English with her story "Left Foot on a Blind Man". Julie's latest novel, Survival, is the first installment of the all-new Species Imperative trilogy. 

Science Fiction in the Classroom

Besides writing novels, Julie is also involved with Science Fiction in the Classroom. Her text book, No Limits: Developing Scientific Literacy Using Science Fiction  is based on  series of successful in-class workshops. Packing Fraction & Other Tales of Science and Imagination is a companion anthology for the textbook with stories by herself,  Robert J. Sawyer, Charles Sheffield and othersIncidentally, Robert J. Sawyer's story Streams of Consciousness  and Larry Stewart's artwork  from Packing Fraction, both won Aurora awards in 2000. Julie's latest project for SF in the classroom is her series of anthologies called Tales From The Wonder Zone the fourth in the series, Odyssey, is now available.

Look for Julies next novel

Coming Soon!

Interesting Links

Online Reading

  • Strange Horizons Interview (May 2004)

  • A Conversation With Julie E. Czerneda SF Site (Oct 2000)

  • In the Company of Others (novel excerpt)

  • In the Company of Julie Czerneda Interview (early 2003)

  • Changing Vision (novel excerpt)

  • First Contact Inc. (excerpt)

  • Ties of Power (novel excerpt)

  • A Thousand Words for Stranger (excerpt)

  • Beholders Eye (excerpt)

  • Standing Naked on the Front Lawn (Interview) (Sept 2000) 

  • Challenging Destiny Interview (Apr 1999)

  • Reviews

    Science Fiction in the Classroom


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