Made in Canada is the proud recipient of the 2000 Prix Aurora Award for Fan Achievement: Other!

Robyn Herrington
Return of the Dinosaurs Talebones issue 6 Talebones issue 13 On-Spec - Fall 1998
Robyn Herrington was born in Australia and has lived in Calgary Alberta for 20 years. Robyn's short fiction has been published in On-Spec, Parsec, E-Scape, Adventures of Sword and Sorcery and two issues of Talebones. Her story,  " Evolutionary Game" was published in the anthology Return of the Dinosaurs (edited  by Mike Resnick and Martin H. Greenberg) and her poem Dark Song appeared in Tesseracts 6 (edited by Robert J. Sawyer and Carolyn Clink).   Two short shorts are available in Vestal Review, including the collaboration with Mike Resnick, 'Like Small Feet Following.'  Her short story 'Anniversary Waltz' was performed on CBC Radio (Alberta) as part of their 'Alberta Anthology' series.  Sadly, Robyn lost her battle with cancer and passed away on May 3, 2004.

Robyn's poem,
Dark Song
Tesseracts 6 edited by Carolyn Clink and Robert J. Sawyer
is featured in Tesseracts 6

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Last updated May 03, 2004