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In winter, the canoeist is always in search of non-solid water for which to alleviate withdrawl from canoe tripping. The Pine Barrens a.k.a. "The Pinelands" are such a place. The remote beauty and isolation to be found here dumbfounds most newcomers who buy in to Hollywood's stereotype portrayal of my home state. I am fortunate enough to paddle all of the Piney Rivers on a regular basis and I've tried to include a brief synopsis of each.
Oswego R. 2005
The Oswego River
My favorite  place to paddle in the Pine Barrens. Remote and pretty. The immense size of some of the cedars and white pines would make it easy for you to believe you are in a more northern latitude. Oswego Lake, where many begin this trip is the only place I've ever seen solid ice in the Pinelands. Getting across the lake with a canoe in this state can be somewhat humorous to downright dangerous. You'd never know it, but this trips passes through what was once a busy little town, though I'm happy to say, that just about all traces of it have vanished and the forest has reclaimed the land.
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Oswego Lake-
Locked in ice!
Have shovel will paddle
Migration across Oswego Lake
The lovely Oswego
Ancient cranberry operation
Harrisville Lake
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The Batsto River
A close second favorite. The upper reaches are less traveled because of the long shuttle required to get to the put in. One of my favorite trips is to incorporate the rarely run Skit Branch into the upper Batsto. The lower Batsto, has some of the most beautiful natural scenery in the area... though frequently visited. During some parts of the year, when the water is low, man made Batsto lake dries up (or the dam is released) exposing the channel and revealing just how winding these rivers are.
One of many cedar Bogs on the Batsto
Goin upriver
Batsto Lake Pitcher Plant
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The Great Egg Harbor River
The "Egg" is a typical Pine Barrens river, It's twisty and left unchecked, the banks overgrow enough to make passage difficult. This is especially true in the upper and mid sections where there are more blow downs, sweepers, strainers and literally walls of briars than can be kept up with. The lower end before the lake is somewhat of an suburban paddle through riverside homes.
Just another day on this river
The Mighty Egg
The mother of all briar traps
Video of a slalom on the Egg
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Cedar Creek
One of the nicer streams, due its diversity. The canoeist encounters everything from a tree stump slalom, to a braided swamp and an open lake. Interestingly enough, in its upper reaches the Cedar is less "tea colored" than other Pine Barrens waterways. However, due to its proximity to a more populated area, there will be plenty of beer bottles and other trash visible in the water.
The Cedar Cedar put-in
Picturesque Ore Pond Turkey Vulture
I've had enough, move on to page 3