KB8KB Astronomy Links

Last updated 7/30/00

Photography Page.

My favorite Photo Store.

The Night Sky (updated on Wed. night, hopefully)

Go find the correct time at NIST Time Calibration

Check the phases of the Moon.

Check the Space Weather Bureau.

Check the Weather Maps and current conditions before you view Through the #1 Weather page,
or through Interactive Weather Information Network.

Then find out what is in the sky tonight at Abrams Planetarium night sky information

Or if the weather is bad thenTour the Nine Planets from their home page
or individually below:

Go see what is on NASA TV!!

Check the Space Weather Bureau.

More Hubble Information

AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet

Follow the Mars Pathfinder Mission

Find almost anyting about Astronomy from the Galaxy Astronomy Page

Check out Michele's Homepage

Check out Amanda's Homepage

Learn about Astronomy from the SkyView Non-Astronomer Page

Go to the Grand Rapids Public Museum and Chaffee Planetarium

Links to other sites on the Web

Check out US Space Camp at Huntsville

The Bishop Museum and Planetarium in Hawaii

Black Holes and Mysteries of the Cosmos

Students for the Exploration and Development of Space Internet Headquarters

Go see what is happening at KITT PEAK NATIONAL OBSERVATORY

Jeff's General Amateur Astronomy Links

For cool info and pictures try this

See what is happening at THE MAD SCIENTIST NETWORK

Go to the BIG Space calendar at JPL NASA Space Calendar

Grand Rapids Amateur Astronomical Assoc.

Kevin S. Jung's Home page.

The Sky & Telescope Comet Home Page.

Check out the International Gemini Project.

Try the Bradford Robotic Telescope in England.

The U. of Iowa Astronomy and Remote Telescope

Sky & Telescope Mag.

Another Hubble site to check Internet Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Resources

Space Telescope Science Institute

Astronomy Magazine

E-mail to: kb8kb@oocities.com

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