Scientific Activity

Updated on June 12, 2006

by Salvatore Barba,

Available theses (description in italian)

On stress accumulation

This work aims to determine inter-seismic stress loading in the Apennines. Results (some in the manuscript section) are promising and I believe to bring forth this research line in the next years.

1996-1998: my Ph.D. Thesis

2004-2007: Antonella Megna, Ph.D. Thesis

2005-2007: I am heading a research unit on numerical models

2005-2008: Michele Carafa Ph.D. Thesis

On the depth of the seismogenic layer

2000-3003, Annalisa Romeo, Ph.D. thesis on thermal models in the Southern Apennines;

2004, Map of seismic hazard for Italy;

2005-2006, Francesca Balestra, INGV grant, is now studying how the brittle-ductile transition in the Apennines depends on temperature and crustal structure.

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