The Cosmic Mirror

of News events across the Universe

Compiled and written by Daniel Fischer, Skyweek - older "Mirrors" in the Archive

Honored with the Griffith Observatory Star Award and Space Views Site of the Week in 1997.
Daniel Fischer also won the Bruno-H.-Buergel-Preis 1997 of the AG
Also check out Florida Today's Online Space Today and Astronomy Now's Breaking News!

Current mission news: MPF + MGS (science!) + Cassini + Galileo + Equator S + Prospector

On the Horizon: Coming attractions in space

And what's happening now? Check the current edition!


March 1

Launch of Cosmos 1, the first solar sail in orbit, privately financed Updates

April 3

Jupiter in Opposition

April 8

Hybrid Solar Eclipse, total in the South Pacific Map

May 12

First possible Return to Flight of the Shuttle, with mission STS-114 RTF pages


Hayabusa reaches asteroid Itokawa for a fly-by sample return attempt NEO page

July 4/5

Deep Impact comet nucleus impact and fly-by respectively Homepage

Aug. 1

MESSENGER Earth fly-by enroute to Mercury Homepage

Aug. 10

Launch of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, NASA's next Mars orbiter Homepage

Oct. 3

Annular Solar Eclipse, visible from Spain, Africa Map

Oct. 19

Occultation of a very bright star by an asteroid, i.e. Regulus by (166) Rhodope Dennissenko page

Oct. 26

Launch of Venus Express, ESA's first Venus mission Homepage

Nov. 7

Opposition of Mars, not as close as in 2003 but at higher declination Special Pages

See also Gährken's Astrofahrplan.

Based on the Space Calendar, Spaceflight Now's Launch Schedule, Florida Today's Launch Forecast, the Shuttle schedule and other sources such as PH's Astro Almanach.

Compiled and written by Daniel Fischer
(send me a mail to!), Skyweek