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Pilot Stories Series

1 Fri, 27 Feb 1998 From:
Theodore Grussing theo@sedona.net

Hi All!

Just a short note to tell you all about a beautiful day in my PW-5. Takeoff from Sedona at about 2PM with a sky that doesn't look real promising. Surface temp 8oC, with a brisk and variable wind blowing; fairly high winds aloft and sun on our wonderful red rocks. Tow was interesting and much more fun than it has been lately; release near the house thermal over the high school at about 2.5M' AGL - a wonderful initial climb in tight lift to over 9.5M' (field elevation 4.8M') and off I went. Had some secondary wave from Mingus Mountain and spent some time in calm quiet straight and level flight with the vario showing 2 to 6 kt lift - Some as high as 10 kt. Thermals were tight and turbulent.

Fun was the order of the day flying over snow covered red rocks, and snow blanketed forest lands. It was quite cool - about -15C, but never really noticed it expect for the litlle cu's that formed in the cockpit as I exhaled. Anyhow it was a fun hour and forty minutes - could have spent much more time aloft, but had to get back down. Left my camera on the ground this time as I had not planned on such a great flight - next time.

Have a great weekend - time to fly!

Ted Grussing
PW-5 N927PW

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