Updated 7th September, 2000. Dom Bragge.

1971 XY Falcon "Henry" crossing Mirra Mitta Bore, Birdsville Track, South Australian

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This classic photo was taken by Tony "Mad Max" Nardi, leaning out the drivers window of his 1972 XA GT Falcon coupe. The Birsdville Track had been flooded by the Mirra Mitta artesian bore, which bubbles to the surface about 100yards off to the left of this photo. Having been stuck at Birdsville for 3 days due to the Diamantina River flooding, we were keen to head south. We encountered this mess, finding the 4WD's had dug major ruts full of sloppy mud (found by me wading through up to my thighs in goop). Due to the last grading, the track was actually raised off the plain by 2-3 feet at the edge. To get off the track & back on would have required some major digging at the edge of the road, so we came up with a better idea, as you can see below!

The Right hand side of the track was shallower so all 5 of us spent 30 minutes clearing the larger rocks. Using Rugby tactics, I decided that I needed a *lot* of momentum to get me through as I would have almost zero grip in the slimy mud.

I am driving (massively decelarating from 100km/h+ to zero REALLY quickly), Tony Nardi took the photo, Paul Gardner is off to the left videoing & Phil Diebold & Mark van de Straaten are actually standing on a dirt mound 20 feet off the track (No, I didn't bolt them to the roof racks!)

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