Figure 1.
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47 is a tube 50, adapted to receive the cable 51 and is secured at 52. The other end of the cable 51 is secured to the link 53, which is secured to the injection control apparatus by means of a nut 54.

      Located below the fuselage and just back of the exhaust pipe 21 is a powerful searchlight 55, so positioned as to permit the dense clouds of smoke emitting from the exhaust pipe to flow over and around and permitting the beam of light from the searchlight to be cast upon the dense clouds of smoke while flying thru the air, regardless of the speed of the plane.

      The operation of the apparatus is as follows:

      Prior to the operation of the device to produce the meteor or comet effect, while the plane is in flight, the pump 15 which operates with the engine of the plane, is continuously drawing the liquid from the tank 11 and directing it to the valve 14. The needle control valve 18 being normally closed, prevents the flow of the liquid thru the pipe 17, the pressure thereby opening the ball valve 29 and permitting the liquid to return to the tank 11 thru the outlet 55 and the pipe 13.

      The above described operation insures a complete mixture of the oil or other liquid and any suitable chemical for producing a smoke effect. If so desired, a chemical may be introduced for imparting a suitable color to the smoke stream.

      Any sulphur dye of reddish tint which would not be decomposed by the heat of the exhaust pipe would give the smoke a very red glow, or if another color would be desired, such as green, the use of barium nitrate in finely divided form may be mixed Intimately with the oil, and when the charge is fired by the exhaust gases the vapor will have a brilliant green appearance. Similarly, other striking colors may be produced by the selection of suitable materials.

      The operator of the plane, while flying, wishing to create a meteor or comet effect, manipulates the control stick lever 47 which releases the needle control 19 from its seat 35, which allows the liquid to flow thru the small opening 36, and then thru the passages 44 and 45 into the nozzle 20, and then thru the jets 39 into the exhaust pipe 21 where it becomes vaporized, and then passes out of the exhaust opening in the form of a heavy smoke-like vapor to be eventually illuminated by the rays from the searchlight 55.

      The oil pump 15 permits of a high pressure at all times, and is controlled by a relief valve 14 and a pressure gage 25. The pressure may be adjusted by the pressure adjusting screw 31.

      When the needle control 19 is seated, the flow of the liquid is stopped and as the oil pump 15 continues to force the liquid thru the pressure regulating valve 14, the liquid no longer escapes thru the injection valve 18, and a back pressure results, thereby raising the ball 29 from its seat 28,and so returns thru the passage 56 to pipe 13 and into the liquid tank 11, and at the same time registers pressure on gage 25.

      Calling your attention to the location of the needle control 19, the close proximity of the needle to the outlet nozzle prevents and eliminates any lag in the shutting off of the flow of the liquid. Because of the short distance the liquid has to travel before vaporizing, it allows no ragged stream of smoke to train the main column after the flow has been cut off. With this clean shut-off, it is possible to write absolutely perfect

dots and dashes, with no connecting strings of smoke whatever.

      This system makes an ideal installation for skywriting, laying a smoke screen, or when using it at night with a very powerful searchlight. In placing the searchlight inside the stream of smoke it will give forth the appearance of a huge ball of fire shooting across the sky, resembling very closely a huge shooting star or meteor. The rays of light are reflected in the column of smoke and give it a reddish glow, resembling a terrifically hot ball of fire at the light and gradually diminishing Into what appears to be a sheet of flame several hundred feet to the rear of the ship.

      As the invention may be applied with various modifications to the various forms of construction of planes without departing from its spirit and scope, the appended claims are not intended to limit the same to the specific form disclosed.

      We claim:

  1. In a smoke producing apparatus, a heated conduit, means for introducing a smoke producing substance under pressure, and means for maintaining a constant pressure, said means comprising a pressure control valve, said valve having means for adjusting to a predetermined pressure, emission means comprising a needle control and a nozzle, said needle located in close proximity to the nozzle, and means for creating a meteor or comet effect, said means including a searchlight directly In front of the heated conduit outlet so that the stream of smoke-like substance will pass around and over said searchlight.
  2. In a smoke-producing apparatus, an exhaust pipe of a motor driven aircraft, means for emitting a stream of smoke-like substance and means for illuminating said stream for a substantial distance beginning at the point of emission of said stream, said means including a searchlight positioned directly in front of the exhaust pipe outlet so that the stream of smoke-like substance will pass over and around said searchlight.
  3. In an aeroplane, an exhaust pipe means for creating a meteor or comet effect in the air including a supply chamber, means connected to the power plant for pumping the smoke producing liquid from the supply chamber to the exhaust pipe, and means for regulating the pressure of said liquid, and registering said pressure, means for controlling said liquid's entrance into a perforated nozzle and under the control of the operator of the aeroplane, said perforated nozzle extending into said exhaust pipe, a searchlight so located In the path of emission of the smoke from the exhaust pipe when the aeroplane Is in flight as to cause the illuminated smoke to take the appearance of a huge ball of fire.
  4. In an aeroplane, an exhaust pipe means for creating a meteor or comet effect in the air including a smoke-producing apparatus connected to and operated by the power plant, said smoke-producing apparatus provided with a perforated emission nozzle extending into the exhaust pipe of the aeroplane, a searchlight positioned in respect to the outlet end of said exhaust pipe so that the smoke emitting therefrom will pass over and around said searchlight to permit the rays from the searchlight to be reflected upon the smoke and give the appearance of a huge ball of fire.