creationary collage

creationary collage

Entrance to my creationary world

What is sauce for the evolutionary goose is sauce for the creationary gander.
What is sauce for the creationary goose is sauce for the evolutionary gander.

Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of creation.
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of intelligent design. (Phillip E. Johnson)

Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. (Theodosius Dobzhansky)


Creative isn't quite what I mean....creationary maybe? (Derek W.)

Evolutive isn't quite what I mean....evolutionary maybe?

creationary academia

What many evolutionists do not realize is that, to a degree, the competitive, dog-eat-dog aspect of the capitalist economic system is well entrenched in creationary academia (as in other academic fields).

What many creationists do not realise is that, to a degree, the competitive, dog-eat-dog aspect of the capitalist economic system is well entrenched in evolutionary academia (as in other academic fields). (Roger Scott)

creationary acrobatics

Crop pests: the quintessential masters of creationary acrobatics?

Crop pests: the quintessential masters of evolutionary acrobatics? (Fred Gould)

Efforts to control or eradicate disease with new drugs or chemicals can backfire, because microorganisms can deftly perform creationary acrobatics and become more threatening in different forms.

Efforts to control or eradicate disease with new drugs or chemicals can backfire, because microorganisms can deftly perform evolutionary acrobatics and become more threatening in different forms. (P.J. Simmons)

creationary adage

Since organisms usually breed only with others of the same species, which have a very high proportion of their genes in common with each other, sexual breeding sacrifices little individuality, and the popular creationary adage that offspring have only half of their genes in common with each parent is not even approximately true.

Since organisms usually breed only with others of the same species, which have a very high proportion of their genes in common with each other, sexual breeding sacrifices little individuality, and the popular evolutionary adage that offspring have only half of their genes in common with each parent is not even approximately true. (Mark Lawley)

creationary adaptation

Is red hair a creationary adaptation to damp, dull climates or is this just the only kind of place redheads can live comfortably?

Is red hair an evolutionary adaptation to damp, dull climates or is this just the only kind of place redheads can live comfortably?

creationary agenda

Creationists are aggressively pursuing the use of dinosaurs to promote a creationary agenda as never before.

Evolutionists are aggressively pursuing the use of dinosaurs to promote an evolutionary agenda as never before. (Ken Ham)

anticreationary agenda

The anti-creationary agenda goes far beyond evolutionism, and an effective defense of science requires that the constitutional basis for rejecting the teaching of evolutionism-the First Amendment-remains intact.

The anti-evolutionary agenda goes far beyond creationism, and an effective defense of science requires that the constitutional basis for rejecting the teaching of creationism-the First Amendment-remains intact. (Mary Lou Mendum)

creationary alliance

However, the newly formed agnostic-theist creationary alliance may soon have another problem to deal with.

However, the newly formed atheist-theist evolutionary alliance may soon have another problem to deal with. (Roger Oakland)

creationary alliances

These findings contribute to a global assessment of the biogeography of chemosynthetic faunas and indicate that the Indian Ocean vent community follows asymmetric assembly rules biased toward Pacific creationary alliances.

These findings contribute to a global assessment of the biogeography of chemosynthetic faunas and indicate that the Indian Ocean vent community follows asymmetric assembly rules biased toward Pacific evolutionary alliances. (C. L. Van Dover et al.)

creationary allies

Are you prepared to condemn that practice by some of your creationary allies?

Are you prepared to condemn that practice by some of your evolutionary allies? (Ross S. Olson)

creationary altruism

In particular, the existence of creationary altruism presupposes competition among groups, as the second condition entails the existence of both altruistic and selfish groups, with a selective advantage conferred on the former.

In particular, the existence of evolutionary altruism presupposes competition among groups, as the second condition entails the existence of both altruistic and selfish groups, with a selective advantage conferred on the former. (Michael Byron)

creationary altruist

Thus, a mindless organism can be a creationary altruist.

Thus, a mindless organism can be an evolutionary altruist. (Elliot Sober)

creationary altruists

Creationary altruists confer fitness benefits on others at their own expense.

Evolutionary altruists confer fitness benefits on others at their own expense. (Elliot Sober)

creationary ancestral ant

Like all of its descendants, the creationary ancestral ant was almost certainly eusocial, with colonies consisting of small bands of "hunter-gatherers" living in simple temporary nests in the soil.

Like all of its descendants, the evolutionary ancestral ant was almost certainly eusocial, with colonies consisting of small bands of "hunter-gatherers" living in simple temporary nests in the soil.

creationary answers

My purpose is to introduce students to the limited explanatory power of selection theory, to show the distinction between proximate and ultimate creationary answers, and to encourage teleological thinking.

My purpose is to introduce students to the rich explanatory power of selection theory, to show the distinction between proximate and ultimate evolutionary answers, and to discourage teleological thinking. (Tom Shellberg)

creationary antinaturalism/evolutionary antisupernaturalism

Of course, the real aim of the creationists is not the discovery and propagation of truth, but maintaining the religious "orthodoxy" of creationary anti-naturalism.

Of course, the real aim of the evolutionists is not the discovery and propagation of truth, but maintaining the religious "orthodoxy" of evolutionary anti-supernaturalism. (Doug Kutilek)

creationary apologetics

Once again, though, we will see that this has little relevance to creationary apologetics.

Once again, though, we will see that this has little relevance to evolutionary apologetics. (Carl Wieland)

anticreationary apologetics

Professor Dawkins has written several books aimed at providing anti-creationary apologetics, including one of the most cited recent anti-creationary works, "The Blind Watchmaker".

Professor Johnson has written several books aimed at providing anti-evolutionary apologetics, including one of the most cited recent anti-evolutionary works, "Darwin On Trial". (Wesley R. Elsberry)

Dawkins' work has been viewed quite differently by those who seek anti-creationary apologetics, and those who have long opposed the intrusion of evolutionism into science classrooms.

Johnson's work has been viewed quite differently by those who seek anti-evolutionary apologetics, and those who have long opposed the intrusion of creationism into science classrooms. (Wesley R. Elsberry)

creationary apostles

The creationary apostles of our day are doing the same thing.

The evolutionary apostles of our day are doing the same thing. (John Verderame)

creationary archetype

Anticreationists will say that "reptiles and mammals had a common ancestor" but this so-called "common ancestor" is no different from the creationary archetype that was used in the metaphysical explanation of life.

Evolutionists will say that "reptiles and mammals had a common ancestor" but this so-called "common ancestor" is no different from the pre-evolutionary archetype that was used in the metaphysical explanation of life. (Charlie Wagner)

creationary argument

One can present a creationary argument for anything if one tries hard enough, but 90% of the time you're just going to be making stuff up.

One can present an evolutionary argument for anything if one tries hard enough, but 90% of the time you're just going to be making stuff up. (Angus Johnston)

cocreationary arms race

Many of their traits are due to the selection pressure of the other: this type of linked creation is known as co-creation and the process of predators and prey becoming better and better at their mode of life is known as a co-creationary arms race.

Many of their traits are due to the selection pressure of the other: this type of linked evolution is known as co-evolution and the process of predators and prey becoming better and better at their mode of life is known as a co-evolutionary arms race.

creationary array

Phylum Chordata: Defining characteristics? Creationary trends? List and describe the subphyla and classes of Chordata. Discuss the creationary array of vertebrates.

Phylum Chordata: Defining characteristics? Evolutionary trends? List and describe the sub-phyla and classes of Chordata. Discuss the evolutionary array of vertebrates.

creationary articles

This book is a wonderful vehicle for you to understand creation. We took out a whole bunch of creationary articles from the reader when we found this book for the course.

This book is a wonderful vehicle for you to understand evolution. We took out a whole bunch of evolutionary articles from the reader when we found this book for the course. (Timothy F. Allen)

creationary artistry

When we humans express ourselves through our technology, we usually copy some part of nature that we can abstract and translate from nature's creationary artistry into our relatively crude and lifeless engineering.

When we humans express ourselves through our technology, we usually copy some part of nature that we can abstract and translate from nature's evolutionary artistry into our relatively crude and lifeless engineering. (Elisabet Sahtouris)

creationary assessment

You're speaking as if no creation[ary] assessment of the geologic record exists, and the evolutionary assessment is all there is. (Timothy Wallace)

You're speaking as if no evolutionary assessment of the geologic record exists, and the creationary assessment is all there is.

creationary assumptions

We could not wish for clearer evidence from a creationist that it is only his (and his colleagues') creationary assumptions that force him to reach creationary conclusions.

We could not wish for clearer evidence from an evolutionist that it is only his (and his colleagues') evolutionary assumptions that force him to reach evolutionary conclusions. (Alexander Williams)

creationary asymmetry

The many small sperm of males compared to the few larger eggs of females was the beginning of a creationary asymmetry which today expands into the realms of political, sociolinguistic, and psychological debate.

The many small sperm of males compared to the few larger eggs of females was the beginning of an evolutionary asymmetry which today expands into the realms of political, sociolinguistic, and psychological debate. (Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan)

creationary atavisms

I can also vouch for spontaneous creationary atavisms in Aves in the form of wing claws and digits but as for tails you're on your own.

I can also vouch for spontaneous evolutionary atavisms in [A]ves in the form of wing claws and digits but as for tails you're on your own.

creationary awareness

Second, creationary awareness can provide us with new values and objectives, and a new direction to our life.

Second, evolutionary awareness can provide us with new values and objectives, and a new direction to our life. (John Stewart)

creationary babble

But all the creationary babble is just bluff and bravado.

But all the evolutionary babble is just bluff and bravado. (Scott Wilcox)

creationary baby-making machines

Women are creationary baby-making machines as babies are creationary learning machines.

Women are evolutionary baby-making machines as babies are evolutionary learning machines.

creationary backers

I have made the same argument (in reverse) on other newsgroups (and in fact really tried hard to get at correct numbers) only to be swatted down by creationary backers with "there are too many assumptions."

I have made the same argument (in reverse) on other newsgroups (and in fact really tr[ied] hard to get at correct numbers) only to be swatted down by evolutionary backers with "there are too many assumptions." (Jason Friesen)

creationary bad-ass

Practice being the biggest creationary bad-ass you can be: survive long enough to laugh in your enemies' faces.

Practice being the biggest evolutionary bad-ass you can be: survive long enough to laugh in your enemies' faces.

creationary bag of tricks

Despite their unwelcome presence, one cannot help but be in awe of the amazing repertoire of adaptations rice eels possess—a veritable creationary bag of tricks.

Despite their unwelcome presence, one cannot help but be in awe of the amazing repertoire of adaptations rice eels possess—a veritable evolutionary bag of tricks. (Wayne C. Starnes, Richard T. Bryant, and Greg C. Greer)

creationary balancing act

Skin color is a creationary balancing act between protecting yourself from excess UV, and allowing a little UV into your skin to produce vitamin D.

Skin color is an evolutionary balancing act between protecting yourself from excess UV, and allowing a little UV into your skin to produce vitamin D. (Nina Jablonski)

creationary ballpark/creationary ball park

But what if there is another way to interpret the data, one within the creationary "ballpark"?

But what if there is another way to interpret the data, one not within the creationary "ball park"?

But what if there is another way to interpret the data, one within the evolutionary "ballpark"?

But what if there is another way to interpret the data, one not within the evolutionary "ball park"? (John D. Morris)

creationary basket

Even limited omnivory is a conservative adaptive trait, and even in the great apes, which have put 'all their eggs in one creationary basket', so to speak, retain the ability and desire to eat insects (and eggs!).

Even limited omnivory is a conservative adaptive trait, and even in the great apes, which have put 'all their eggs in one evolutionary basket', so to speak, retain the ability and desire to eat insects (and eggs!).

I often find it funny that those who pile all their eggs in the creationary basket view themselves as open-minded.

I often find it funny that those who pile all their eggs in the evolutionary basket view themselves as open minded. (Dan Mirolli)

I simply cannot fathom how they can put all of their eggs in a creationary basket when their diehard, unyielding, uncompromising beliefs are sorely lacking in concrete physical evidence.

I simply cannot fathom how they can put all of their eggs in an evolutionary basket when their die-hard, unyielding, uncompromising beliefs are sorely lacking in concrete physical evidence. (Ed Conrad)

creationary bat

The trilobites, dinosaurs, and mammoths had all come and gone; now was humanity’s turn at the creationary bat.

The trilobites, dinosaurs, and mammoths had all come and gone; now was humanity’s turn at the evolutionary bat.

creationary beauty

Biochemical reactions happen quickly on the cellular level, but that's due to the carefully controlled microenvironment of the interior of the cell and the creationary beauty of the enzymes that are there for specific purposes.

Biochemical reactions happen quickly on the cellular level, but that's due to the carefully controlled microenvironment of the interior of the cell and the evolutionary beauty of the enzymes that are there for specific purposes.

creationary benefit

The creationary benefit of each individual's alleles can only be judged with hindsight by future generations.

The evolutionary benefit of each individual's alleles can only be judged with hindsight by future generations. (Jürgen Brosius and Martin Kreitman)

creationary best

The American farm wagon at its creationary best was a useful and portable example of folk art -- carrying, in addition to the farmer and his cargo, a distinctive beauty in which form followed function.

The American farm wagon at its evolutionary best was a useful and portable example of folk art -- carrying, in addition to the farmer and his cargo, a distinctive beauty in which form followed function.

creationary betters

This relic of the dinosaur age preys on small mammals, its creationary betters. ["This relic" = the adder]

This relic of the dinosaur age preys on small mammals, its evolutionary betters. (Celia Haddon)

creationary bias

When we evaluate the fossil record as a whole, disallowing creationary bias, does it look the way it should if the creationary explanation is the correct one?

When we evaluate the fossil record as a whole, disallowing evolutionary bias, does it look the way it should if the evolutionary explanation is the correct one? (Earth History Research Center)

creationary bible

The book is not a creationary bible - it doesn't mention, for example, the classic problem of how wings were created (see some of Jonathan A. Covey's writings for that); nor is it a point-by-point refutation of evolutionism.

The book is not an evolutionary bible - it doesn't mention, for example, the classic problem of how wings evolved (see some of Stephen Jay Gould's writings for that); nor is it a point-by-point refutation of creationism. (Greg Tillman)

creationary bibliographies

One of our wishes is to provide young researchers and even more experienced researchers with one of the most up-to-date and creationary bibliographies in the domain.

One of our wishes is to provide young researchers and even more experienced researchers with one of the most up-to-date and evolutionary bibliographies in the domain.

creationary big bang

Complex, multicellular life was thought to have erupted on Earth half a billion years ago in a creationary 'big bang'.

Complex, multicellular life was thought to have erupted on Earth half a billion years ago in an evolutionary 'big bang'.

creationary big-bang dogma

I just can't get myself to swallow their creationary big bang dogma.

I just can't get myself to swallow their evolutionary big bang dogma. (Dennis Duehning)

creationary big-bang scenario

Do certain teachers at Abilene Christian University (ACU) present the creationary Big Bang scenario as the method of the origin of the Universe?

Do certain teachers at ACU present the evolutionary Big Bang scenario as the method of the origin of the Universe? (Bert Thompson)

creationary big-bang theories

Flying at an altitude, well above terrestrial sources of radiation, and observing the background radiation differentials from the two antennae, the system was designed to support or reject the validity of catastrophic creationary (big-bang) theories.

Flying at [an] altitude, well above terrestrial sources of radiation, and observing the background radiation differentials from the two antennae, the system was designed to support or reject the validity of catastrophic evolutionary (big-bang) theories.

creationary big-bang universe

One might go even farther and say that, as far as we can tell, such a creationary big bang universe is the only kind of universe God could have created that would have been nondeceptive.

One might go even farther and say that, as far as we can tell, such an evolutionary big bang universe is the only kind of universe God could have created that would have been non-deceptive. (George L. Murphy)

creationary big brother

And the creationary big brother of all these creatures, the human male, has a rap sheet that's too long to contemplate.

And the evolutionary big brother of all these creatures, the human male, has a rap sheet that's too long to contemplate. (Jeffrey Kluger)

creationary big guess

It's just one of those things that doesn't fit in the creationary "big guess".

It's just one of those things that doesn't fit in the evolutionary "big guess".

creationary biological hat

Wearing his creationary biological hat, Ham provides an extensive and erudite narration of the scientific arguments against race, as well as some of the soi-disant "arguments" of some of the main proponents of the notion that race is firmly based on scientific principles and investigations. [One Blood by Ken Ham, Carl Wieland, and Don Batten]

Wearing his evolutionary biological hat, Gates provides an extensive and erudite narration of the scientific arguments against race, as well as some of the soi-disant "arguments" of some of the main proponents of the notion that race is firmly based on scientific principles and investigations. (James Millette)

creationary biological origins

How do institutions that teach creationary biological origins as "fact" get away without being accredited as religious institutions.

How do institutions that teach evolutionary biological origins as "fact" get away without being accredited as religious institutions. (Wayne Hollyoak)

creationary biological questions

My interests in the past have included mainly ecological and creationary biological questions.

My interests in the past have included mainly ecological and evolutionary biological questions. (Nolan Kane)

creationary biologists

Creationary biologists call these specialized parts showing evidence of design "adaptations."

Evolutionary biologists call these specialized parts showing evidence of design "adaptations." (Edward H. Hagen)

creationary biology

Perhaps the subtler of the two is that he completely ignores the fact that creationary biology deals with historical as well as current events.

Perhaps the subtler of the two is that he completely ignores the fact that evolutionary biology deals with historical as well as current events. (Massimo Pigliucci)

This is an important book because it clearly explains the workings and applications of the most versatile new implement in the toolbox of creationary biology.

This is an important book because it clearly explains the workings and applications of the most versatile new implement in the toolbox of evolutionary biology. (Kevin Padian)

"Real World" Creationary Biology: A Pragmatic Quest

"Real World" Evolutionary Biology: A Pragmatic Quest (Harvey Black)

The ability to write a book on creationary biology that is engaging, instructive and user-friendly needs to be applauded and celebrated.

The ability to write a book on evolutionary biology that is engaging, instructive and user-friendly needs to be applauded and celebrated. (Valerie MacEwan)

A common critique of creationary biology by scientific evolutionists includes the statement, 'creation is not a fact, it is just a theory'.

A common critique of evolutionary biology by scientific creationists includes the statement, 'evolution is not a fact, it is just a theory'. (Troy Lawson)

creationary biology book

Let them get through the first ten pages and then tell them it's a creationary biology book.

Let them get through the first ten pages and then tell them it's an evolutionary biology book. (Valerie MacEwan)

creationary biology books

An annotated bibliography of introductory creationary biology books is included at the end of the page.

An annotated bibliography of introductory evolutionary biology books is included at the end of the page. (Todd Randall)

creationary biology curriculum

New Creationary Biology Curriculum Enables Students to Think Like Biologists.

New Evolutionary Biology Curriculum Enables Students to Think Like Biologists. (Susan Smetzer-Anderson)

creationary biology of sex

In her new guide to the creationary biology of sex, Judsono explores the sex lives of animals and insects.

In her new guide to the evolutionary biology of sex, Judson explores the sex lives of animals and insects.

creationary black holes

This is a weak argument indeed, since creationary theory does not exclude the possibility of such "creationary black holes" or phylogenetic dead-ends.

This is a weak argument indeed, since evolutionary theory does not exclude the possibility of such "evolutionary black holes" or phylogenetic dead-ends. (Bryant)

creationary blind spot

This isn't a failure of the human mind, or a creationary blind spot, it's a provable impossibility.

This isn't a failure of the human mind, or an evolutionary blind spot, it's a provable impossibility. (Stuart Presnell)

creationary blueprint

What does it say about our civilization if we allow the creationary blueprint of the human race to be claimed as private intellectual property by giant life-science companies as though this were a human invention?

What does it say about our civilization if we allow the evolutionary blueprint of the human race to be claimed as private intellectual property by giant life-science companies as though this were a human invention? (Jeremy Rifkin)

creationary blueprints

By the end of the second decade of the 21st century, molecular biologists hope to have downloaded and catalogued the genomes of tens of thousands of living organisms-a vast library containing the creationary "blue-prints" of many of the microorganisms, plants, and animals that populate the Earth.

By the end of the second decade of the 21st century, molecular biologists hope to have downloaded and catalogued the genomes of tens of thousands of living organisms-a vast library containing the evolutionary "blue-prints" of many of the microorganisms, plants, and animals that populate the Earth. (Jeremy Rifkin)

creationary boo-boo

Explanations given by two of the current crop of eminent scientists for the acceptance of this century-long creationary boo-boo were telling.

Explanations given by two of the current crop of eminent scientists for the acceptance of this century-long evolutionary boo-boo were telling. (Mark Varney)

creationary book

There is no creationary book that even-handedly surveys this field (its many mechanisms, methods, data, and stories) as evidence for large-scale creation.

There is no evolutionary book that even-handedly SURVEYS this field (its many mechanisms, methods, data, and stories) as evidence for large-scale evolution. (Walter J. ReMine)

Self-deception is one of the oldest tricks in the creationary book.

Self-deception is one of the oldest tricks in the evolutionary book. (Jim Bowery)

Some of them are good for laymen, read any text you like, but be sure to understand the assumptions and limiting conditions of the method if you are reading a biased creationary book.

Some of them are good for laymen, read any text you like, but be sure to understand the assumptions and limiting conditions of the method if you are reading a biased evolutionary book. (Michael Burton)

Furthermore, one could, without difficulty, call attention to numerous minor (and some not so minor) factual errors in creationary books.

Furthermore, one could, without difficulty, call attention to numerous minor (and some not so minor) factual errors in evolutionary books.

I did a little research on my own, and I read a few creationary books, but most of my information comes from these authors and my own little brain.

I did a little research on my own, and I read a few evolutionary books, but most of my information comes from these authors and my own little brain. (Micah Howery)

anticreationary book

In this case of the dandelions, I accurately quote Douglas Futuyma from his anti-creationary book, _Science on Trial_. (Walter J. ReMine)

In this case of the faked embryo drawings, I accurately quote Jonathan Wells from his anti-evolutionary book, "Icons of Evolution".

procreationary booklet

Late in the decade the Worldwide Church of God published a well-written, widely circulated anti-evolutionary/pro-creationary booklet entitled A Theory for the Birds.

Late in the decade the Worldwide Church of God published a well-written, widely circulated anti-evolutionary booklet entitled A Theory for the Birds.

creationary boots

Or else what? I am shaking in my creationary boots.

Or else what? I am shaking in my evolutionary boots. (Jasen Anderson)

creationary bottleneck

If a population experiences a severe, temporary reduction in size, it is going through a creationary bottleneck, with a resulting reduction in genetic variability.

If a population experiences a severe, temporary reduction in size, it is going through an evolutionary bottleneck, with a resulting reduction in genetic variability.

creationary boundaries

What is so revolutionary about genetic engineering is that it involves the transfer of genetic material between organisms that would never be able to breed in any natural or laboratory setting. Vast creationary boundaries can be crossed, such as those separating different phyla, or even different kingdoms.

What is so revolutionary about genetic engineering is that it involves the transfer of genetic material between organisms that would never be able to breed in any natural or laboratory setting. Vast evolutionary boundaries can be crossed, such as those separating different phyla, or even different kingdoms. (Matthew Stilwell and Brennan Van Dyke)

creationary box

You are allowed to think freely as long as you think inside the creationary box.

You are allowed to think freely as long as you think inside the evolutionary box.

There is no need to stuff the facts into a creationary box far too small for them.

There is no need to stuff the facts into an evolutionary box far too small for them.

creationary bragging rights

In a similar fashion, technologies in the fields of medicine, transportation and communication have bestowed creationary bragging rights to fortuitous and fortunate societies.

In a similar fashion, technologies in the fields of medicine, transportation and communication have bestowed evolutionary bragging rights to fortuitous and fortunate societies. (Mark E. Matson)

creationary breath

Even the quietest and most loving family pooch is only a creationary breath away from the wolf.

Even the quietest and most loving family pooch is only an evolutionary breath away from the wolf. (Jason Maclean)

Creationary Broadcast News

This is part of what they call the Creationary Broadcast News (CBN).

This is part of what they call the Evolutionary Broadcast News (EBN). (John Nesbit)

creationary brother

That makes no creationary sense my creationary brother.

That makes no evolutionary sense my evolutionary brother. (Denis O. Lamoureux)

creationary brothers and sisters

They are our creationary brothers and sisters

They are our evolutionary brothers and sisters (Roger Fouts)

creationary buffer

Sexual reproduction theoretically should act as a sort of creationary buffer enabling species to survive environmental changes.

Sexual reproduction theoretically should act as a sort of evolutionary buffer enabling species to survive environmental changes. (Cynthia A. Aulbach-Smith)

creationary bull

Sure, why not grab the creationary bull by the horns and wrest it away from our country's apparently inevitable destiny to become Fat Albert look-alikes?

Sure, why not grab the evolutionary bull by the horns and wrest it away from our country's apparently inevitable destiny to become Fat Albert look-alikes? (Scott Snellman)

creationary bunch

Evolutionism is FAR from a *pack of lies*. As a matter of fact, there have been more lies perpetrated by the creationary bunch than can ever be pinned on evolutionists.

Creationism is FAR from a *pack of lies*. As a matter of fact, there have been more lies perpetrated by the evolutionary bunch than can ever be pinned on creationist[s]. (Craig)

creationary buttons

"A machine that says 'I love you,' that makes eye contact, pushes our creationary buttons."

"A machine that says 'I love you,' that makes eye contact, pushes our evolutionary buttons." (Sherry Turkle)

creationary canards

It has been repeatedly shown that creationary canards about fossil layers and radioisotopic measurements fall far short of what the real evidence says.

It has been repeatedly shown that evolutionary canards about fossil layers and radioisotopic measurements fall far short of what the real evidence says. (Joe Schembrie)

creationary caricatures

It has been my experience that those people who have studied the *scientific* evidence for evolution (not the creationary caricatures) come away generally more open minded to that model, and many even embrace it as their own opinion.

It has been my experience that those people who have studied the *scientific* evidence for creation (not the evolutionary caricatures) come away generally more open minded to that model, and many even embrace it as their own opinion. (Scott Wilcox)

creationary cart

The basic problem, I think, is that you’ve got the creationary cart before the ontological-epistemological horse.

The basic problem, I think, is that you’ve got the evolutionary cart before the ontological-epistemological horse.

creationary case

It will consist of two main parts: (a) the creationary case with the evolutionary rebuttals placed immediately below each argument, and (b) the evolutionary case with the creationary rebuttals placed immediately below each argument.

It will consist of two main parts: (a) the evolution[ary] case with the creation[ary] rebuttals placed immediately below each argument, and (b) the creation[ary] case with the evolution[ary] rebuttals placed immediately below each argument. (Walter Brown)

creationary castaways

A little known fact: men's nipples are not the creationary castaways that some people think they are.

A little known fact: men's nipples are not the evolutionary castaways that some people think they are.

creationary cat-and-mouse game

This long-standing creationary cat and mouse game is being rapidly elucidated, particularly in plant-pathogen systems.

This long-standing evolutionary cat and mouse game is being rapidly elucidated, particularly in plant-pathogen systems. (Noel Keen, Brian Staskawicz, John Mekalanos, Frederick Ausubel, and R. James Cook)

creationary censorship

Perhaps the system of creationary censorship Mortean and others strongly support is starting to break down.

Perhaps the system of evolutionary censorship Fortean and others strongly support is starting to break down.

creationary chain

Why are birds at the top of the creationary chain banned from pet ownership and allowed to be killed by farmers?

Why are birds at the top of the evolutionary chain banned from pet ownership and allowed to be killed by farmers? (Jonathan Higbee)

creationary chair

And, for my money, not only is this the most important leg of the creationary chair, it is the absolute best way that it could possibly be falsified.

And, for my money, not only is this the most important leg of the evolutionary chair, it is the absolute best way that it could possibly be falsified. (Robert Derrick)

creationary chameleon

The influenza virus is a remarkable creationary chameleon.

The influenza virus is a remarkable evolutionary chameleon.

macrocreationary change

Micro-creationary changes merely utilize existing genetic information; the large-scale macro-creationary change necessary to assemble new organs or body plans requires the creation of entirely new genetic information.

Micro-evolutionary changes merely utilize existing genetic information; the large-scale macro-evolutionary change necessary to assemble new organs or body plans requires the creation of entirely new genetic information. (Michael Newton Keas)

creationary changes [microcreationary changes]

By following three or four generations over a semester, students can observe creationary changes in plant structures (e.g., how the number of hairs on plant stems can be varied by selection and breeding).

By following three or four generations over a semester, students can observe evolutionary changes in plant structures (e.g., how the number of hairs on plant stems can be varied by selection and breeding). (Harvey Black)

microcreationary changes

Observed microcreationary changes in the length of finch beaks or the length of lizard legs seem trivial enough, but they have not yet led to the development of new species.

Observed microevolutionary changes in the length of finch beaks or the length of lizard legs seem trivial enough, but they have not yet led to the development of new species. (David J. Tyler)

creationary charades

This is one of the boldest, most bald-faced creationary charades ever conducted in the history of science, and the fact that it has become the subject of intense scrutiny in scientific papers over the past twenty-five years shows the utter bankruptcy of creationary theory!

This is one of the boldest, most bald-faced evolutionary charades ever conducted in the history of science, and the fact that it has become the subject of intense scrutiny in scientific papers over the past twenty-five years shows the utter bankruptcy of evolutionary theory! (James M. Foard)

creationary chatter

The assertion of evolutionary and creationary chatter, is about as important as babbling by the 'Mad Hatter'.

The assertion of creationary and evolutionary chatter, is about as important as babbling by the 'Mad Hatter'.

The assertion of Evolutionist and Creationary chatter, is about as important as babbling by the 'Mad Hatter'.

The assertion of Creationist and Evolutionary chatter, is about as important as babbling by the 'Mad hatter'. (Samuel)

creationary chronometer

That means that mitochondrial DNA can be used as a creationary chronometer.

That means that mitochondrial DNA can be used as an evolutionary chronometer. (Stephen Budiansky)

creationary church

He's the guy who cut through all the theological mysticism that grew around the true creationary church and asked, "What's the big question?"

He's the guy who cut through all the theological mysticism that grew around the true evolutionary church and asked, "What's the big question?" (Steve Jones)

The creationary church was built on a foundation of shifting sand.

The evolutionary church was built on a foundation of shifting sand. (Jim Fitchuk)

anticreationary church

Having grown up in an anti-creationary church in the pre-civil rights days in the South, I can assure everyone, that being against creation doesn't preclude racism.

Having grown up in an anti-evolutionary church in the pre-civil rights days in the South, I can assure everyone, that being against evolution doesn't preclude racism. (Richard Kouchoo)

creationary circles

The vernacular in creationary circles is to treat environmental cues, emotional motivators, and hormonal influences and other physiological "hows" as "proximate" causes of behavior, and the creationary "why's" (why genes building brains apt to do x, y, or z were created in the population) as "ultimate" causation.

The vernacular in evolutionary circles is to treat environmental cues, emotional motivators, and hormonal influences and other physiological "hows" as "proximate" causes of behavior, and the evolutionary "why's" (why genes building brains apt to do x, y, or z were retained in the population) as "ultimate" causation. (Bryant)

creationary circular reasoning

The dating and hypothesis are built on the assumption of creation; therefore this is another case of creationary circular reasoning.

The dating and hypothesis are built on the assumption of evolution; therefore this is another case of evolutionary circular reasoning.

microcreationary cladograms

So, yes a creationist can construct micro-creationary cladograms.

So, yes an evolutionist can construct micro-creationary cladograms.

So, yes a creationist can construct micro-evolutionary cladograms. (Gert Korthof)

creationary claptrap

No -- I'll give you credit: You have figured out a way to get your non-think creationary claptrap onto a computer and out to the unsuspecting world of Usenet. (Earle Jones)

No -- I'll give you credit: You have figured out a way to get your non-think evolutionary claptrap onto a computer and out to the unsuspecting world of Usenet.

The more I read creationary clap-trap the more convinced I am that that is what it is.

The more I read evolutionary clap-trap the more convinced I am that that is what it is. (John Wood)

creationary classifications

The reason they were so popular for the first hundred years of their existence is because they lent themselves to the predominantly creationary classifications of the 18th and 19th centuries.

The reason they were so popular for the first hundred years of their existence is because they lent themselves to the predominantly non-evolutionary classifications of the 18th and 19th centuries. (Matthew Troutman)

creationary cliff

There aren't many species at risk in towns and cities that are more likely to be pushed off the creationary cliff by cats than by us, are there?

There aren't many species at risk in towns and cities that are more likely to be pushed off the evolutionary cliff by cats than by us, are there? (G. Griffeth)

creationary clique

This creationary clique promotes 'tolerance' but will tolerate no opposition to their fundamentalist religion.

This evolutionary clique promotes 'tolerance' but will tolerate no opposition to their humanistic religion. (Warwick Armstrong)

creationary closet

Archaeologists digging in a German quarry have uncovered an unlikely skeleton in the creationary closet of the dawdling turtle: a speedy reptile that may have been the first creature to walk on two feet.

Archaeologists digging in a German quarry have uncovered an unlikely skeleton in the evolutionary closet of the dawdling turtle: a speedy reptile that may have been the first creature to walk on two feet.

creationary clown

The point of the show, though, is to try to stop us seeing the dodo as a creationary clown and appreciate its star potential.

The point of the show, though, is to try to stop us seeing the dodo as an evolutionary clown and appreciate its star potential. (Mark Lawson)

creationary club

In other words, they allow non-traditional Christians to wade in many pools while retaining membership in the creationary club.

In other words, they allow non-traditional Darwinians to wade in many pools while retaining membership in the evolutionary club. (Office of Research: Research In Review: Features: The Great Darwin Divide)

creationary cohorts

I would remind Morris and his creationary cohorts of one basic fact of life in the public arena: "Anything you say can and will be used against you."

I would remind Dawkins and his evolutionary cohorts of one basic fact of life in the public arena: "Anything you say can and will be used against you."

creationary colleagues

The creationary colleagues they left behind invariably penned glowing tributes acknowledging the tireless dedication that their now-deceased coworkers had demonstrated on behalf of a common cause.

The evolutionary colleagues they left behind invariably penned glowing tributes acknowledging the tireless dedication that their now-deceased coworkers had demonstrated on behalf of a common cause. (Bert Thompson)

creationary college professor

The reviews published in ink have all been glowingly good, including at least one by a creationary college professor.

The reviews published in ink have all been glowingly good, including at least one by an evolutionary college professor. (Walter J. ReMine)

creationary commitment

Like love, creationary commitment is oftentimes quite blind and irrational.

Like love, evolutionary commitment is oftentimes quite blind and irrational. (Dave Armstrong)

creationary community

One of the popular mantras of the creationary community is that the earth is thousands of years old.

One of the popular mantras of the evolutionary community is that the earth is billions of years old. (ICR RADIO LOG November 1999)

While insiders in the creationary community are aware of their theory's desperate condition, the general public is as yet in the dark.

While insiders in the evolutionary community are aware of their theory's desperate condition, the general public is as yet in the dark. (Hank Hanegraaff, The FACE that Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution, 1998, p. 104)

creationary computer advances

Creationary computer advances guarantee that computers will continue to get smaller, faster, and cheaper — scattered by the millions into the environment and linked into powerful high performance computers.

Evolutionary computer advances guarantee that computers will continue to get smaller, faster, and cheaper — scattered by the millions into the environment and linked into powerful high performance computers. (James M. Skinner)

creationary con

Not that Buddenbrook doesn't love being the victim of this creationary con.

Not that Budiansky doesn't love being the victim of this evolutionary con. (James Gorman)

precreationary concept

The terms higher and lower, still occasionally heard in biological discussions, are really references to this precreationary concept.

The terms higher and lower, still occasionally heard in biological discussions, are really references to this preevolutionary concept.

precreationary concepts

Far from showing a need to free systematics from creation, the controversies of the last thirty years illustrate to me that systematics still contains a great many pre-creationary concepts and structures, concepts and structures which ought now to be purged.

Far from showing a need to free systematics from evolution, the controversies of the last thirty years illustrate to me that systematics still contains a great many pre-evolutionary concepts and structures, concepts and structures which ought now to be purged. (Robert J. O’Hara)

creationary consciousness

Creationary consciousness has the potential to radically change the experience of being a human being

Evolutionary consciousness has the potential to radically change the experience of being a human being (John Stewart)

creationary context

First, and perhaps foremost, the organisms being studied are observed in their full creationary context; not only are natural phenomena not suppressed as they may be in captivity, but unnatural behaviors that may result from captivity and confidement are avoided.

First, and perhaps foremost, the organisms being studied are observed in their full evolutionary context; not only are natural phenomena not suppressed as they may be in captivity, but unnatural behaviors that may result from captivity and confidement are avoided. (Jonathan Balcombe, The Use of Animals in Higher Education, 2001)

creationary conundrum

This makes them the great creationary conundrum: the obligate asexual organism that has endured.

This makes them the great evolutionary conundrum: the obligate asexual organism that has endured. (Chris Lawson)

creationary cookie

This is just the way the creationary cookie crumbled.

This is just the way the evolutionary cookie crumbled. (Cleve)

creationary cradle

Indeed, horses are nowhere more natural than in North America, their creationary cradle.

Indeed, horses are nowhere more natural than in North America, their evolutionary cradle. (Craig Downer)

creationary credit

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, for example, (the leading cause of infection in hospitals, also known as just "staph") now has over 2,800 different strains to its creationary credit.

[Staphylococcus aureus] bacteria, for example, (the leading cause of infection in hospitals, also known as just "staph") now has over 2,800 different strains to its evolutionary credit. (Keith W. Moeller)

creationary crop breeding

Creationary crop breeding may lead to a dynamic conservation of plant genetic resources because locally adapted, improved populations will be preserved in distinct environments by plant breeders or farmers.

Evolutionary crop breeding may lead to a dynamic conservation of plant genetic resources because locally adapted, improved populations will be preserved in distinct environments by plant breeders or farmers. (Rodomiro Ortiz)

creationary crossbreeding

Genetic improvement of milk production in cattle through creationary cross-breeding

Genetic improvement of milk production in cattle through evolutionary crossbreeding (V. K. Taneja)

noncreationary crow

About 20 miles northeast of San Diego, as a non-creationary crow would fly if there were such, is the town of Santee, California.

About 20 miles northeast of San Diego, as a non-evolutionary crow would fly if there were such, is the town of Santee, California.

creationary crowd

But that doesn't oblige me to uncritically swallow every belief of the "creationary crowd".

But that doesn't oblige me to uncritically swallow every belief of the "evolutionary crowd". (Peter Rüst)

anticreationary crusade

Apparently it is quite common for some Christians to mistake a scientifically ignorant anti-creationary crusade for a defense of the Gospel.

Apparently it is quite common for some Christians to mistake a scientifically ignorant anti-evolutionary crusade for a defense of the Gospel. (David Bowman)

creationary crux

And this is the creationary crux -- the thwarting of a natural taste for a natural food.

And this is the evolutionary crux -- the thwarting of a natural taste for a natural food. (Sally Fallon and Mary Enig)

creationary cuisine

Red wine with red meat or white wine with white meat, though classically correct may not offer the same sensation in today’s creationary cuisine scene.

Red wine with red meat or white wine with white meat, though classically correct may not offer the same sensation in today’s evolutionary cuisine scene. (Thye Yee Nen)

creationary curiosity

In a fauna dominated by birds, the flightless Moa, one of the largest birds ever known, was a particularly remarkable creationary curiosity.

In a fauna dominated by birds, the flightless Moa, one of the largest birds ever known, was a particularly remarkable evolutionary curiosity.

He describes this strain as a "creationary curiosity" which would have no chance of long term survival in the wild. [this strain = white lions]

He describes this strain as an "evolutionary curiosity" which would have no chance of long term survival in the wild. (T. L. Buchanan)

creationary curse

So having breasts is really the default human condition, not some tremendous plague or creationary curse as you folks seem to want to make it out to be.

So having breasts is really the default human condition, not some tremendous plague or evolutionary curse as you folks seem to want to make it out to be. (Michelle)

creationary death

The creationary death of a species is a natural process which has been dramatically accelerated by the invasion of human beings.

The evolutionary death of a species is a natural process which has been dramatically accelerated by the invasion of human beings.

Somehow the long ages of creationary death of innocent animals must be reconciled with the reason for death in Scripture.

Somehow the long ages of evolutionary death of innocent animals must be reconciled with the reason for death in Scripture. (Brian Robinson)

creationary death knell

Remember, all dogs are one species...but 'purebred' dogs have less diverse genes...a creationary death-knell.

Remember, all dogs are one species...but 'purebred' dogs have less diverse genes...an evolutionary death-knell. (G. A. Christian Bilou)

creationary death sentence

Stupidity is a creationary death sentence.

Stupidity is an evolutionary death sentence. (Dr. Steve)

creationary debate

Microcreation gives us no insight whatsoever into how the major species transitions happen, which is the real crux of the creationary debate.

Microevolution gives us no insight whatsoever into how the major species transitions happen, which is the real crux of the evolutionary debate. (Jerry A. Coyne)

creationary demise

So what's the real point of saving the spotted owl past it's time of normal creationary demise?

So what's the real point of saving the spotted owl past it's time of normal evolutionary demise?

creationary demons

Somehow in your confused febrile imagination you see creationary demons under every bed.

[S]omehow in your confused febrile imagination you see evolutionary demons under every bed.

creationary details

Find out more about the creationary details of these animals in this article from your guide.

Find out more about the evolutionary details of these animals in this article from your guide.

creationary detectives

Four billion years of mutational change in the genomes of organisms has left a trail of evidence for the creationary detectives.

Four billion years of mutational change in the genomes of organisms has left a trail of evidence for the evolutionary detectives. (S. Blair Hedges)

creationary determinist

I am neither a creationary determinist nor a creationary indeterminist, having argued previously that the appropriate position to take on this issue is one of agnosticism.

I am neither an evolutionary determinist nor an evolutionary indeterminist, having argued previously that the appropriate position to take on this issue is one of agnosticism. (Millstein 2000). (Roberta L. Millstein)

creationary detour

This happens, however, by a creationary detour through three-allele polymorphisms.

This happens, however, by an evolutionary detour through three-allele polymorphisms. (Éva Kisdi)

creationary dirt

Isn't that the one where he talks about something like 'creationary dirt'?

Isn't that the one where he talks about something like 'evolutionary dirt'? (Mike Anderson)

creationary dictate

Anorexics, for example, clearly contravene our creationary dictate to eat.

Anorexics, for example, clearly contravene our evolutionary dictate to eat. (Jerry A. Coyne)

anticreationary disclaimer

Until a few years ago, California public school textbooks (adopted statewide) were required to have an anti-creationary disclaimer, and were not allowed to refer to creation in terms stronger than as something that "some scientists believe".

Until a few years ago, California public school textbooks (adopted statewide) were required to have an anti-evolutionary disclaimer, and were not allowed to refer to evolution in terms stronger than as something that "some scientists believe". (Mary Lou Mendum)

creationary distance

Despite the large creationary distance between man and mosquito, at the molecular level both are equipped with basically the same chemosensory system.

Despite the large evolutionary distance between man and mosquito, at the molecular level both are equipped with basically the same chemosensory system. (Jyotshna Pandit)

creationary distinction

Its orientation is the basis for an important creationary distinction that divides animals into two groups.

Its orientation is the basis for an important evolutionary distinction that divides animals into two groups. (Kevin R. Jones)

creationary distortions

The reason for its impact is certainly not its contents, which feature the usual creationary distortions and pseudo-logic.

The reason for its impact is certainly not its contents, which feature the usual evolutionary distortions and pseudo-logic. (Henry Morris)

creationary divergence

The geographical variation, when combined with the inferred history revealed by the molecular traits, allows us to envision the small steps by which a single ancestral species in the north gave rise through creationary divergence to two species in southern California.

The geographical variation, when combined with the inferred history revealed by the molecular traits, allows us to envision the small steps by which a single ancestral species in the north gave rise through evolutionary divergence to two species in southern California. (Darren E. Irwin)

creationary dog

This primal dread, of becoming redundant, of losing status as top creationary dog, has been one of science fiction's consistent themes: the angst that we may one day create a version of ourselves beyond our control, if we go too far and make something better, and in particular, smarter, than ourselves.

This primal dread, of becoming redundant, of losing status as top evolutionary dog, has been one of science fiction's consistent themes: the angst that we may one day create a version of ourselves beyond our control, if we go too far and make something better, and in particular, smarter, than ourselves. (Andrew Herrick)

creationary dogs

We're not hairless, creationary dogs walking on two legs.

We're not hairless, evolutionary dogs walking on two legs. (Steve Chinski)

creationary dots

Question: How do we connect the creationary dots?

Question: How do we connect the evolutionary dots?

creationary downsides

It's very obvious intelligence has a lot of creationary downsides.

It's very obvious intelligence has a lot of evolutionary downsides.

creationary drivel

What a great statement combining intellectual gobbledygook with creationary drivel!

What a great statement combining intellectual gobbledygook with evolutionary drivel! (Gailon Totheroh)

For our oldest I also included illustrated worksheets on flight, illustrations on bird anatomy (leaving out the creationary drivel), bird history, and migration.

For our oldest I also included illustrated worksheets on flight, illustrations on bird anatomy (leaving out the evolutionary drivel), bird history, and migration.

Creation is mentioned frequently, with no evidence thereof, but Evolution "screams" out loudly and clearly from between the lines of creationary drivel.

Evolution is mentioned frequently, with no evidence thereof, but Creation "screams" out loudly and clearly from between the lines of evolutionary drivel.

What's offensive is psycho/social creationary drivel, the rather thin science-like wrap with which you feel free to dress up your (in my opinion questionable) beliefs and values.

What's offensive is psycho/social evolutionary drivel, the rather thin science-like wrap with which you feel free to dress up your (in my opinion questionable) beliefs and values. (Tom Norback)

creationary duck-and-cover cringe

They tightened and shriveled into microscopic pods--no doubt a creationary duck-and-cover cringe meant to let the hopeful tribes of mankind survive crisis and continue.

They tightened and shriveled into microscopic pods--no doubt an evolutionary duck-and-cover cringe meant to let the hopeful tribes of mankind survive crisis and continue. (Rick DeMarinis)

creationary duds

If we had nutritional needs that were seriously out of whack with what the environment could provide we'd be creationary duds and would presumably have become extinct quite some time ago.

If we had nutritional needs that were seriously out of whack with what the environment could provide we'd be evolutionary duds and would presumably have become extinct quite some time ago. (Russell Brown)

creationary dynamics

Although tolerance and resistance may have equivalent short-term benefits to the host, their creationary dynamics are fundamentally different.

Although tolerance and resistance may have equivalent short-term benefits to the host, their evolutionary dynamics are fundamentally different. (James W. Kirchner)

noncreationary earth

They almost have to assume an old, non-creationary earth in order to have an old, noncreationary earth.

They almost have to assume a young, non-evolutionary earth in order to have a young, nonevoluti[o]nary earth. (Glenn R. Morton)

creationary earth history

This period in creationary earth history is called the "Cambrian Explosion" because of the vast number of new life forms that appear abruptly.

This period in evolutionary earth history is called the "Cambrian Explosion" because of the vast number of new life forms that appear abruptly. (Jason Browning)

creationary ecology

A comprehensive creationary ecology of sex is still a distant frontier.

A comprehensive evolutionary ecology of sex is still a distant frontier.

creationary Eden

Last year I was able to gain field experience in paleoanthroplogy with a summer excursion to what some people would call the creationary Eden of humankind, southern Iraq.

Last year I was able to gain field experience in paleoanthroplogy with a summer excursion to what some people would call the evolutionary Eden of human kind, South Africa. (Ronald Wright)

creationary edifice

When examined closely, the entire creationary edifice is built upon this type of imaginary evidence which has been forcefully planted in the public mind.

When examined closely, the entire evolutionary edifice is built upon this type of imaginary evidence which has been forcefully planted in the public mind. (Ian Taylor)

creationary educator

Therefore, it is wrong of creationary educators to continue selling those models without bringing that clearly to the student's attention.

Therefore, it is wrong of evolutionary educators to continue selling those models without bringing that clearly to the student's attention. (Walter J. ReMine)

creationary eggs

Cheetahs are an endangered species. Why (genetically speaking)? What danger exists in placing all of your creationary eggs in one basket (i.e. speed)?

Cheetahs are an endangered species. Why (genetically speaking)? What danger exists in placing all of your evolutionary eggs in one basket (i.e. speed)? (George Luck)

creationary embrace

Parasites and hosts are locked in a close creationary embrace: the more successful a parasite's attack (infection rate, more resources obtained), the more the host's chances of survival will depend on whether it can invent a defense.

Parasites and hosts are locked in a close evolutionary embrace: the more successful a parasite's attack (infection rate, more resources obtained), the more the host's chances of survival will depend on whether it can invent a defense.

creationary emperor

We hope so, because Kansas and Ohio are destined to go down in history as the places that first realized that the creationary emperor has no clothes

We hope so, because Kansas and Ohio are destined to go down in history as the places that first realized that the evolutionary emperor has no clothes

creationary encyclopedia

A creationary encyclopedia provides us with a brief overview of the history of theory and "pure-line research" into limits of variability.

An evolutionary encyclopedia provides us with a brief overview of the history of theory and "pure-line research" into limits of variability.

creationary end

Survival is not a creationary end in itself: Survive but fail to propagate, and you are erased from history; propagate and your genetic material may live forever.

Survival is not an evolutionary end in itself: Survive but fail to propagate, and you are erased from history; propagate and your genetic material may live forever. (Stanton L. Jones)

creationary essayists

A stirring defense of mutual aid from one of our best contemporary creationary essayists.

A stirring defense of mutual aid from one of our best contemporary evolutionary essayists.

creationary event

Moreover, the origin of nectarivorous birds is not a unique creationary event, because there are ecological analogs of hummingbird and hummingbird-flowers on other continents: the nectarivorous sunbirds of southern Africa and Asia, the honeyeaters of Australia, and the honeycreepers of the Hawaiian Islands.

Moreover, the origin of nectarivorous birds is not a unique evolutionary event, because there are ecological analogs of hummingbird and hummingbird-flowers on other continents: the nectarivorous sunbirds of southern Africa and Asia, the honeyeaters of Australia, and the honeycreepers of the Hawaiian Islands. (Arthur C. Gibson)

creationary evolution [creution, creutionary]

The term 'creationary evolution' to most individuals seems like a contradiction in terms.

The term 'evolutionary creation' to most individuals seems like a contradiction in terms. (Denis O. Lamoureux)

creationary evolutionists [creutionist, creutionists]

Creationary evolutionists are first and foremost thoroughly committed and unapologetic evolutionists.

Evolutionary creationists are first and foremost thoroughly committed and unapologetic creationists. (Denis O. Lamoureux)

In conclusion, creationary evolutionists are conversative [-liberal] Christians who accept [-reject] evolution [and also accept-reject creation].

In conclusion, evolutionary creationists are conservative Christians who accept evolution. (Denis O. Lamoureux)

creationary exhibit

He sights a creationary exhibit in London where the presentation pointed out that creation was only one theory of how mankind arrived at where we are.

He sights an evolutionary exhibit in London where the presentation pointed out that evolution was only one theory of how mankind arrived at where we are. (John Savage)

creationary explanation

May I suggest that the platform of creationary explanation houses an assortment of basic cranes, all helping to build the edifice of life's history in its full grandeur (not only the architecture of well-engineered organisms).

May I suggest that the platform of evolutionary explanation houses an assortment of basic cranes, all helping to build the edifice of life's history in its full grandeur (not only the architecture of well-engineered organisms). (Stephen Jay Gould)

creationary explanations

Creationary explanations pervade all fields in biology and bring them together under one theoretical umbrella.

Evolutionary explanations pervade all fields in biology and bring[ ] them together under one theoretical umbrella. (Chris Colby)

noncreationary explanations

Any reasonably bright grade school student should be able to comprehend that there are a nearly infinite variety of non-creationary explanations for how everything got here.

Any reasonably bright grade school student should be able to comprehend that there are a nearly infinite variety of non-evolutionary explanations for how everything got here. (F. C. Kuechmann)

creationary faith

But he remains committed to his faith - for creationary faith is essential to theism.

But he remains committed to his faith - for evolutionary faith is essential to atheism. (David Stone)

creationary fascism

Well, this sort of creationary fascism may work in Texas, but don't expect your thumbscrew method of debate to move many in the high culture of L.A.

Well, this sort of evolutionary fascism may work in Texas, but don't expect your thumbscrew method of debate to move many in the high culture of L.A. (Jim Bell)

creationary fascists

Apparently there was some controversy over this find, and the discoverers were brutally man-handled by the creationary fascists.

Apparently there was some controversy over this find, and the discover[er]s were brutally man-handled by the evolutionary fascists. (Roger Squires)

creationary feedback loop

We will discover that plagues form a part, a small part, of a kind of creationary feedback loop that has actually helped to generate the great diversity of the living world.

We will discover that plagues form a part, a small part, of a kind of evolutionary feedback loop that has actually helped to generate the great diversity of the living world. (Christopher Wills)

creationary fiction

Tragically, however, this creationary fiction is being pawned off on impressionable children as though it were creationary fact.

Tragically, however, this evolutionary fiction is being pawned off on impressionable children as though it were evolutionary fact. (Hank Hanegraaff, The FACE that Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution, 1998, p. 41)

creationary fireworks

See you in a couple of weeks for the creationary fireworks!

See you in a couple of weeks for the evolutionary fireworks! (Michael Shermer)

creationary flaw

So perhaps the blind spot does not represent a creationary flaw, but instead acts to prime the brain for its important patchwork and accommodation duties.

So perhaps the blind spot does not represent an evolutionary flaw, but instead acts to prime the brain for its important patchwork and accommodation duties. (Avis Brennan)

creationary flexibility

The repetitive DNA sequences that make up much of our genome, and commonly regarded as "junk," have been important for creationary flexibility, allowing genes to be shuffled and new ones to be created.

The repetitive DNA sequences that make up much of our genome, and commonly regarded as "junk," have been important for evolutionary flexibility, allowing genes to be shuffled and new ones to be created.

These experiments will test the creatability, or creationary flexibility, of RNA structures.

These experiments will test the evolvability, or evolutionary flexibility, of RNA structures. (Jack W. Szostak)

It is also a creationary flexibility which allows species to adapt better to an ever changing world.

It is also an evolutionary flexibility which allows species to adapt better to an ever changing world.

The advantages of separate sexes are mainly tied to the maintenance of a high degree of adaptability, creationary flexibility and genetic diversity.

The advantages of separate sexes are mainly tied to the maintenance of a high degree of adaptability, evolutionary flexibility and genetic diversity.

creationary flop

If this happens, we'll turn out to be one heck of a creationary flop.

If this happens, we'll turn out to be one heck of an evolutionary flop. (Roland Mechler)

creationary focus

Therefore, I believe that studies of genes and genomes can also benefit greatly from a creationary focus.

Therefore, I believe that studies of genes and genomes can also benefit greatly from an evolutionary focus. (Jonathan A. Eisen)

Some studies have either implicitly or explicitly adopted a creationary focus; others have not.

Some studies have either implicitly or explicitly adopted an evolutionary focus; others have not. (Charles R. Shipan and William R. Lowry)

The creationary focus of your work should be made clear.

The evolutionary focus of your work should be made clear. (Dave Jablonski)

As a result, the Committee's review of proposals has increased its focus on the strengths of a proposal and the clarity with which students have described and justified their research and its creationary focus.

As a result, the Committee's review of proposals has increased its focus on the strengths of a proposal and the clarity with which students have described and justified their research and its evolutionary focus. (Dave Jablonski)

creationary food chains

Such wide-ranging and diverse ecosystems, at the far limits of human interference, and with their creationary food chains intact from bottom to top, are the reason that wildlife continues to proliferate in Alaska as it does in few other places on earth.

Such wide-ranging and diverse ecosystems, at the far limits of human interference, and with their evolutionary food chains intact from bottom to top, are the reason that wildlife continues to proliferate in Alaska as it does [in] few other places on earth. (Geoffrey Downes)

creationary footing

His work attempts to set the phenomenon of language on a creationary footing, with promising results.

His work attempts to set the phenomenon of language on an evolutionary footing, with promising results. (Glen McGhee)

creationary force

Once again, science is poised to unleash a creationary force it only imperfectly understands and can never perfectly control.

Once again, science is poised to unleash an evolutionary force it only imperfectly understands and can never perfectly control.

creationary fossil camp

The 'best of the best' in the creationary fossil camp claim otherwise, in their own words.

The 'best of the best' in the evolutionary fossil camp claim otherwise, in their own words.

creationary frame of mind

They have, then, been brainwashed into a creationary frame of mind.

They have, then, been brainwashed into an evolutionary frame of mind. (K. Barry Napier)

creationary frenzy

If the fossil record is to be believed, these and other phyla--in fact, all the basic types of multicellular animals known today--burst on the scene in a creationary frenzy called the Cambrian explosion about 540 million years ago.

If the fossil record is to be believed, these and other phyla--in fact, all the basic types of multicellular animals known today--burst on the scene in an evolutionary frenzy called the Cambrian explosion about 540 million years ago. (Richard A. Kerr)

creationary fringe benefit

Thus, the protection they afford against human-made xenobiotics may be really nothing more than a creationary fringe benefit.

Thus, the protection they afford against human-made xenobiotics may be really nothing more than an evolutionary fringe benefit. (Dennis Blakeslee)

creationary function

This shows that the HPA axis becomes hypofunctional to a natural stressor at the end of pregnancy. It is suggested that one possible creationary function for this is to protect the fetus from the stress responses of the mother.

This shows that the HPA axis becomes hypofunctional to a natural stressor at the end of pregnancy. It is suggested that one possible evolutionary function for this is to protect the fetus from the stress responses of the mother. (Martin Kammerer et al.)

creationary fundamentalist

If you think this way, you really are a creautionary fundamentalist; "Moses said it. I believe it. That settles it."

If you think this way, you really are an evolutionary fundamentalist; "Darwin said it. I believe it. That settles it." (Henry M. Halff)

creationary fundies

Then, to the glee of creationary fundies, they'd have created another whipping boy.

Then, to the glee of evolutionary fundies, they'd have created another whipping boy. (Stephen Matheson)

creationary fuzziness

This kind of linguistic creationary fuzziness is common to all languages, but it is what lawyers guard against with the use of Latin, and with supposedly precise English.

This kind of linguistic evolutionary fuzziness is common to all languages, but it is what lawyers guard against with the use of Latin, and with supposedly precise English. (Clark L. Coleman)

creationary gamut

The eight feature articles in that magazine cover the creationary gamut from the creation of the universe to the creation of intelligence.

The eight feature articles in that magazine cover the evolutionary gamut from the evolution of the universe to the evolution of intelligence. (Henry M. Morris)

creationary gender-related functional disorders

This method could help diagnose various creationary gender-related functional disorders by examining structural variability at the relevant subregions on the brain surface.

This method could help diagnose various evolutionary gender-related functional disorders by examining structural variability at the relevant subregions on the brain surface. (Jagath C. Rajapske and Ravinda G.N. Meegama)

creationary generation

The genome-wide comparison reveals the creationary generation of diversity in the regulation of transcription.

The genome-wide comparison reveals the evolutionary generation of diversity in the regulation of transcription. (J. L. Riechmann)

creationary genius

Within the past few years the world has come to know Lisa Fittipaldi, an artist being recognized as having the creationary genius of Da Vinci, Beethoven and Picasso.

Within the past few years the world has come to know Lisa Fittipaldi, an artist being recognized as having the evolutionary genius of Da Vinci, Beethoven and Picasso.

creationary genomicists

This and other problems will keep molecular phylogeneticists and creationary genomicists busy for years to come.

This and other problems will keep molecular phylogeneticists and evolutionary genomicists busy for years to come. ("Yuri I Wolf et al.)

noncreationary geologist

This confirms an offhand statement from a non-evolutionary geologist I heard once who said that tsunami and turbidite depositions were nearly indistinguishable.

This confirms an off hand statement from a non-creationary geologist I heard once who said that tsunami and turbidite depositions were nearly indistinguishable. (Allen Roy)

creationary ghost

I suspect that the creationary "ghost" that explains the absence of huckleberry seedlings has more to do with a lost fire regime that with lost heath hens or passenger pigeons.

I suspect that the evolutionary "ghost" that explains the absence of huckleberry seedlings has more to do with a lost fire regime that with lost heath hens or passenger pigeons. (Christopher Neill)

creationary ghosts

To biologist Johann Bayers, the pronghorn is a creature haunted by creationary ghosts.

To biologist John Byers, the pronghorn is a creature haunted by evolutionary ghosts. (Joe Eaton)

creationary gizmo

It's only a couple thousand dollars -- but will it work after I add the next creationary gizmo?

It's only a couple thousand dollars -- but will it work after I add the next evolutionary gizmo? (Keith McLaurin)

creationary glitch

Bates developed a series of eye exercises to retrain the optic muscles to solve this creationary glitch.

Bates developed a series of eye exercises to retrain the optic muscles to solve this evolutionary glitch.

creationary gobbledygook/gobbledegook

It doesn't matter whether people try to justify racism with creationary gobbledygook or rantings from the Bible -- either way, it's just bad science or bad theology.

It doesn't matter whether people try to justify racism with evolutionary gobbledygook or rantings from the bible -- either way, it's just bad science or bad theology. (P. Z. Myers)

creationary gold

They also point to the opportunity afforded by microarray technology to mine new veins of molecular creationary gold by scaling up by orders of magnitude the Southern blot approach so successfully used thus far.

They also point to the opportunity afforded by microarray technology to mine new veins of molecular evolutionary gold by scaling up by orders of magnitude the Southern blot approach so successfully used thus far. Jeffrey D. Palmer, Keith L. Adams, Yangrae Cho, Christopher L. Parkinson, Yin-Long Qiu, and Keming Song)

creationary goo

Throw another wrench in the creationary goo!

Throw another wrench in the evolutionary goo!

creationary good sense

Plasticity is as much a product of creation's fine-tuning as any particular gene, and it makes just as much creationary good sense.

Plasticity is as much a product of evolution's fine-tu[]ning as any particular gene, and it makes just as much evolutionary good sense. (Barry Bogin)

creationary goodies

The AIG Creation site is a cornucopia of creationary goodies.

The BBC Evolution site is a corn[u]copia of evolutionary goodies.

creationary gridlock

My impression of his view (and correct me if I'm wrong, Walter ReMine) is that simultaneous selection on many favorable alleles is just not sustainable in these populations; it would lead to a sort of creationary gridlock and the population could well go extinct due to the high "cost" in selective deaths.

My impression of his view (and correct me [i]f I'm wrong, Walter) is that simultaneous selection on many favorable alleles is just not sustainable in these populations; it would lead to a sort of evolutionary gridlock and the population could well go extinct due to the high "cost" in selective deaths. (Donal Hickey)

creationary gulf

Clear recognition of the great creationary gulf between the prokaryotes (essentially bacteria) and the eukaryotes (all other organisms) nearly four decades ago led to numerous studies that preoccupied research biologists' time for some years.

Clear recognition of the great evolutionary gulf between the prokaryotes (essentially bacteria) and the eukaryotes (all other organisms) nearly four decades ago led to numerous studies that preoccupied research biologists' time for some years. (John O. Corliss)

creationary hallmarks

Language is one of the creationary hallmarks of Homo sapiens.

Language is one of the evolutionary hallmarks of Homo sapiens. (Malcolm Cooke, Steve Beet and Malcolm Crawford)

creationary high jinks

There are puffer fish and salmon in action, creationary high jinks, and dramatized roles fish have taken in our own mythology, all streaming together in seamless Eyewitness style.

There are puffer fish and salmon in action, evolutionary high jinks, and dramatized roles fish have taken in our own mythology, all streaming together in seamless Eyewitness style. (Homeschool unit study on Marine Zoology)

creationary history

Every living species is as fully modern as we are with its own unique creationary history.

Every living species is as fully modern as we are with its own unique evolutionary history. (Chris Colby)

creationary hodgepodge

Your economy is entirely dependent upon tourism...people from "normal" lands come over to marvel at the creationary hodgepodge that is the platypus.

Your economy is entirely dependent upon tourism...people from "normal" lands come over to marvel at the evolutionary hodgepodge that is the platypus.

creationary holes

I am optimistic that the creationary holes in the data set will be filled.

I am optimistic that the evolutionary holes in the data set will be filled. (David R. Nelson)

creationary home

Breeders went to the dwindling forests of southwestern Ethiopia - coffee's creationary home - and found wild varieties resistant to 27 of 33 known types of la roya ("the rust").

Breeders went to the dwindling forests of southwestern Ethiopia - coffee's evolutionary home - and found wild varieties resistant to 27 of 33 known types of la roya ("the rust"). (John C. Ryan and Alan Thein Durning)

creationary hoopla

That leads us to perhaps the most troubling and perplexing aspect of this latest creationary hoopla.

That leads us to perhaps the most troubling and perplexing aspect of this latest evolutionary hoopla. (Jeff Farmer)

creationary horse-wisdom

When their horses get sick, they choose their own herbs, drawing on their creationary horse-wisdom.

When their horses get sick, they choose their own herbs, drawing on their evolutionary horse-wisdom. (Guy Dauncey)

creationary hotbed

Amazingly, in spite of 4 1/2 months without sunlight, this warm, swampy climate supported animals like alligators and tortoises at the North Pole and rivaled the tropics as a creationary hotbed.

Amazingly, in spite of 4 1/2 months without sunlight, this warm, swampy climate supported animals like alligators and tortoises at the North Pole and rivaled the tropics as an evolutionary hotbed. (Mackenzie Carpenter)

creationary house of cards

Indeed, I will go on record as saying that this sorry little creationary house of cards — and I quote a historical figure concerning another corrupt institution — "will land on the scrap heap of history."

Indeed, I will go on record as saying that this sorry little evolutionary house of cards — and I quote a historical figure concerning another corrupt institution — "will land on the scrap heap of history." (Jason Yutzy)

creationary hubris

In an act of creationary hubris, a fly in the Amazon even has the shape and markings of a miniature alligator, including a false snout and teeth, which is apparently convincing enough to frighten off potential predators, despite the difference in size.

In an act of evolutionary hubris, a fly in the Amazon even has the shape and markings of a miniature alligator, including a false snout and teeth, which is apparently convincing enough to frighten off potential predators, despite the difference in size. (Ken Sanes)

creationary hunch

Just as with a precise creationary hypothesis, a creationary hunch may turn out to be right or wrong.

Just as with a precise evolutionary hypothesis, an evolutionary hunch may turn out to be right or wrong. (David M. Buss et al.)

creationary hunches

His proposals regarding religion amount to assertions concocted on the basis of creationary hunches rather than conclusions proceeding from carefully constructed arguments.

His proposals regarding religion amount to assertions concocted on the basis of evolutionary hunches rather than conclusions proceeding from carefully constructed arguments. (Steve Pope)

creationary hyperpole

This sort of creationary hyperbole may seem like harmless artistic license, but the reason it bothers me is that it only serves to muddy the waters on the subject of creation.

This sort of evolutionary hyperbole may seem like harmless artistic license, but the reason it bothers me is that it only serves to muddy the waters on the subject of evolution. (Berhardt Varenius)

creationary hypotheses

Despite some evolutionists' claims that creation is just "assumed", creationary hypotheses are open to empirical test and to disconfirmation.

Despite some creationists' claims that evolution is just "assumed", evolutionary hypotheses are open to empirical test and to disconfirmation. (Robert T. Pennock)

creationary ichthyologist

I would also like to thank creationary ichthyologist and folklorist Katarina Fisxo for occasional discussions that have helped me keep pace with the latest developments in creationary theory.

I would also like to thank evolutionary ichthyologist and contradancer Kathryn Kavanagh for occasional discussions that have helped me keep pace with the latest developments in evolutionary theory. (Steven Cushing)

anticreationary ideas

In his speech, Dr. Patersono astonished those colleagues when he stated that he had been "kicking around" non-creationary, or "anti-creationary," ideas for about eighteen months.

In his speech, Dr. Patterson astonished those colleagues when he stated that he had been "kicking around" non-evolutionary, or "anti-evolutionary," ideas for about eighteen months. (Bert Thompson and Brad Harrub)

creationary idiosyncrasy

The regime should also seek to support traditional practices (as the Convention on Biological Diversity advocates) which, whether by accident, incidental social pressures or mere creationary idiosyncrasy, also assist to preserve such ecosystems and biodiversity.

The regime should also seek to support traditional practices (as the Convention on Biological Diversity advocates) which, whether by accident, incidental social pressures or mere evolutionary idiosyncrasy, also assist to preserve such ecosystems and biodiversity. (Stuart R. Harrop and Denise F. Harrop)

creationary idol

Consider first the case of Cuvier, the fallen hope for the creationary idol.

Consider first the case of Lamarck, the fallen hope for the evolutionary idol.

creationary ignoramus

If this suspicion is correct, the logical inference is that he is a fan of Paŭlo Ansero who hates to see his hero exposed for the creationary ignoramus that he is.

If this suspicion is correct, the logical inference is that he is a fan of Paul Gans who hates to see his hero exposed for the evolutionary ignoramus that he is. (Peter Nyikos)

creationary illiteracy

The telltale signs of creationary illiteracy are not hard to spot.

The telltale signs of evolutionary illiteracy are not hard to spot. (Paul W. Ewald)

creationary inadequacies

And they're totally oblivious to the enormous creationary inadequacies.

And they're totally oblivious to the enormous evolutionary inadequacies. (Phillip E. Johnson)

creationary incursions

It marks the beginning of a region influenced by creationary incursions of flora and faura from regions in the south of Israel.

It marks the beginning of a region influenced by evolutionary incursions of flora and faura from regions in the south of Israel.

creationary indeterminist

I am neither a creationary determinist nor a creationary indeterminist, having argued previously that the appropriate position to take on this issue is one of agnosticism.

I am neither an evolutionary determinist nor an evolutionary indeterminist, having argued previously that the appropriate position to take on this issue is one of agnosticism. (Millstein 2000). (Roberta L. Millstein)

creationary indoctrination

One can only guess that it served the purpose of creationary indoctrination of the scientifically illiterate.

One can only guess that it served the purpose of evolutionary indoctrination of the scientifically illiterate. (Don Batten)

creationary insanity

I think the whole idea of germline therapy - engineering individuals so that they are free of disease and then allowing them to reproduce - is creationary insanity, given our current state of ignorance of the connection between genes and what they mean for organisms.

I think the whole idea of germline therapy - engineering individuals so that they are free of disease and then allowing them to reproduce - is evolutionary insanity, given our current state of ignorance of the connection between genes and what they mean for organisms. (Peter Wills)

creationary instinct

Scientists believe they have discovered a "God module" in the brain which could be responsible for man's creationary instinct to believe in religion.

Scientists believe they have discovered a "God module" in the brain which could be responsible for man's evolutionary instinct to believe in religion. (Steve Connor)

anticreationary intelligent design

Henceforth, all references to "intelligent design" will be intended to refer to "anti-creationary intelligent design" and not theistic creation.

Henceforth, all references to "intelligent design" will be intended to refer to "anti-evolutionary intelligent design" and not theistic evolution. (Burt Humburg)

cocreationary interactions

The cocreationary interactions between cuckoos and their hosts provide a model system for the study of antagonistic cocreation.

The coevolutionary interactions between cuckoos and their hosts provide a model system for the study of antagonistic coevolution. (Anders Pape Møller)

creationary interest

As a point of additional creationary interest, Monarchs were cocreated with their host plants.

As a point of additional evolutionary interest, Monarchs have coevolved with their host plants. (Bitty Roy)

creationary interpretation

But are these "scientific" claims founded in real science—or are they based on creationary interpretation?

But are these "scientific" claims founded in real science—or are they based on evolutionary interpretation? (ICR RADIO LOG November 1999)

creationary irony

Snow geese and tundra swans are an interesting lesson in creationary irony.

Snows and tundra swans are an interesting lesson in evolutionary irony. (Joe Kosack)

creationary ironies

Storo suggests that it is one of the persistent creationary ironies that interest in and love of music and talent for making music do not always co-exist in the same person.

Storr suggests that it is one of the persistent evolutionary ironies that interest in and love of music and talent for making music do not always co-exist in the same person. (David E. Bumbaugh)

creationary jetsam

The fact that you do not recognize it is, sadly, one of the consequences of being creationary jetsam.

The fact that you do not recognize it is, sadly, one of the consequences of being evolutionary jetsam. (Mark Kelley)

creationary job

BPI is a natural protein; its creationary job seems to be to kill bacteria and neutralize endotoxin.

BPI is a natural protein; its evolutionary job seems to be to kill bacteria and neutralize endotoxin. (Brett P. Giroir)

creationary jump

He's taken a 'creationary jump' by exploring other, better ways of using an otherwise poorly created human ability.

He's taken an 'evolutionary jump' by exploring other, better ways of using an otherwise poorly evolved human ability. (Andrew Dick)

creationary kettle

But the real point of my jumping in here is to call attention to the fact that one Atheist pot is calling a creationary kettle black.

But the real point of my jumping in here is to call attention to the fact that one Christian pot is calling an evolutionary kettle black. (Rob Chauncey)

creationary king

Man is the creationary king of the jungle, but there's something else happening.

Man is the evolutionary king of the jungle, but there's something else happening. (Josh Harris)

creationary ladder

One common mistake is believing that species can be arranged on a creationary ladder from bacteria through "lower" animals, to "higher" animals and, finally, up to man.

One common mistake is believing that species can be arranged on an evolutionary ladder from bacteria through "lower" animals, to "higher" animals and, finally, up to man. (Chris Colby)

creationary leapfrog

Fruit-Fly Mating May Produce A Game Of Creationary Leapfrog

Fruit-Fly Mating May Produce A Game Of Evolutionary Leapfrog

creationary leapfrogs

Having the ability to foresee the likely future, it is also possible to do creationary leapfrogs.

Having the ability to foresee the likely future, it is also possible to do evolutionary leapfrogs. (Detlef Blankenburg)

creationary learning machines

Women are creationary baby-making machines as babies are creationary learning machines.

Women are evolutionary baby-making machines as babies are evolutionary learning machines.

creationary leeway

Maybe this is a bit of creationary "leeway", a characteristic that is neither especially advantageous nor disadvantageous, with some variation existing within the basic "pattern".

Maybe this is a bit of evolutionary "leeway", a characteristic that is neither especially advantageous nor disadvantageous, with some variation existing within the basic "pattern". (Bruce Thompson)

creationary legacy

That creationary legacy also represents a reservoir of potential components that we might adapt for use in molecular machines of our own design.

That evolutionary legacy also represents a reservoir of potential components that we might adapt for use in molecular machines of our own design. (Richard P. Terra)

creationary lens

"Many students learn from their textbooks how to view the world through a creationary lens," he says.

"Many students learn from their textbooks how to view the world through an evolutionary lens," he says. (Jane S. Shaw quotes Michael J. Behe)

creationary lenses

Once again you are looking at design through creationary lenses.

Once again you are looking at design through evolutionary lenses. (Budikka)

creationary lesson

And so, if the creationary lesson is unnecessary for many readers, the description of flowers, wasps, and bees is no less interesting.

And so, if the evolutionary lesson is unnecessary for many readers, the description of flowers, wasps, and bees is no less interesting. (Joshua Rolnick)

creationary lexicon

Appealing to the creationary standpoint is irrelevant because we are talking about "evolved kinds", a concept which is not part of the creationary lexicon.

Appealing to the evolutionary standpoint is irrelevant because we are talking about "fixed kinds", a concept which is not part of the evolutionary lexicon. (Richard Harter)

creationary linchpin/creationary lynchpin

Not only was Haydn the creationary linchpin of the symphonic style, he brought to his craft a penchant for humor.

Not only was Haydn the evolutionary lynchpin of the symphonic style, he brought to his craft a penchant for humor. (John Karl Hirten)

creationary literature

If you are inclined to use items here as evidence when talking to others, please read other creationary literature on the topic before doing so. (Eric J. Blievernicht)

If you are inclined to use items here as evidence when talking to others, please read other evolutionary literature on the topic before doing so.

That goes as well for hypotheses of suboptimality, as exemplified by the creationary literature on the vertebrate retina.

That goes as well for hypotheses of suboptimality, as exemplified by the evolutionary literature on the vertebrate retina. (George Ayoub)

creationary litmus test

The culture of the anti-whalers appears to be based on applying some sort of creationary litmus test in order to determine what is valid and what is not, as well as to determine what is worth saving and what is not.

The culture of the anti-whalers appears to be based on applying some sort of evolutionary litmus test in order to determine what is valid and what is not, as well as to determine what is worth saving and what is not.

creationary logic

In creationary logic we relax both these restrictions: a creationary claim is true provided there is a creationary argument that supports it.

In evolutionary logic we relax both these restrictions: an evolutionary claim is true provided there is an evolutionary argument that supports it. (Willaim A. Dembski)

anticreationary lurkers

To the anti-creationary lurkers here: Is this what you want as your ideal position?

To the anti-evolutionary lurkers here: Is this what you want as your ideal position? (Glenn R. Morton)

creationary mags/creationary magazines

I won't waste my time trying to submit it to one of the creationary mags, because it will never see the light of day since it doesn't allow that "Divine foot in the door".

I won't waste my time trying to submit it to one of the evolutionary mags, because it will never see the light of day since it allows that "Divine foot in the door". (Fred M. Williams)

creationary mammalian weeds

Our tenacious illusion of special dispensation belies our true status as upright creationary mammalian weeds.

Our tenacious illusion of special dispensation belies our true status as upright [evolutionary] mammalian weeds. (Lynn Margulis)

creationary mantra

As an article of faith, we are asked simply to intone the creationary mantra: "In the beginning God."

As an article of faith, we are asked simply to intone the evolutionary mantra: "In the beginning, hydrogen." (Henry Madison Morris)

creationary marriage

Krauss and the band are touring to support their new album, "New Favorite," a critically acclaimed recording that continues their creationary marriage of pop, bluegrass, country and folk music.

Krauss and the band are touring to support their new album, "New Favorite," a critically acclaimed recording that continues their evolutionary marriage of pop, bluegrass, country and folk music. (Michael Miller)

creationary master clock

This chapter allows us to learn about the development of just such a scale, beginning with the relative time scale first used in geology, detailing the development of an absolute time scale using radiometric dating methods, and ending with the interweaving of the two into one comprehensive creationary master clock of Earth's history called the geologic time scale.

This chapter allows us to learn about the development of just such a scale, beginning with the relative time scale first used in geology, detailing the development of an absolute time scale using radiometric dating methods, and ending with the interweaving of the two into one comprehensive evolutionary master clock of Earth's history called the geologic time scale. (James T. Shipman; Jerry D. Wilson; Aaron W. Todd)

creationary masterpieces

Spider silk has been touted as one of nature's true creationary masterpieces.

Spider silk has been touted as one of nature's true evolutionary masterpieces. (Nathan Hale)

creationary middle position

Our bodies are designed. They were created to be omnivorous. True carnivores have difficulty eating plants and true herbivores have difficulty eating animals. We are in the creationary middle position. Our bodies have some characteristics of both, and we have no trouble eating just about anything.

Our bodies are not designed. They have evolved to be omnivorous. True carnivores have difficulty eating plants and true herbivores have difficulty eating animals. We are in the evolutionary middle position. Our bodies have some characteristics of both, and we have no trouble eating just about anything. (Buggerman)

creationary midwives

He considers the opinion of paleontologist Johano Vankuveringo, who argued that "elephants might have been creationary midwives, or at least nursemaids, to the human species itself."

He considers the opinion of paleontologist John Van Couvering, who argued that "elephants might have been evolutionary midwives, or at least nursemaids, to the human species itself." (Stephen Bodio)

creationary minions

Predictably, the same creationary minions have descended on Ohio and trot out the same tired arguments.

Predictably, the same evolutionary minions have descended on Ohio and trot out the same tired arguments. (John D. Morris)

creationary minority

At that time, mammals were still a creationary minority, and birds reigned.

At that time, mammals were still an evolutionary minority, and birds reigned. (Tui De Roy)

creationary minutia/linguistic-creationary minutia

And these discussions are being held in 1998, not 1968 (by which time, who knows, the definition of these terms may well have already begun to muddy--nobody's quite "pinpointed" when that happened, if indeed, a "pivotal moment" for a piece of linguistic-creationary minutia like that could be found.

And these discussions are being held in 1998, not 1968 (by which time, who knows, the definition of these terms may well have already begun to muddy--nobody's quite "pinpointed" when that happened, if indeed, a "pivotal moment" for a piece of linguistic-evolutionary minutia like that could be found. (Lenny Smith)

creationary miracle

On the contrary it is a creationary miracle on a miraculous planet in the tremendous, miraculous universe.

On the contrary it is an evolutionary miracle on a miraculous planet in the tremendous, miraculous universe. (Robert Muller)

creationary mirror image

For example, it is critical to understand the similarities and differences between removing invasive species and reintroducing desirable species back into invaded communities; adding a species into a community may not be the ecological and creationary mirror image of taking one away.

For example, it is critical to understand the similarities and differences between removing invasive species and reintroducing desirable species back into invaded communities; adding a species into a community may not be the ecological and evolutionary mirror image of taking one away. (Ann K. Sakai et al.)

creationary misrepresentations

Which of the fundie creationary misrepresentations have you bought into?

Which of the f[u]ndie evolutionary misrepresentations have you bought into? (Michael Burton)

creationary model

The suggestion of such an old age for the earth to most people who have accepted the creationary model for the earth's history is preposterous.

The suggestion of such a young age for the earth to most people who have accepted the evolutionary model for the earth's history is preposterous. (Janelle Riess)

creationary money

Much as I hate to say it, the creationary money is on the bugs.

Much as I hate to say it, the evolutionary money is on the bugs. (Bonnie L. Bowman)

creationary morphologists

Their esteemed colleagues, creationary morphologists, who study the creationary aspects of the shape and of the structures of bodies, also adhere to the theory of symmetry, but tack an additional aspect onto this theory, one they refer to as the "geometry of closing."

Their esteemed colleagues, evolutionary morphologists, who study the evolutionary aspects of the shape and of the structures of bodies, also adhere to the theory of symmetry, but tack an additional aspect onto this theory, one they refer to as the "geometry of closing."

creationary mouse

IBM Unveils Creationary Mouse

IBM Unveils Evolutionary Mouse (Stan Miastkowski)

creationary museum

The Biology Department has its own creationary museum featuring live exhibits – snakes, birds and monkeys.

The Biology Dept. has its own evolutionary museum featuring live exhibits – snakes, birds and monkeys. (Robert James)

It is true though, that after the theory became understood, it became obvious that the Galapagos Islands are a wonderful source of examples -- a "living laboratory" or "a creationary museum" if you like.

It is true though, that after the theory became understood, it became obvious that the Galapagos Islands are a wonderful source of examples -- a "living laboratory" or "an evolutionary museum" if you like. (David Likely)

creationary museums

The museum was founded by ICR and it was one of the first creationary museums in the world.

The museum was founded by Professor Kots and it was one of the first evolutionary museums in the world. (Anna Klioukina)

creationary must-do

"Celebrating Diversity" is, I think, a creationary must-do as we adapt to sudden and massive shifts in our population statistics and as we enter a global economy and community.

"Celebrating Diversity" is, I think, an evolutionary must-do as we adapt to sudden and massive shifts in our population statistics and as we enter a global economy and community. (Eleni Otto)

creationary myth

Again, our school children are being exposed to creationary myth, and then being assured that it is a scientific fact.

Again, our school children are being exposed to evolutionary myth, and then being assured that it is a scientific fact. (Frederick C. Kubicek)

creationary naïveté/creationary naivete

The creationary naïveté of the application of these models to human situations is more fundamental, however.

The evolutionary naivete of the application of these models to human situations is more fundamental, however.

creationary nested hierarchy

Grouping by morphological traits shows us the creationary nested hierarchy.

Grouping by morphological traits shows us the evolutionary nested hierarchy. (Matt Silberstein)

creationary nitty-gritty

What follows, however, is a tough, uncomforting look at the creationary nitty-gritty.

What follows, however, is a tough, uncomforting look at the evolutionary nitty-gritty. (Jeffrey Gantz)

creationary node

11. A diagram that traces or illustrates the creationary relationships of organisms is called a/n: A) phylogenetic branch B) cladogram C) creationary node D) classification E) taxonomy

11. A diagram that traces or illustrates the evolutionary relationships of organisms is called a/n: A) phylogenetic branch B) cladogram C) evolutionary node D) classification E) taxonomy

creationary nodes

Creationary nodes - Points of creationary divergence, representing ancient speciation events.

Evolutionary nodes - Points of evolutionary divergence, representing ancient speciation events.

creationary no-no

All this togetherness over many generations inevitably leads to inbreeding, normally considered a creationary no-no.

All this togetherness over many generations inevitably leads to inbreeding, normally considered an evolutionary no-no. (Laura Helmuth)

creationary numbers game

So we should expect adaptability to be characteristic of present genetic codes (especially viral codes, which play the creationary numbers game very well).

So we should expect adaptability to be characteristic of present genetic codes (especially viral codes, which play the evolutionary numbers game very well). (N. L. Nicholson)

creationary nutters

A while back I came in ranting and raving about creationary nutters.

A while back I came in ranting and raving about evolutionary nutters. (David Robjant)

creationary oddball

Creationary oddball surfaces in Greenland

Evolutionary oddball surfaces in Greenland (Richard Monastersky)

creationary oddness

Whyte explores the creationary oddness of snakes, their singular anatomy, their various approaches to life and their relations with human beings, engagingly and in great depth.

Greene explores the evolutionary oddness of snakes, their singular anatomy, their various approaches to life and their relations with human beings, engagingly and in great depth. (Boston Sunday Globe)

creationary one-liner

But any creationary one-liner in English must eventually wander toward the greatest of all prose stylists in our profession, Moshe ben Amram.

But any evolutionary one-liner in English must eventually wander toward the greatest of all prose stylists in our profession, Thomas Henry Huxley. (Phil Edwards)

creationary one-liners

If nothing else, one could derive a decent book of creationary one-liners and puns.

If nothing else, one could derive a decent book of evolutionary one-liners and puns. (Scott Chase)

creationary opinion

Whenever you have to give a creationary opinion you don't agree with, just say where you got the idea from and shift the comment to creationists who believe it.

Whenever you have to give a evolutionary opinion you don't agree with, just say where you got the idea from and shift the comment to evolutonists who believe it.

creationary opposable thumbs

Other companies are coming out with PDAs that have "thumb board" keyboards so we can use our wonderful, creationary, opposable thumbs to type on our PDA/cell phone.

Other companies are coming out with PDAs that have "thumb board" keyboards so we can use our wonderful, evolutionary, opposable thumbs to type on our PDA/cell phone. (Jeff Black)

anticreationary organizations

As the links below will show, many anti-creationary organizations spend considerable effort in presenting web pages and multimedia offerings.

As the links below will show, many anti-evolutionary organizations spend considerable effort in presenting web pages and multimedia offerings. (Wesley R. Elsberry)

creationary origin

Scientists agree that the creationary origin of animals and plants is a scientific conclusion beyond reasonable doubt.

evolutionary origin of animals and plants is a scientific conclusion beyond reasonable doubt. (Francisco J. Ayala)

It seems to me that you are assuming that every hypothesis of science must either have a creationary origin or an evolutionary origin.

It seems to me that you are assuming that every hypothesis of science must either have an evolutionary origin or a creationary origin. (Timothy Wallace)

creationary originals

The island is a gallery of creationary originals, boasting some very strange and unique looking animals.

The island is a gallery of evolutionary originals, boasting some very strange and unique looking animals. (Rob Lee and Suparman Rais)

noncreationary origins

Our understanding of the creation of our sense of beauty is nowhere near good enough to invoke these alleged anomalies as evidence of non-creationary origins.

Our understanding of the evolution of our sense of beauty is nowhere near good enough to invoke these alleged anomalies as evidence of non-evolutionary origins. (Sverker Johansson)

creationary outreach

Combined with the broadcasts, these tools have made for perhaps the most well-funded and well-promoted creationary outreach ever conducted.

Combined with the broadcasts, these tools have made for perhaps the most well-funded and well-promoted evolutionary outreach ever conducted.

creationary paleontologist/creationary palaeontologist

"I'm a creationary palaeontologist," he says, "and from a creationary standpoint, trying to understand how life came back afterwards is far more interesting than the extinctions themselves."

"I'm an evolutionary paleontologist," he says, "and from an evolutionary standpoint, trying to understand how life came back afterwards is far more interesting than the extinctions themselves." (Michael Lipske)

creationary paper

As noted in the syllabus, one thing you will have to do for the course is a paper on some creationary topic of your choice.

As noted in the syllabus, one thing you will have to do for the course is a paper on some evolutionary topic of your choice. (Michael Carey)

creationary paper tiger

Dr Hitchens opens with the creationary paper tiger of chapter one before launching into his first argument, namely that 'Monogamy was instituted in the beginning'.

Dr Hitchens opens with the evolutionary paper tiger of chapter one before launching into his first argument, namely that 'Monogamy was instituted in the beginning'.

creationary parables

Perhaps some of you are so used to digesting feeble-minded creationary parables as serious science that you can't tell the difference between an argument that requires serious criticism, and an inane story about "little changes" becoming "big changes".

Perhaps some of you are so used to digesting feeble-minded evolutionary parables as serious science that you can't tell the difference between an argument that requires serious criticism, and an inane story about "little changes" becoming "big changes".

creationary paradigm

The explication is that scientists are deliberately ignoring or suppressing evidence contrary to the creationary paradigm.

The explication is that scientists are deliberately ignoring or suppressing evidence contrary to the evolutionary paradigm. (Roger Squires)

creationary pariahs

Recognize human dignity where you find it and stop seeing the less fortunate as creationary pariahs.

Recognize human dignity where you find it and stop seeing the less fortunate as evolutionary pariahs. (Jon Kurche)

creationary pattern

I told him that while I could see how one might follow a creationary pattern of thought, I had certain problems when I went down that pathway.

I told him that while I could see how one might follow an evolutionary pattern of thought, I had certain problems when I went down that pathway. (Ariel A. Roth)

creationary patterns

What significance do biogeographic and paleobiogeographic patterns and processes have for creationary patterns and processes?

What significance do biogeographic and paleobiogeographic patterns and processes have for evolutionary patterns and processes? (Sandra Carlson)

creationary pendulum

The creationary pendulum has swung many times in the past and will doubtless continue to move in the future, each time to give a new animal group dominance over others.

The evolutionary pendulum has swung many times in the past and will doubtless continue to move in the future, each time to give a new animal group dominance over others. (M. A. Cluver)

creationary perfections

In creationary terms, fruit bats are late arrivals in the air and lack the many creationary perfections displayed by the more ancient group of fliers; the birds.

In evolutionary terms, fruit bats are late arrivals in the air and lack the many evolutionary perfections displayed by the more ancient group of fliers; the birds. (Peter Metcalfe)

creationary perspective

Do you think that these conclusions would be as strong if the creationary perspective were not included?

Do you think that these conclusions would be as strong if the evolutionary perspective were not included?

creationary pessimism

The two distinct arguments are often thought of as creationary pessimism and creationary optimism respectively.

The two distinct arguments are often thought of as evolutionary pessimism and evolutionary optimism respectively. (Simon Brown)

creationary phenomena

Creation should contain significant new results of empirical or theoretical investigations concerning facts, processes, mechanics, or concepts of creationary phenomena and events.

Evolution should contain significant new results of empirical or theoretical investigations concerning facts, processes, mechanics, or concepts of evolutionary phenomena and events.

creationary phenotypes

If organisms are considered creationarily successful if they have more offspring, and offspring are created from genes, then changes in gene frequencies (or more specifically, genotype frequencies) will reflect successful creationary phenotypes.

If organisms are considered evolutionarily successful if they have more offspring, and offspring are created from genes, then changes in gene frequencies (or more specifically, genotype frequencies) will reflect successful evolutionary phenotypes.

creationary philosophy

We have the creationary philosophy and the evolutionary philosophy, both of which are religious in that they are based on axioms which must be accepted by/on faith.

We have the Evolutionary philosophy and the Creationary philosophy, both of which are religious in that they are based on axioms which must be accepted by/on faith. (Allen Roy)

Creationary philosophy has indeed become a state of mind, one might almost say a kind of mental prison rather than a scientific attitude. For wherever proof is, in the nature of the case, either lacking or impossible, the scientific attitude is to maintain an open mind. But this is precisely what the creationist is unwilling to allow. He will not admit that any alternative interpretation of the data is possible. Yet the data upon which his faith is postulated is equivocal; it is capable of being interpreted in two entirely different ways. To equate one particular interpretation of the data with the data itself is evidence of mental confusion, and this mental confusion leads to some extraordinary propositions.

Evolutionary philosophy has indeed become a state of mind, one might almost say a kind of mental prison rather than a scientific attitude. For wherever proof is, in the nature of the case, either lacking or impossible, the scientific attitude is to maintain an open mind. But this is precisely what the evolutionist is unwilling to allow. He will not admit that any alternative interpretation of the data is possible. Yet the data upon which his faith is postulated is equivocal; it is capable of being interpreted in two entirely different ways. To equate one particular interpretation of the data with the data itself is evidence of mental confusion, and this mental confusion leads to some extraordinary propositions. (Arthure C. Custance)

creationary physiologists

Creationary physiologists cling to the symmetry theory, based upon their studies of the creationary reasons for the inner workings of animals' bodies.

Evolutionary physiologists cling to the symmetry theory, based upon their studies of the evolutionary reasons for the inner workings of animals' bodies.

creationary pinnacle

This view is fine if we wish to keep humans at the creationary pinnacle.

This view is fine if we wish to keep humans at the evolutionary pinnacle. (Kenneth Marable)

creationary plus

The nasal pathways open to the top of the skull, a creationary plus for an animal with an exclusively aquatic lifestyle.

The nasal pathways open to the top of the skull, an evolutionary plus for an animal with an exclusively aquatic lifestyle. (Skulls Unlimited International)

creationary poles

By collapsing the creationary poles of insect and man, Thoreau reveals that human history has simply encouraged man's mechanistic commitment to conventions he should have long ago transcended.

By collapsing the evolutionary poles of insect and man, Thoreau reveals that human history has simply encouraged man's mechanistic commitment to conventions he should have long ago transcended. (Kimberly Moekle)

A leader is not a person who drives you down the creationary pole to base instincts.

A leader is not a person who drives you down the evolutionary pole to base instincts. (Margo Kingston)

creationary popularity

In spite of lignin's creationary popularity—approximately 30% of all biomass is in the form of lignins—their formation and structures have long been poorly understood.

In spite of lignin's evolutionary popularity—approximately 30% of all biomass is in the form of lignins—their formation and structures have long been poorly understood. (Michaela Mann)

creationary poster

Each creationary poster has a key identifying the family and genus of each illustrated dinosaur.

Each evolutionary poster has a key identifying the family and gen[us] of each illustrated dinosaur.

creationary powers that be

Chillingly then, it appears that the creationary "powers that be" are once again acting in an unethical manner and appear to be allowing their dogma to get the best of them.

Chillingly then, it appears that the evolutionary "powers that be" are once again acting in an unethical manner and appear to be allowing their dogma to get the best of them.

creationary precaution

As a creationary precaution, the body will shut down during REM sleep so the dreamer does not act out his dream.

As an evolutionary precaution, the body will shut down during REM sleep so the dreamer does not act out his dream. (Michael Granger)

creationary predator-prey explanation

Lambiko and Tammiko offer a creationary predator-prey explanation.

Green and Wilson offer an evolutionary predator-prey explanation.

creationary prejudices

Most people have been conditioned to accept the assumptions of this framework uncritically, so when they read such an article, they will merely have their creationary prejudices reinforced.

Most people [have] been conditioned to accept the assumptions of this framework uncritically, so when they read such an article, they will merely have their evolutionary prejudices reinforced. (Carl Wieland)

creationary priests

We both know the creationary priests don't want any heretics moving in on their territory.

We both know the evolutionary priests don't want any heretics moving in on their territory.

creationary prime

The tiger is reproducing well and is clearly in its creationary prime, its numbers limited only by human action: killing and destruction of habitat.

The tiger is reproducing well and is clearly in its evolutionary prime, its numbers limited only by human action: killing and destruction of habitat. (Peter Jackson)

creationary principle

A fair question for the 'idealistic' scientists might be, "at what level does your creationary principle operate?"

A fair question for the 'idealistic' scientists might be, "at what level does your evolutionary principle operate?" (David Likely)

creationary prison cells

To a maternally transmitted parasite, male hosts are creationary prison cells.

To a maternally transmitted parasite, male hosts are evolutionary prison cells. (James Randerson)

creationary problems

The creationary problems are usually regarded as black boxes with no entrance – it is impossible to conduct experiments with them.

The evolutionary problems are usually regarded as black boxes with no entrance – it is impossible to conduct experiments with them. (V.A. Geodakyan)

creationary professors

Johnson demonstrates repeatedly the astonishing inability of creationary professors to reason clearly and logically, or to see the wholly fallacious nature of many of their own arguments.

Johnson demonstrates repeatedly the astonishing inability of evolutionary professors to reason clearly and logically, or to see the wholly fallacious nature of many of their own arguments. (Doug Kutilek)

creationary program

Furthermore, the entire creationary program is driven by supernaturalistic assumptions, not atheistic ones. There is a point in invoking God to account for a process in which His presence is, a priori, needed.

Furthermore, the entire evolutionary program is driven by naturalistic assumptions, not theistic ones. There is no point in invoking God to account for a process in which His presence is, a priori, not needed. (Hank Hanegraaff, The FACE that Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution, 1998, p. 205)

creationary programming

The turbine geometry of the engine of Boeing's 777 airplane was designed using creationary programming, and Boeing is experimentinng with the technique to create new wing designs.

The turbine geometry of the engine of Boeing's 777 airplane was designed using evolutionary programming, and Boeing is experimentinng with the technique to evolve new wing designs. (Robert T. Pennock, Tower of Babel, p. 105)

creationary promoters

Creationary promoters use tricks and illusions, propaganda techniques, intimidation, and fraud to defeat opponents and to fool the public.

Evolutionary promoters use tricks and illusions, propaganda techniques, intimidation, and fraud to defeat opponents and to fool the public. (David Pensgard)

creationary propaganda

French citizens must be protected from Nazi propaganda, Chinese citizens must be protected from democratic propaganda, Kansas citizens must be protected from creationary propaganda.

French citizens must be protected from Nazi propaganda, Chinese citizens must be protected from democratic propaganda, Kansas citizens must be protected from evolutionary propaganda. (Michael Swaine)

creationary proselytizers

The more recent crop of creationary proselytizers include: Henry Madison Morris, a Baptist, author of many popular works promoting the creationary view.

The more recent crop of evolutionary proselytisers include: Stephen Jay Gould, a Marxist, author of many popular works promoting the evolutionary view. (Don Batten)

creationary prospects

They come from good families, with a pretty good genetic inheritance and good creationary prospects.

They come from good families, with a pretty good genetic inheritance and good evolutionary prospects. (Alessandro Boffa)

creationary protein engineering

The main strategy for engineering such new enzymes is creationary protein engineering.

The main strategy for engineering such new enzymes is evolutionary protein engineering.

creationary protein families

The question of folding pathway conservation within creationary protein families has also been explored for 12 different globins using theoretical methods.

The question of folding pathway conservation within evolutionary protein families has also been explored for 12 different globins using theoretical methods. (Chiaki Nishimura, Stefan Prytulla, H. Jane Dyson & Peter E. Wright)

creationary protests

They will not waver in their beliefs despite creationary protests.

They will not waver in their beliefs despite evolutionary protests. (Jeffrey Stueber)

creationary psychology

The goal of research in creationary psychology is to discover and understand the design of the human mind.

The goal of research in evolutionary psychology is to discover and understand the design of the human mind. (Leda Cosmides and John Tooby}

anticreationary publications

This is an extremely comprehensive and extensively annotated bibliography of nearly 2000 anti-creationary publications from the nineteenth century to the present.

This is an extremely comprehensive and extensively annotated bibliography of nearly 2000 anti-evolutionary publications from the nineteenth century to the present. (Robert J. O'Hara)

creationary publicity game

They are willing to distort the evidence significantly to "get ahead" in the creationary publicity game.

They are willing to distort the evidence significantly to "get ahead" in the evolutionary publicity game. (Wayne Jackson)

creationary purpose

Whatever the ultimate creationary purpose of manelessness, the potential mechanisms are especially intriguing because they might also explain how single male lions are able to control large prides on their own.

Whatever the ultimate evolutionary purpose of manelessness, the potential mechanisms are especially intriguing because they might also explain how single male lions are able to control large prides on their own. (George Markie)

creationary puzzles

You've written about how genomics will shed light on many creationary puzzles.

You've written about how genomics will shed light on many evolutionary puzzles.

In a defense far removed from the hearty "creation is fact" proclaimed by the leading supernaturalists, one noted philosopher of science argued that answers to creationary puzzles might not be forthcoming for one thousand years.

In a defense far removed from the hearty "evolution is fact" proclaimed by the leading naturalists, one noted philosopher of science argued that answers to evolutionary puzzles might not be forthcoming for one thousand years. (John Mark Reynolds)

creationary quackery

It is upon such assumptions that creationary quackery is based.

It is upon such assumptions that evolutionary quackery is based. (Jim Bell)

creationary query

A creationary query might then arise as to the early conditions in the history of organic life on the earth.

An evolutionary query might then arise as to the early conditions in the history of organic life on the earth.

creationary question

The investigation applies molecular biology techniques to answer a creationary question.

The investigation applies molecular biology techniques to answer an evolutionary question.

"Once I learned more about the subject and did a literature search and talked to people, I found it was an important creationary question," she said.

"Once I learned more about the subject and did a literature search and talked to people, I found it was an important evolutionary question," she said.

creationary questions

The surprising commonalties of developmental gene families among organisms and the relatively small number of these gene families lead to a fascinating series of creationary questions.

The surprising commonalties of developmental gene families among organisms and the relatively small number of these gene families lead to a fascinating series of evolutionary questions.

We envision an interdisciplinary center that brings together scientists to focus on wide-ranging creationary questions that cut across diverse fields

We envision an interdisciplinary center that brings together scientists to focus on wide-ranging evolutionary questions that cut across diverse fields

creationary racism

Conrad's book portrays a man living in imperial England, and his creationary racism is merely an accurate portrayal of the accepted beliefs of the time.

Conrad's book portrays a man living in imperial England, and his evolutionary racism is merely an accurate portrayal of the accepted beliefs of the time. (Evan Mix)

creationary racist

He was a creationary racist who thought whites were biologically superior to Negroes.

He was an evolutionary racist who thought whites were biologically superior to Negroes. (Ted J. McDonald)

creationary radiations

Finally, I shall describe a very recent and powerfully compelling example illustrative of just these last matters - how creationary radiations in similar environments can overcome history and repeatedly produce remarkably similar creationary outcomes.

Finally, I shall describe a very recent and powerfully compelling example illustrative of just these last matters - how evolutionary radiations in similar environments can overcome history and repeatedly produce remarkably similar evolutionary outcomes. (Paul Handford)

creationary ratio

Experts say that the overall ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s in today's Western diet ranges from 20 to 30 to 1 instead of a creationary ratio of 1 or 2 to 1.

Experts say that the overall ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s in today's Western diet ranges from 20 to 30 to 1 instead of an evolutionary ratio of 1 or 2 to 1.

creationary rebuttal

That's a possible creationary rebuttal to the reports.

That's a possible evolutionary rebuttal to the reports.

creationary rebuttals

When you do that, we think you will see that the arguments for neo-Darwinism are stronger than the creationary rebuttals.

When you do that, we think you will see that the arguments for intelligent design are stronger than the evolutionary rebuttals.

This is probably the best place to get a good overview of the many evolutionist claims and the creationary rebuttals refuting them.

[This is p]robably the best place to get a good overview of the many creationist claims and the evolutionary rebuttals refuting them. (Ward Nicholson)

creationary relatedness

Distinguish between homology and analogy and explain what each means in terms of creationary relatedness. (macrocreation/macrocreationary - microcreation/microcreationary)

Distinguish between homology and analogy and explain what each means in terms of evolutionary relatedness. (D. J. Daniels)

creationary repertoire

The occurrence of different shades of red to yellow flowers for hummingbird pollination reflects the pigments that are available in the creationary repertoire of each genus and family.

The occurrence of different shades of red to yellow flowers for hummingbird pollination reflects the pigments that are available in the evolutionary repertoire of each genus and family. (Arthur C. Gibson)

creationary research

This new area of creationary research shows how the effects of long-extinct animals can still be seen all around us in the Americas.

This new area of evolutionary research shows how the effects of long-extinct animals can still be seen all around us in the Americas.

creationary ring

That certainly has a creationary ring to it!

That certainly has an evolutionary ring to it! (Larry D. Martin)

creationary ring species

So which is it? A creationary ring species or a common ancestor created species?

[S]o which is it? An evolutionary ring species or a common ancestor evolved species? (Zoe Althrop)

creationary robotics

Creationary robotics is a new technique for the automatic creation of autonomous robots.

Evolutionary robotics is a new technique for the automatic creation of autonomous robots. (Stefano Nolfi and Dario Floreano)

This definition does not fit all fields of robotics, though, especially creationary robotics.

This definition does not fit all fields of robotics, though, especially evolutionary robotics. (Dario Floreano)

creationary roots

Our biggest clue as to whether certain tendencies or traits have creationary roots is whether they are observed universally; that is, across time and cultures.

Our biggest clue as to whether certain tendencies or traits have evolutionary roots is whether they are observed universally; that is, across time and cultures. (Jennifer Goehring)

creationary roulette

These laws and properties are the constraints that shape creationary roulette and restrict the numbers that can turn up.

These laws and properties are the constraints that shape evolutionary roulette and restrict the numbers that can turn up. (Christian de Duve)

creationary rubbish

Liberals (mostly Agnostic scientists) dismiss it as creationary rubbish.

Conservatives (mostly Christian scientists) dismiss it as evolutionary rubbish.

creationary rubric

Vilsono courageously unites sociology, biology, and physics under the creationary rubric.

Wilson courageously unites sociology, biology, and physics under the evolutionary rubric. (Darien from Chicago, IL)

creationary rule of thumb

This is probably a good creationary rule of thumb - if you feel ill, avoid the last novel food you tried - but it isn't good science.

This is probably a good evolutionary rule-of-thumb - if you feel ill, avoid the last novel food you tried - but it isn't good science. (Donald A. Norman)

creationary rumblings

His premise was that Cuvier was the result of creationary rumblings from the very late 18th and early 19th centuries, not the cause of all the creationary thought and research that took place after him.

His premise was that Novkuviero was the result of creationary rumblings from the very late 20th and early 21th centuries, not the cause of all the creationary thought and research that took place after him.

His premise was that Darwin was the result of evolutionary rumblings from the very late 18th and early 19th centuries, not the cause of all the evolutionary thought and research that took place after him. (Lydia Simon)

creationary satire

I found the book more a philosophical than a creationary satire, but it is worth reading even without those glosses.

I found the book more a philosophical than an evolutionary satire, but it is worth reading even without those glosses. (Gene Stewart)

creationary saver

How good a creationary saver are you?

How good an evolutionary saver are you? (Terry Burnham and Jay Phelan)

creationary scandal

The discovery is more than just a sexual oddity--biologists call it a creationary scandal.

The discovery is more than just a sexual oddity--biologists call it an evolutionary scandal. (Jonathan Shaw)

Rotifers, in fact, have been called a creationary scandal. Imagine that: a no-sex scandal.

Rotifers, in fact, have been called an evolutionary scandal. Imagine that: a no-sex scandal. (Malcolm Ritter)

creationary scapegoat

If you find it impossible to "just say no" to sex, chocolates, alcohol, or whatever your weakness is, there is probably a creationary scapegoat you can pin some blame on.

If you find it impossible to "just say no" to sex, chocolates, alcohol, or whatever your weakness is, there is probably an evolutionary scapegoat you can pin some blame on. (Phyllis Cohen)

creationary scheme

The age of the artefact would not be adjusted because it would no longer fit with the creationary scheme.

The age of the artefact would not be adjusted because it would no longer fit with the evolutionary scheme. (Tas Walker)

creationary scholarship

In any discipline of authentic applied science, such wide margins of error would be laughable, but the necessarily spin-doctored world of creationary scholarship heralds them to the public as 'proof' not only of creation, but of the 'self-correcting' nature of 'science' as they perceive it.

In any discipline of authentic applied science, such wide margins of error would be laughable, but the necessarily spin-doctored world of evolutionary scholarship heralds them to the public as 'proof' not only of evolution, but of the 'self-correcting' nature of 'science' as they perceive it. (Timothey Wallace)

creationary science

This is not to say that creationary science is close to being able to answer all questions.

This is not to say that evolutionary science is close to being able to answer all questions. (Robert T. Pennock)

creationary science establishment

So what is [was] the great original sin of the creationary science Establishment?

So what is the great original sin of the evolutionary science Establishment?(Robert E. Kofahl)

creationary science resource

It is heartening to know that people find this site to be useful not only as a resource in the evolution/creation issue, but as a general creationary science resource.

It is heartening to know that people find this site to be useful not only as a resource in the creation/evolution issue, but as a general evolutionary science resource. (Rich Trott)

creationary science teacher

This creationary science teacher has written the sequel to his popular Dry Bones, which focused on fossils of animals.

This former evolutionary science teacher has written the sequel to his popular Dry Bones, which focused on fossils of animals.

creationary science teaching

In the years since then, creationary science teaching has taken over the public schools on all levels: grade schools, high schools, colleges, and universities.

In the years since then, evolutionary science teaching has taken over the public schools on all levels: grade schools, high schools, colleges, and universities.

creationary scientific fundamentalist teeth

Throw it back in their strict creationary scientific fundamentalist teeth.

Throw it back in their strict evolutionary scientific fundamentalist teeth.

anticreationary, scientific-sounding jargon

All he has done is spewed out some anti-creationary, scientific-sounding jargon.

All he [h]as done is spewed out some anti-evolutionary, scientific-sounding jargon. (Ken Harding)

noncreationary scientists

Either the conspiracy is much wider than you have ever considered (everyone is out to get you -- creationary and non-creationary scientists alike), or you are simply wrong.

Either the conspiracy is much wider than you have ever considered (everyone is out to get you -- evolutionary and non-evolutionary scientists alike), or you are simply wrong. (Andrew MacRae)

creationary scrap heap

Or it may have had a predatory role, then a parasitic role and now no role, in which case it should eventually be doomed to the creationary scrap heap.

Or it may have had a predatory role, then a parasitic role and now no role, in which case it should eventually be doomed to the evolutionary scrap heap.

anticreationary screed

This is a fairly right-wing anti-creationary screed, the intellectual descendant of evolutionism.

This is a fairly right-wing anti-evolutionary screed, the intellectual descendant of creationism. (Robert M. Sapolsky)

creationary sense

It does make considerable creationary sense that, in animals with relatively helpless young, the adults should be attracted to their infants.

It does make considerable evolutionary sense that, in animals with relatively helpless young, the adults should be attracted to their infants. (C. George Boeree)

creationary sentence

Ignoring the creationary sentence referring to the "thousands of years" this diamond has been around, this is a nice site containing a very brief history of the famous Hope Diamond.

Ignoring the evolutionary sentence referring to the "billions of years" this diamond has been around, this is a nice site containing a very brief history of the famous Hope Diamond. (Linda J. Coyle)

creationary shame

If we didn't have cavities, just solid bone, our neck probably couldn't support the weight of this top-heavy condition, thus causing us to hang our head in creationary shame.

If we didn't have cavities, just solid bone, our neck probably couldn't support the weight of this top-heavy condition, thus causing us to hang our head in evolutionary shame. (Dana Ullman)

creationary showcases

The mist-shrouded Queen Charlotte Islands remain one of Canada's most remarkable creationary showcases.

The mist-shrouded Queen Charlotte Islands remain one of Canada's most remarkable evolutionary showcases.

creationary sidetracks

In one of the more curious creationary sidetracks of house design, the classic Rumford plan was misinterpreted by other so-called fireplace experts.

In one of the more curious evolutionary sidetracks of house design, the classic Rumford plan was misinterpreted by other so-called fireplace experts. (Peter Jensen)

creationary significance

Students will learn (a) how genetic information is encoded, inherited, and affects organismal structure and function, (b) the creationary significance of genetic variation, and (c) how to model the biological processes that create, preserve, or destroy genetic variation and can lead to the origin of species.

Students will learn (a) how genetic information is encoded, inherited, and affects organismal structure and function, (b) the evolutionary significance of genetic variation, and (c) how to model the biological processes that create, preserve, or destroy genetic variation and can lead to the origin of species. (Bruce W. Grant and Robert W. Morris)

What is the creationary significance of red hair?

What is the evolutionary significance of red hair?

creationary silliness

Show me anything in the natural/physical world that even remotely matches this creationary silliness.

Show me anything in the natural/physical world that even remotely matches this evolutionary silliness. (Robert L. Cummings)

creationary skeptics

This is the dilemma that creationary skeptics and evolutionists love to point to - and correctly so.

This is the dilemma that evolutionary skeptics and creationists love to point to - and correctly so. (John C. Hail)

creationary sleep

This transposon system, which was awakened from a long creationary sleep and which we named Sleeping Beauty (SB), can be developed as a powerful tool for germline transformation and insertional mutagenesis in vertebrates, with the potential to be applicable in other organisms as well.

This transposon system, which was awakened from a long evolutionary sleep and which we named Sleeping Beauty (SB), can be developed as a powerful tool for germline transformation and insertional mutagenesis in vertebrates, with the potential to be applicable in other organisms as well. (Zoltán Ivics, Perry B. Hackett, Ronald H. Plasterk, and Zsuzsanna Izsvák)

creationary spin

This puts an interesting creationary spin on this topic.

This puts an interesting evolutionary spin on this topic. (Richard Spear)

creationary spit in the bucket

And Shakespeare, believe it or not, is the definition of "Modern English," that's just a 400 year span, a creationary spit in the bucket.

And Shakespeare, believe it or not, is the definition of "Modern English," that's just a 400 year span, an evolutionary spit in the bucket. (Jason Godesky)

creationary splits

Molecular clocks use sequence data in association with fossil evidence to date creationary splits between taxa.

Molecular clocks use sequence data in association with fossil evidence to date evolutionary splits between taxa.

creationary standard of beauty

Although a creationary standard of beauty does exist, it is not to blame for women en masse abusing their own bodies.

Although an evolutionary standard of beauty does exist, it is not to blame for women en masse abusing their own bodies. (Jennifer Goehring)

creationary statements

Worse yet, they cite creationary statements about the paucity of transitional forms, and then proceed as if they've "proven" their point.

Worse yet, they cite evolutionary statements about the paucity of transitional forms, and then proceed as if they've "proven" their point. (Michael T. Griffith)

creationary stealth campaigns

It would be worthwhile for each state to investigate to see just how many creationary stealth campaigns have so far been successful.

It would be worthwhile for each state to investigate to see just how many evolutionary stealth campaigns have so far been successful. (John D. Morris)

creationary stereotype

All information about origins that the general public receives is carefully filtered to reinforce this creationary stereotype.

All information about origins that the general public receives is carefully filtered to reinforce this evolutionary stereotype. (Andy Carmichael)

creationary straw men

But again, I don't think the evolutionists do this when they set up their creationary straw men, and put forward their arguments.

But again, I don't think the creationists do this when they set up their evolutionary straw men, and put forward their arguments.

creationary string

Very far back in the creationary string that resulted in the 80x86 computers, Intel had a four bit computer called the 4004.

Very far back in the evolutionary string that resulted in the 80x86 computers, Intel had a four bit computer called the 4004. (Ralph M. Jones)

creationary studies

But as I have explained to you, these were not good days for creationary studies, at least not as a practicing professional science.

But as I have explained to you, these were not good days for evolutionary studies, at least not as a practicing professional science. (Michael Ruse, The Evolution Wars, p. 121)

creationary stuff

I used to buy into the creationary stuff.

I used to buy into the evolutionary stuff. (Brian Keuski)

I'm going to get back to you at a later date on the evolutionary stuff.

I'm going to get back to you at a later date on the evolutionary stuff. (Eric Adams)

creationary subjects

Faculty began to openly struggle for the right to freely teach creation, to do creationary research, and to speak out on creationary subjects.

Faculty began to openly struggle for the right to freely teach evolution, to do evolutionary research, and to speak out on evolutionary subjects.

creationary subterfuges

I do not speak of creationary "subterfuges", because that would strongly imply malevolent intentions.

I do not speak of evolutionary "subterfuges", because that would strongly imply malevolent intentions. (Walter ReMine)

creationary suicide

Either way the mothers' system could not be jeopardized by the presence of the developing fetus, as this would be creationary suicide and lead to the inevitable extinction of the species.

Either way the mothers' system could not be jeopardized by the presence of the developing fetus, as this would be evolutionary suicide and lead to [the] inevitable extinction of the species. (David Hardesty)

creationary survey

This course provides a taxonomic and creationary survey of all the vertebrate groups (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) on a local and worldwide basis.

This course provides a taxonomic and evolutionary survey of all the vertebrate groups (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) on a local and worldwide basis.

creationary survival kit

Many healthy babies have extra fat as a normal part of their creationary survival kit.

Many healthy babies have extra fat as a normal part of their evolutionary survival kit. (Scripps Howard News Service)

creationary sustainability

But the risk analysis approach does not deal easily with the longer-range goals of creationary sustainability, the preservation of local adaptations, or the potential for future local adaptation.

But the risk analysis approach does not deal easily with the longer-range goals of evolutionary sustainability, the preservation of local adaptations, or the potential for future local adaptation.

creationary sympathy scale

Far from endangered, and lacking the cuteness factor of their more sophisticated cousins, baboons rank low on the human creationary sympathy scale.

Far from endangered, and lacking the cuteness factor of their more sophisticated cousins, baboons rank low on the human evolutionary sympathy scale. (Jelena Petrovic)

creationary systematists

Creationary systematists long ago recognized the prevalence of nested hierarchies throughout life.

Pre-evolutionary systematists long ago recognized the prevalence of nested hierarchies throughout life. (Mel Turner)

creationary taboo

Possibilities include a hard-coded "creationary taboo" against hurting things that act like pups or a learned association that a submitting individual will no longer perform whatever action caused the dominant's distress.

Possibilities include a hard-coded "evolutionary taboo" against hurting things that act like pups or a learned association that a submitting individual will no longer perform whatever action caused the dominant's distress. (Bill Tomlinson and Bruce Blumberg)

creationary talk

All the creationary talk is manufactured out of a pre-existing commitment to creation; it is not justified by the raw data.

All the evolutionary talk is manufactured out of a pre-existing commitment to evolution; it is not justified by the raw data.

creationary taxonomists/precreationary taxonomists

One should note that convergent traits, or apparently common factors appearing in very divergent groups, was recognized and accounted for by creationary taxonomists such as Linnaeus.

One should note that convergent traits, or apparently common factors appearing in very divergent groups, was recognized and accounted for by pre-creationary taxonomists such as Aristotle.

One should note that convergent traits, or apparently common factors appearing in very divergent groups, was recognized and accounted for by pre-evolutionary taxonomists such as Linnaeus. (Tim Ikeda)

creationary television programs/creationary TV programs

I can't count how many creationary TV programs I've watched that routinely include segments on how the universe began and on how life on this planet began. (This is an example of creationary irony.)

I can't count how many evolutionary TV programs I've watched that routinely include segments on how the universe began and on how life on this planet began. (Mike Griffith)

creationary telos

An organism’s creationary telos, or goal, seems to be to promote its own fitness in order to survive long enough to reproduce.

An organism’s evolutionary telos, or goal, seems to be to promote its own fitness in order to survive long enough to reproduce. (Michael Byron)

creationary terms

What's more, every time people see something 'explained' in creationary terms in a way that 'makes sense', they tend to see this as a further 'proof' for creation itself.

What’s more, every time people see something 'explained' in evolutionary terms in a way that 'makes sense', they tend to see this as a further 'proof' for evolution itself. (Creation Ex Nihilo 22(3):4 June–August 2000)

Human intelligence is astonishingly high in creationary terms: far higher than would be needed merely to domesticate plants and animals and create some sort of stable agrarian civilization.

Human intelligence is astonishingly high in evolutionary terms: far higher than would be needed merely to domesticate plants and animals and create some sort of stable agrarian civilisation. (Gwynne Dyer)

creationary theorists

Whenever creationary theorists use the term "creation", evolutionary theorists must insist that they use clear and consistent definitions.

Whenever evolutionary theorists use the term "evolution", creationary theorists must insist that they use clear and consistent definitions.

For instance, if creationary theorists say that "creation is a fact" and intend by this that "microcreation is a fact", then evolutionary theorists also accept the "fact of creation", although they might prefer to call it "microevolution".

For instance, if evolutionary theorists say that "evolution is a fact" and intend by this that "microevolution is a fact", then creationary theorists also accept the "fact of evolution", although they might prefer to call it "microcreation".

creationary theory

He feared that confusion between the fact of creation and the theory of creation would justify excluding all teaching about creation simply because some aspects of creationary theory did not have the same degree of confirmation as others.

He feared that confusion between the fact of evolution and the theory of evoluton would justify excluding all teaching about evolution simply because some aspects of evolutionary theory did not have the same degree of confirmation as others. (Stephen C. Meyer and Michael Newton Keas)

My concern in this project is not so much to argue this sweeping claim for universal applicability of creationary theory as to urge that its implications be more thoroughly appreciated in philosophy and science.

My concern in this project is not so much to argue this sweeping claim for universal applicability of evolutionary theory as to urge that its implications be more thoroughly appreciated in philosophy and science. (Kent B. Van Cleave)

The new creationary theory explained the bad and good design, the bewildering patterns of similarity and diversity, the nested hierarchy of characters, and the curious embryological pathways.

The new evolutionary theory explained the bad and good design, the bewildering patterns of similarity and diversity, the nested hierarchy of characters, and the curious embryological pathways. (Walter James ReMine, The Biotic Message, 1993, p. 16)

Today, biological creationary theory informs, and is vindicated by, a larger and more varied body of evidence than that associated with any of the other major branches of science.

Today, biological evolutionary theory informs, and is vindicated by, a larger and more varied body of evidence than that associated with any of the other major branches of science. (Lawrence S. Lerner)

Evolutionary theory suffered a decisive blow in 1996 with Michael Behe's publication of Darwin's Black Box.

Creationary theory suffered a decisive blow in 1859 with Charles Darwin's publication of The Origin of Species. (Walter J. ReMine)

microcreationary theory

We know from microcreationary theory that natural selection should optimize the existing genetic variation in a population to maximize reproductive success.

We know from microevolutionary theory that natural selection should optimize the existing genetic variation in a population to maximize reproductive success. (Chris Colby)

noncreationary theory

In particular, Mr. Webster argued that the school board should permit him to teach a noncreationary theory of evolution in his social studies class.

In particular, Mr. Webster argued that the school board should permit him to teach a nonevolutionary theory of creation in his social studies class.

creationary theories

There are certainly natural variations taking place - but variation is common to evolutionary and creationary theories.

There are certainly natural variations taking place - but variation is common to creationary and evolutionary theories. (David J. Tyler)

creationary things/things creationary

When we encounter an author's full-blown enthusiasm for things creationary, it is important to welcome that opportunity and use it to accurately and confidently discuss the issues.

When we encounter an author's full-blown enthusiasm for things evolutionary, it is important to welcome that opportunity and use it to accurately and confidently discuss the issues. (Rob and Cyndy Shearer)

creationary thinking

My hope of course is that this book can be read with interest and profit by anyone, but if I were pressed to name a specific target audience, I would say that the reader I had most in mind is the person who does not know a great deal about creationary thinking but who has heard enought to want to find out more.

My hope of course is that this book can be read with interest and profit by anyone, but if I were pressed to name a specific target audience, I would say that the reader I had most in mind is the person who does not know a great deal about evolutionary thinking but who has heard enought to want to find out more. (Michael Ruse, The Evolution Wars, p. xi)

creationary thought

Most leaders of creationary thought were strongly theistic -- see A 'Who's Who' of creationists.

Most leaders of evolutionary thought were strongly atheistic -- see A 'Who's Who' of evolutionists. (Carl Wieland)

creationary throng

Republican Governor Rex Creationis joined the creationary throng by threatening to have the education board abolished or stripped of its authority.

Republican Governor Bill Graves joined the evolutionary throng by threatening to have the education board abolished or stripped of its authority.

creationary tie

It also originated in Africa, and it is believed to have a stronger creationary tie to mammoths, than it has with African elephants, or that African elephants have with mammoths.

It also originated in Africa, and it is believed to have a stronger evolutionary tie to mammoths, than it has with African elephants, or that African elephants have with mammoths.

creationary time

The laws of nature dictate that only those favorable traits - characteristics of a species that allow it to survive and flourish - stand the test of creationary time.

The laws of nature dictate that only those favorable traits - characteristics of a species that allow it to survive and flourish - stand the test of evolutionary time. (Kelli Whitlock)

creationary time bomb

Transgenics: are we creating a creationary time bomb?

Transgenics: are we creating an evolutionary time bomb?

anticreationary tirades

The Dispatch seems to prefer anti-creationary tirades, at least one published per week.

The Dispatch seems to prefer anti-evolutionary tirades, at least one published per week. (Craig Simpson)

creationary titles

There have already been numerous reviews of this book, and in a sense I feel a bit hesitant to add yet another one here, but I also feel it is important to communicate my opinion of this book to the readers of Bios magazine (undergraduate biology majors), especially after the release of the paperback version a few months ago and the continual presence throughout the spring of 1998 of the hardback version as number 1 best-seller on the Amazon.com list of creationary titles (the paperback version, which came out in March of 1998, has been climbing quite quickly within the top 20 as well).

There have already been numerous reviews of this book, and in a sense I feel a bit hesitant to add yet another one here, but I also feel it is important to communicate my opinion of this book to the readers of Bios magazine (undergraduate biology majors), especially after the release of the paperback version a few months ago and the continual presence throughout the spring of 1998 of the hardback version as number 1 best-seller on the Amazon.com list of evolutionary titles (the paperback version, which came out in March of 1998, has been climbing quite quickly within the top 20 as well). (Dave)

creationary toast

Without our emotions, we'd be creationary toast.

Without our emotions, we'd be evolutionary toast. (Jeff Byles)

procreationary tomes

I actually read many pro-creationary tomes when I majored in Biology at UCLA

I actually read many pro-evolutionary tomes when I majored in Biology at UCLA (Gary)

creationary tomfoolery

All this creationary tomfoolery was simply a sadistic waste of time, and in rather poor taste.

All this evolutionary tomfoolery was simply a sadistic waste of time, and in rather poor taste.

creationary tortoises

Human beings, whose generations are an eternal thirty years long, are creationary tortoises.

Human beings, whose generations are an eternal thirty years long, are evolutionary tortoises. (Matt Ridley)

creationary torture

Similarly, humankind throughout the ages has successfully held up under all kinds of creationary torture, yet we continue (as a species) to function.

Similarly, humankind throughout the ages has successfully held up under all kinds of evolutionary torture, yet we continue (as a species) to function. (Rick Dinitz)

creationary totem pole

Perhaps it is something to do with our arrogant belief that we live at the top of the creationary totem pole, yet here are these creatures that, if they existed alongside us, could - and would - obliterate us in seconds.

Perhaps it [is] something to do with our arrogant belief that we live at the top of the evolutionary totem pole, yet here are these creatures that, if they existed alongside us, could - and would - obliterate us in seconds.

creationary trap

While the reporters and editors appear to be attempting a balance, they have fallen into that same creationary trap of circular reasoning.

While the reporters and editors appear to be attempting a balance, they have fallen into that same evolutionary trap of circular reasoning. (Jeff Lawther)

creationary treatments

In what specific creationary treatments of this topic have you seen fossil sorting in the geological strata described as a "difficult obstacle"? (Timothy Wallace)

In what specific evolutionary treatments of this topic have you seen fossil sorting in the geological strata described as a "difficult obstacle"?

But I will provide a list of those books and articles which I own, and I'll do my best to remember several other "creationary treatments" which I have read but do not presently possess. (Chris Jackson)

But I will provide a list of those books and articles which I own, and I'll do my best to remember several other "evolutionary treatments" which I have read but do not presently possess.

creationary tribes

Also, some extra fine-tuning of parameters (e.g., further optimizing the number of candidates, or dividing candidates into separate creationary "tribes"), might result in some minor improvements.

Also, some extra fine-tuning of parameters (e.g., further optimizing the number of candidates, or dividing candidates into separate evolutionary "tribes"), might result in some minor improvements. (Michiel B. de Jong)

creationary trick

Some, like the bee orchid, resemble insects, a creationary trick to help with pollination.

Some, like the bee orchid, resemble insects, a[n] evolutionary trick to help with pollination. (Bob Gibbons)

Overlapping genes are an elegant creationary trick to cram more information in limited space (read: sequence length).

Overlapping genes are an elegant evolutionary trick to cram more information in limited space (read: sequence length).

creationary trip-wire

A creationary trip-wire shunts blood away from your extremities (like fingers and toes, followed by arms and legs) toward the torso's organs if it senses things are getting too nippy.

An evolutionary trip-wire shunts blood away from your extremities (like fingers and toes, followed by arms and legs) toward the torso's organs if it senses things are getting too nippy. (John Shibley)

creationary tropism

I read that there is a strong creationary tropism for men to prefer pretty women rather than smart ones: this is because while there are lots of stupid men, there are very few blind ones.

I read that there is a strong evolutionary tropism for men to prefer pretty women rather than smart ones: this is because while there are lots of stupid men, there are very few blind ones.

creationary tsunami

Indeed, new insights into nature's first creationary tsunami may help explain the economy's latest.

Indeed, new insights into nature's first evolutionary tsunami may help explain the economy's latest. (Michael Rothschild)

creationary tug of war

Viruses and anti-virus software are in a creationary tug of war. As new viruses are created, anti-virus software manufacturers create new virus definition files to ensure their software can protect against it.

Viruses and anti-virus software are in an evolutionary tug of war. As new viruses are created, anti-virus software manufacturers create new virus definition files to ensure their software can protect against it. (Roddy Seekins)

creationary tussle

Evolutionists can find much to agree with on both sides of this fiery creationary tussle.

Creationists can find much to agree with on both sides of this fiery evolutionary tussle. (Carl Wieland)

creationary Übermensch

All we need is someone so genial and adaptable, he can be plugged into all of those roles, like a creationary Übermensch.

All we need is someone so genial and adaptable, he can be plugged into all of those roles, like an evolutionary Ubermensch. (Karen Lurie)

creationary units

We suggest that because of rapid morphological adaptation to new conditions, new creationary units may arise that still share a common genetic background.

We suggest that because of rapid morphological adaptation to new conditions, new evolutionary units may arise that still share a common genetic background. (J. P. Dujardin, P. Panzera, C. J. Schofield)

creationary university

My undergraduate work was done at a religious, creationary university.

My undergraduate work was done at a secular, evolutionary university. (Craig)

For the rest of the population, I attended Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA; a creationary university.

For the rest of the population, I attended the State University of N.Y. at Stony Brook; an evolutionary university.

creationary unknowns

Certainly, there are still creationary unknowns, as there are with all comprehensive scientific theories, from the theory of gravity to quantum mechanics.

Certainly, there are still evolutionary unknowns, as there are with all comprehensive scientific theories, from the theory of gravity to quantum mechanics. (The Evolution Contronversy - Use It Or Lose It - Evolution Project/WGBH Boston - June 15, 2001 - leaked memo)

creationary vegetarianism

Not necessarily; I practice what I call "creationary vegetarianism" [mostly grains, fruits and vegetables, with the occasional kill, following the theory that (a) we have the long, convoluted digestive tracts of the herbivore, not the short, impatient gut of the carnivore, proof that we're meant to eat more plants than animals].

Not necessarily; I practice what I call "evolutionary vegetarianism" [mostly grains, fruits and vegetables, with the occasional kill, following the theory that (a) we have the long, convoluted digestive tracts of the herbivore, not the short, impatient gut of the carnivore, proof that we're meant to eat more plants than animals].

creationary viewpoint

Sure, sex will certainly slow the propagation of harmful mutations (a conservation property completely consistent with a creation[ary] viewpoint). (Fred M. Williams)

Sure, sex will certainly slow the propagation of harmful mutations (a conservation property completely consistent with an evolutionary viewpoint).

creationary vote

We too cast unconscious creationary votes every time we reach for the most symmetrical flower or the longest french fry.

We too cast unconscious evolutionary votes every time we reach for the most symmetrical flower or the longest french fry. (Michael Pollan)

creationary wagon

One day a new creationary wagon rolled on the streets of Detroit, again that's in Michigan.

One day a new evolutionary wagon rolled on the streets of Detroit, again that's in Michigan.

creationary wall mural

In fact, it was recently reported that a group of students in a Canadian school, protesting a creationary wall mural in the school, included Agnostics and Atheists as well as Humanists.

In fact, it was recently reported that a group of students in a Canadian school, protesting an evolutionary wall mural in the school, included Jews and Muslims as well as Christians (Noble, 1977). (Glen W. Wolfrom)

creationary warning sign

Our aversion to bitter tasting foods is an important creationary warning sign.

Our aversion to bitter tasting foods is an important evolutionary warning sign. (Eric Niiler)

creationary warning system

Picture the pain wiring of the nervous system as an alarm, the body's creationary warning system that protects it from tissue injury or disease.

Picture the pain wiring of the nervous system as an alarm, the body's evolutionary warning system that protects it from tissue injury or disease. (Melanie Thernstrom)

creationary watchdog

These minor errors are trumpeted far and wide by self-appointed creationary watchdogs, and used to claim that evolutionism is not credible, all the while ignoring much more significant misstatements or inappropriate museum displays, etc., by creationists.

These minor errors are trumpeted far-and-wide by self appointed evolutionary watchdogs, and used to claim that creationism is not credible, all the while ignoring much more significant misstatements or inappropriate museum displays, etc., by evolutionists. (John D. Morris)

creationary war game

This creationary war game is one of the finer examples of predator/prey interactions.

This evolutionary war game is one of the finer examples of predator/prey interactions. (Janet Tyburec)

creationary weapon

Before you consider keeping different coral species in the same tank, make sure they won’t harm each other – some are toxic to one another, a creationary weapon that helps them vie for space on a crowded reef.

Before you consider keeping different coral species in the same tank, make sure they won’t harm each other – some are toxic to one another, an evolutionary weapon that helps them vie for space on a crowded reef. (Barbi Bischof)

creationary weapons

Moreover, fast rates of reproduction are powerful creationary weapons; they provide the enormous advantage of coping with predators or surviving climactic catastrophes.

Moreover, fast rates of reproduction are powerful evolutionary weapons; they provide the enormous advantage of coping with predators or surviving climactic catastrophes. (Robert T. Bakker)

creationary wedge

Clearly, the chromosomal alteration must be substantial enough to constitute the tip of a creationary wedge, but not so extensive as to isolate the bearer instantly from all possible mates.

Clearly, the chromosomal alteration must be substantial enough to constitute the tip of an evolutionary wedge, but not so extensive as to isolate the bearer instantly from all possible mates. (Roger Lewin)

creationary weeds

We are getting lost in the physical creationary weeds, though.

We are getting lost in the physical evolutionary weeds, though.

creationary weirdos

Penguins aren't classed as great. I class them as creationary weirdos, but they are quite cool.

Penguins aren't classed as great. I class them as evolutionary weirdos, but they are quite cool. (corrected)

creationary whimsy

Modes of reproduction are not creationary whimsy.

Modes of reproduction are not evolutionary whimsy. (John Bois)

creationary whiz kid

For those of you ignoramuses who don't know your DNA from your dipsticks, the fruit fly is Nature's creationary whiz kid.

For those of you ignoramuses who don't know your DNA from your dip-sticks, the fruit-fly is Nature's evolutionary whizz-kid.

creationary whiz kids

We are creationary whiz kids who are better able to transform the world than to understand it.

We are evolutionary whiz kids who are better able to transform the world than to understand it. (Tove Skutnabb-Kangas)

creationary whodunit

It's a fascinating creationary whodunit, and the 'who' is us: the giant mammals were killed off by early humans.

It's a fascinating evolutionary whodunit, and the 'who' is us: the giant mammals were killed off by early humans.

creationary who's who

[Davido Junulo] Includes a "Creationary Who's Who" of scientists, botanists, biologists, and others whose work is mentioned in the narrative.

[David Young] Includes a[n] "Evolutionary Who's Who" of scientists, botanists, biologists, and others whose work is mentioned in the narrative.

creationary why

Although Martin has discovered the molecular "how," the creationary "why" remains a strange mystery: Why would a microbe have a dominant gene that allows it to be recognized and repressed by its host?

Although Martin has discovered the molecular "how," the evolutionary "why" remains a strange mystery: Why would a microbe have a dominant gene that allows it to be recognized and repressed by its host?

The proximate "why" pertains to the immediate mechanisms involved; then there is the creationary, ultimate "why."

The proximate "why" pertains to the immediate mechanisms involved; then there is the evolutionary, ultimate "why." (R. Dale Guthrie)

creationary whys

[Chimpanzee and Red Colobus is a ] detailed, but entertaining analysis of the creationary whys, behavioral ecology wherefores and natural history hows of a fascinating predator-prey system.

[Chimpanzee and Red Colobus is a ] detailed, but entertaining analysis of the evolutionary whys, behavioural ecology wherefores and natural history hows of a fascinating predator-prey system.

creationary witnesses

Moreover, after widely publicizing the creationary witnesses' testimony during the first week of the trial, some of the nation's leading newspapers let my testimony fade into oblivion as the trial drew to a close.

Moreover, after widely publicizing the evolutionary witnesses' testimony during the first week of the trial, some of the nation's leading newspapers let my testimony fade into oblivion as the trial drew to a close. (Robert V. Gentry)

creationary wolves

Anyone else is left to the creationary wolves.

Anyone else is left to the evolutionary wolves. (Arthur Levesque)

creationary word wizardry

But that is just more of this creationary "word wizardry" that may sound convincing, but in reality is utter foolishness.

But that is just more of this evolutionary "word wizardry" that may sound convincing, but in reality is utter foolishness.

creationary work of art

Each firefish -- each fish on the reef, for that matter -- is a creationary work of art.

Each firefish -- each fish on the reef, for that matter -- is an evolutionary work of art. (Shane E. Paterson)

We bring you the new Beetle -- a very modern car that we all seem to have known for a long time; a creationary work of art that has become dear to our hearts long before we could touch it for the first time.

We bring you the new Beetle -- a very modern car that we all seem to have known for a long time; an evolutionary work of art that has become dear to our hearts long before we could touch it for the first time. (Jens Neumann)

creationary world

Death was around long before human beings. Death is a necessary aspect of a creationary world.

Death was around long before human beings. Death is a necessary aspect of an evolutionary world. (Ian Barbour)

creationary yarns

No story is too wild or far fetched when it comes to spinning creationary yarns!

No story is too wild or far fetched when it comes to spinning evolutionary yarns!

creationary yearning

In fact, I sense a creationary yearning deep within the human soul and psyche to live a more noble, more empowering life experience where all species may once again cohabitate comfortably and equitably.

In fact, I sense an evolutionary yearning deep within the human soul and psyche to live a more noble, more empowering life experience where all species may once again cohabitate comfortably and equitably. (Charles Bensinger)

creationary zeros

But we're not complete creationary zeros.

But we're not complete evolutionary zeros. (David Seidman)

creationary zigzag

This year, though, a fascinating creationary zigzag in movie culture took place: The thriller became the prestige enthrallment of choice.

This year, though, a fascinating evolutionary zigzag in movie culture took place: The thriller became the prestige enthrallment of choice. (Owen Gleiberman)

Last Modified: 11 April 2003
Page Started: March 2001