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Science Olympiad
Student Center

Join the Ring

Click Here if you are a current ring member

Join the Science Olympiad Ring!

1. Fill out this form

Site URL:
Site Title:
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.

Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Choose a password - this will allow you to edit your site information, etc.

You will be given a site ID number, and a customized HTML fragment to insert onto your page. You will not be added to the ring immediately, but placed into a queue.

2. Get yourself added to the ring

You can do this in two ways:
  1. Get a current member to add you to the ring.
  2. Do nothing, and a ring manager will add you to the ring.
In order to be in the ring, your page must be Science Olympiad-related, and have the HTML fragment inserted correctly.

If you have lost your customized HTML fragment, go to
Be sure to replace ___SITE_ID_HERE___ with your site id number.

You will need to copy GIF images to your webpage.

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15 June 1997 - CKF

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