The LX200 Schmidt Cassegrain

The Meade LX 200 series telescopes were the first ever amateur class observing instrument with computerized "Go To" capability. By selecting any object within its memory and pressing a button, the telescope will automatically slew to the entered object and stop with the object centered within the field of view. The LX 200 will perform this function whether it is either operated in alt-azimuth mode (attached directly on top of the tripod) or equatorial mode (attached to an equatorial wedge). The optical tube is carried on a fork mount which houses the slewing motors and encoders. Later versions of the scope employ "High Precision Pointing" which further enhances the pointing accuracy of the scope after a "slew" and provide the accuracy to put an object on a CCD chip every time. This feature greatly enhances the capability of the scope in this age of CCD imaging and guiding.

Photo courtesy of:
Meade Instruments Corp, Irvine, California

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