1820 Carlisle's Party

The list below contains details of the members of the above party which formed part of the British government-assisted emigration scheme to the Cape Colony, South Africa.

The settler's age in 1820 in years is reflected in brackets.   Where no age is given it is either unknown or less than one year in the case of children.



if applicable

if applicable



Benjamin (39)


James (12)

Miller & army pensioner


George (19)





Frederick (18)





John (22)





James (18)



Farmer's servant


Samuel (20)



Farmer's servant


William (18)



Farmer's servant


Rupert (13)



 Servant to John Carlisle


Robert (22)





Samuel (34)


Sampson (13)

Samuel (8)



William (23)





Samuel (18)




+ = Died at sea
* = Born at sea
# = Did not disembark
@ = Originally part of party, however, sailed as independent settlers on other ships

References acknowledged in preparation of the above information.
The Settler Handbook : A new list of 1820 Settlers by MD Nash.
Supplement to the East London Daily Dispatch Christmas number 1919.   Article by GE Cory.
Roll of the British Settlers in South Africa by E Morse Jones.

Thank you to David Boardman who captured this page in the interest of Genealogy.

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Len Stratford

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