CapeCanaveral Leader  CL Application Form 

All fields must be filled out. Incomplete applications will be discarded without reply.

Your real name:
Your nickname (what you want us to call you):
GeoCities Member Name:
Neighborhood (Pull down to select correct suburb):
Please make sure the correct suburb is chosen. If we can't find your page, we cannot select you to become a leader.
Preferred E-Mail Address:
We recommend that you get a different email address for your CL work. It is preferred that you do not use your ISP address.
ICQ UIN (if you have one):

Please enter a short bio of yourself. This will be used on the CapeCanaveral Leader Page if you are chosen as a leader. Please write it exactly as you want it shown on the Leader web page.

It must be no more than 160 characters. Do not hit RETURN or you will get an error in processing.

If you are a CL in another neighborhood, which neighborhood (or put N/A if not a CL already)?
When did you move in to CapeCanaveral?
If the one month residency condition is not met, the application will be deleted without action.
Are you under 18? No
(Please note that we try to be fair to all applicants, regardless of age, and thus, misrepresenting one's age can result in suspension from the program.)

Answer this section only if you are under 18

Will your parent or guardian email us
giving their consent?
See info page for details.
Parents: please fill out the email consent form.
If no parental permission is received, the application will be deleted without action.

All applicants must fill out the remainder of the application.


Why do you want to be a Community Leader here in CapeCanaveral?

What does "leadership" mean to you?

Describe your level of ability in dealing with people (interpersonal strengths):

List your technical strengths:

Have you ever been helped by a Community Leader? If so, please give a description of how.

Choose the committees you would be interested in. Note: This is just for our info, once you become a leader you will need to contact the committee head to join.

Activities Team
Alert Team (must be 18)
Community Pages Maintenance
Awards Team
Training Mentor (must be a CL for 2 months and at least 16 years old.)
The Cape Horn
The CapeCanaveral Yellow Pages
Web Rings

What ideas do you have for a committee or special project for CapeCanaveral?

Other Comments

Important! The following is required in order to be considered for the CL position. Please check this carefully before submitting your application.

I have reviewed the GeoCities Page Content Guidelines and my site complies with them in all aspects.

If your site is determined to violate GeoCities Page Content Guidelines, the application will be deleted without action--so please read them and make sure that your site complies.

If you were recruited to the CL program by a current leader, please tell us which one.

The following information will be used only for setting up training. It will not be used for evaluating your application.

To better match up a mentor for your training, let us know what hours you are generally online. Most CL's are in the U.S., if you live in another country, tell us that also so we can adjust the times.(example: afternoons, nights, no weekends, Live in UK)

IMPORTANT: Disclaimer

Remember, being a Community Leader is an important responsibility. Children under 13 are not permitted to apply. The personal information you will be providing is being sent to and collected by a volunteer, a Community Leader, and NOT an employee of GeoCities. This information is being collected solely for the purpose of evaluating your application to become a Community Leader, and for determining whether you should be accepted as a CapeCanaveral Community Leader. As part of the evaluation process, your information is likely to be reviewed by other CapeCanaveral Community Leaders, and may be kept on file by the CapeCanaveral Community Leaders for an indeterminate period of time. Please contact if you have any questions about how your information is used.

I understand that my information will be disseminated among the current CapeCanaveral Community Leaders.

I have checked all of the above information and certify that it is correct to the best of my ability. I understand that my application may be discarded without action if:
  • You are a minor (under 18 years old), and our liaison does not receive the parental permission letter..
  • You did not answer all of questions on the application.
  • You are reapplying too soon after being rejected from the program.
  • Your page does not meet the 1 month residency requirement as stated in the application information.
  • Your application address doesn't match your membername.
  • Your site violates GeoCities Content Guidelines.
  • Your page is not yet developed to the extent that it should be for a Community Leader site (examples: "under construction"; too little personal content; excessive links to other sites).

If the above form submission does not work, please email the above information to, and it will be posted manually. Thank you for you interest in becoming a CapeCanaveral Community Leader.


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