Youth Against Racism in Europe

Show Racism the Red Card

The anti racist football Magazine

A new, 24-page, full colour anti-racist magazine which aims to explain racism and how to overcome it.

It contains interviews with Les Ferdinand, Viv Anderson and Shaka Hislop

Show Racism the Red Card is organised by : Youth Against Racism in Europe, Tyne and Wear Racial Equality Council, Independant Newcastle United Supporters' Association and Racial Equality Council Cleveland.

Honoray Patrons:

Viv Anderson

Middlesbrough Football Club

Shaka Hislop, Newcastle United

Order from Show Racism the Red Card, 1 Drury Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1EA. Telephone/Fax (44) (0)191 295 1077

Price 50p each

Bulk orders :10 for £3. 100 for £25.

Cheaques payable to :- 'Show Racism The Red Card'

Also available

"Show Racism the Red Card"

The Anti-Racist Educational Video

The video is 30 minutes long and contains interviews with 16 North East professional footballers. The aim is to harness the high profile of footballers in the region to campaign against racism. The video is designed to break down into 4 sections, making it ideal to be shown over four lessons. It comes complete with study notes and an anti-racist magazine, allowing the teachers to use the video to provoke debate and discussion.

The video plus education pack and teaching aid notes is £50.

Half price special offer of £25. for schools and youth organisations.

Cheaques payable to :- 'Show Racism The Red Card',1 Drury Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1EA. Telephone/Fax (44) (0)191 295 1077

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