The above are NOT sponsors of Cothú, in fact they probably have nothing in common with Cothú.

The On-Line Journal
of Irish/Irish-American/Nationalist/Republican
Wit, Opinion, and Farce


Irish Politics Music Craic General Sites
History Recommended

Irish Politics
Fianna Fail
"The Republican Party"
(If you believe that sort of thing.)
Fine Gael
"The __ Party"
Labour Party
"Dick's Party"
Progressive Democrats
"The PG Party"
(None of the Above)
Democratic Left
"The Party to end all Parties"
(Aren't they the 'S' word? Imagine That!)
Sinn Fein
(If we say anything here, we might be considered partisan)
Green Party
"The Green Party"
(Are the Sunkist people against them too?)

1. Liz Pennock & Dr. Blues
This is not an Irish Link, if the name hasn't given it away. These are quite the favorite around the Cothú office (living-room). Really, check 'em out, you won't be sorry.
Clannad (Unofficial Site)
The Bodhran Page
(How Many Bodhran players does it take to screw in a lightbulb?)
Irish MIDI Sequences
Good Stuff...Cheesey Stuff...Green Stuff..And Whatnot
One Word --- Chieftains

None of these are really Irish, but what the hell, they're great sites.
Red Meat
Perhaps the most disturbingly hilarious cartoon series...ever.
Harry Shearer
From the Edge of America - Good Craic

General Sites
2. Free Eíre
The only bookmark you'll ever need (except, of course for Cothú)
Irish Internet Hub
The other only bookmark you'll ever need
Gaeilge ar an Ghréasán
An láthair féin as Gaeilge!

Irish History on the Web
All History, All the Time
Interpreting The Irish Famine, 1846-1850
Graphics heavy site with history of an Gorta Mor
Michael Collins - The Big Fella
The Life and Times of The Big Fella, Complete with Gift Shop

Ireland Uncensored
Bulletin boards for debating, news links for learning, a favorite haunt.
2. Free Eíre
The only bookmark you'll ever need
(except, of course for Cothú)

If you've got any suggestions,