

As a public service, IMW views the following article from Arutz 7 News service, Monday, November 8, 1999 - 29 Heshvan 5760, as in the interest of visitors to our web site.

Israel Media Watch turns to Supreme Court
with "secret document" as evidence


Israel's Media Watch intends to turn to the Supreme Court, demanding that its complaint against television reporter Eitan Oren be re-opened.  Basing itself on the "secret document" that continues to be forbidden for publication - despite its having been widely publicized over the internet during the past few days - IMW maintains that the closing of its complaint was done "unprofessionally, unethically, and in complete opposition to the facts at hand." 

The original complaint was filed against Eitan Oren, the reporter who filmed the "swearing-in" ceremony of Avishai Raviv's fake Eyal organization, but the police closed the investigation for "lack of evidence."  IMW moreover claims that "it appears that the closure was done solely to protect the GSS' behavior in running its agent-provocateur, Raviv."

IMW intends to take this case to the High Court of Justice and demand that the State Prosecutor's Office be force to rescind its decision of closure.  An announcement to that effect is to be made shortly.

From the Press

"The Justice Ministry issued a statement saying that the 'facts attributed in
the protocol to former state attorney Dorit Beinisch are untrue'."

"Attorney-General Elyakim Rubinstein said with regard to a leaked document about the Raviv investigation that was banned from publication yet found its way onto the Internet yesterday, that there are many delicate questions outstanding and the court would decide whether to allow its publication. However, he added, just because it was leaked does not mean the authorities should not oppose its publication.

MK Michael Eitan revealed the document, said Rubinstein, and now wonders why the Justice Ministry is issuing clarifications regarding one of the persons it mentions, Supreme Court Justice Dorit Beinisch. There is no limit to the headline-seeking of politicians, said Rubinstein. He also warned against what he called the current fashion of turning the GSS into a punching bag.

IMW asks:

  • But what *are* the facts?
  • Does the document include state secrets of a military/security nature
    that could possibly harm soldiers of agents?
  • Could it be that the "facts" would expose embarassing judicial behavior?
  • Who exactly uses who as a punching bag?

Words of Wisdom

Amnon Dankner, Kol Hazman Weekly (Jerusalem),
November 5, 1999, p. 19
"The skies will not fall if the document is published in full.
No damage will be caused to the security of the state.
No GSS methods will be revealed.  It will cause several
persons and establishments to be seen in an unfavorable light, to
be pressured and to sweat.  Since when does the High Court of Justice
wipe away the sweat of the establishment?  Since when hass the Court
been appointed to prevent unpleasantness from the State Prosecution
and the GSS?"

Tom Segev, Ha'Aretz, Nov. 5, 1999, p. B12
"More than anything else, the contents of this document
shed light on the pressures that the GSS personnel apply
to the legal and justice system, and the amount of integrity
demanded of this system's employees in order to fact up
to these pressures.  There are those that stand up to them
and others who don't.  This is no security secret.  This is
information the publication of such is very helpful to understanding
the system of government in Israel and will contribute to the
strengthening of democracy".

IMW is a registered non-profit organization whose major aim is assuring the ethical and fair conduct of the Israeli media. 

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