This group was born out of a protest against including intellectual property rights as part of the Uruguay round of GATT negotiations. This group consists of important social activist groups and eminent persons. Amongst its members are the eminent former Judge of the Supreme Court Justice V.R.Krishna Iyer. The organizations or individuals associated with the Group are from:

Legal Organizations:
Public Interest Legal Support & Research Centre
Research & Information System for Non- Aligned and Developing Countries
Forum for Preservation of Indian Patent laws
All India Lawyers Union

Trade Unions
National Confederation of Officers' Associations of Central Public Sector Undertakings
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Scientific Workers Association
Federation of Medical Representatives of India

Social Organizations
Forum for Scientists, Engineers & Technologists
National Campaign Committee on Drug Policy
All India Drug Action Network
Delhi Science Forum
Academy of Young Scientists
Indian Drug Manufacturers Association

Eminent Scientists, Economists and Journalists

The Working Group has now set up a Centre for the Study on GATT issues.

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