
Father: King Georg I of Greece 
Born: December 24, 1845 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Married: October 15, 1867 in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Died: March 18, 1913 in Salonika, Greece

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Mother: Princess Olga of Russia 
Born: September 3, 1851 in Pavlovsk, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Died: June 18, 1926 at Pau, Pyrennes, France

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1. King Constantine I of Greece (b.8/2/1868)
2. Prince George of Greece (b.6/24/1869)
3. Princess Alexandra of Greece (b.8/18/1870)
4. Prince Nicholas of Greece (b.1/9/1872)
5. Princess Maria of Greece (b.2/20/1876)
6. Princess Olga of Greece (b.4/7/1880)
7. Prince Andreas of Greece (b.1/20/1882)
8. Prince Christoph of Greece (b.7/29/1888)

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