The Difference Between the Right and the Left

The Right:

Wants a strict interpretation of Constitutional definitions of the powers and limitations of the federal government.

Wants state and local governments to control welfare, education, law enforcement, and all other concerns not constitutionally delegated to the federal government.

Believes that the First amendment does not extend into every claimed "form of" free speech, like obscenity, pornography, or all art forms.

Believes that the Second Amendment gives the people the right to keep and bear arms.

Believes that the "just compensation" clause of the Fifth Amendment includes land seizures for environmental purposes.

Opposes blanket "affirmative action" policies along with any "compensation for past wrongs" as being in violation of the Constitution and general rule of American law.

Believes that "rights" is synonymous with "freedoms"; that "rights" are not provided, only protected.

Is opposed to punitive or prohibitive taxation.

Believes the Constitution defines a limited federal government, with certain enumerated powers.

The Left:

Wants a loose interpretation of the Constitution to allow the federal government to assume new roles and powers as conditions change.

Wants federal control or regulation of welfare, education, law enforcement, and other concerns where they feel the states or the people are not doing a good enough job.

Believes that the First Amendment extends to any and all "forms of" free speech, including all art forms.

Believes that the Second Amendment gives the Army and National guard the right to keep and bear arms.

Believes that private lands can be restricted by the federal government, without compensation, for environmental reasons.

Supports blanket "affirmative action" programs, and accepts the idea of "righting previous wrongs" through government policy.

Believes that a "minimum standard of living", including food, housing, and healthcare, is a "right" that must be provided to all those that cannot provide for themselves.

Believes in using punitive or prohibitive taxation to suppliment policy in order to discourage undesired behavior.

Believes the Constitution defines an unlimited federal government, with certain enumerated restrictions.

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