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Coerced Sterilization of Native American Women:
Comprehensive Bibliography

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Books, Pamphlets and Law Review Articles

    Beverly Horsburgh, Schr degreesodinger's Cat, Eugenics, and the Compulsory Sterilization of Welfare Mothers: Deconstructing an Old/New Rhetoric and Constructing the Reproductive Right to Natality for Low-Income Women of Color, 17 CARDOZO LAW REVIEW 536 (1996).

    Herbert Hovenkamp, Social Science and Segregation before Brown, 1985 Duke L.J. 624.

    Ruth Hubbard and Elijah Wald, Exploding the Gene Myth: How Genetic Information is Produced and Manipulated by Scientists, Physicians, Employers, Insurance Companies, Educators, and Law Enforcers (1993).

    Linda Gordon, Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Societal History of Birth Control in America (rev. ed. 1990).

    The Immigration Act of 1924, ch.190, §11(a), 43 Stat. 153, 159, amended by The Immigration and Nationality Act, ch. 477, §201, 66 Stat. 175 (1952), amended by Pub. L. No. 89-236, §1, 79 Stat. 911 (1965).

    Leon J. Kamin, The Pioneers of IQ Testing, in The Bell Curve Debate (1995).

    Howard M. Sachar, A History of Jews in America (1992).

    Adam Miller, Professors of Hate, in The Bell Curve Debate: History, Documents, Opinions (Russell Jacoby and Naomi Glauberman eds., 1995).

    Robert N. Proctor, Genomics and Eugenics: How Fair is the Comparison?, in Gene Mapping: Using Law and Ethics as Guides.

    Charles Rutherford, Reproductive Freedoms and African American Women, 4 YALE J.L. & FEMINISM 255 (1992).

    Relf v. Weinberger, 372 F. Supp. 1196, 1199 (D.D.C. 1974).

    American Indian Journal of the Institute for the Development of Indian Law, (Feb. 1977).

    Akwesasne Notes, Sterilization of Young Native Women Alleged at Indian Hospital (July, 1974).

    Helen Temkin-Greener, Surgical Fertility Regulation Among Women on the Navajo Indian Reservation, American Journal of Public Health, (April, 1981).

    Brint Dillingham, American Indian Women and I.H.S. Sterilization Practices, American Indian Journal (January 1977).

    Margot Liberty, Rural and Urban Omaha Indian Fertility, Human Biology (February 1976).

    Gayle Mark Jarvis, The Theft of Life, Akwesasne Notes (1977).

    U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Indian Health Trends and Services [report] (GPO, 1978).

    Leslie A. Westoff and Charles F. Westoff, From Now to Zero, Little, Brown & Co. (1971).

    U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Family Planning, Contraception, Voluntary Sterilization and Abortion, (GPO, 1978).

    Mark Miller, Native American Peoples on the Trail of Tears Once More, America (December 1978).

    Killing Our Future: Sterilization and Experiments, Akwesasne Notes (Autumn, 1977).

    Bill Wagner, Lo the Poor and Sterilized Indian, America (January 29, 1977).

    Janet Karstan Larson, And Then There Were None: Is Federal Policy Endangering the American Indian Species?, Christian Century (January 26, 1977).

    Thomas B. Littlewood, The Politics of Population Control, The University of Notre Dame Press (1977).

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