Today in Military History:
May 1

Born on this day:
 1769Duke of Wellington
Events of Military significance on this day:
 1868Battle of Toba. Imperial troops defeat Shogun Yoshinobum effectively ending the Japanese Revolution.
 1898Battle of Manilla Bay. "You may fire when ready, Gridley." American flotilla under Commodore Dewey utterly destroyed Spanish fleet off Cavite Point.
 1904Japanese army crushed Russian force holding positions along the Yalu river, Korea.
 1904Battle of Kin-Lien-Cheng. Japanese inflict heavy losses on Russians while suffering comparatively few themselves.
 1945Russians capture the Reichstag in Berlin. Germans hold out in Berlin for one more day.
 1960U-2 spy plane piloted by Gary Powers shot down over Soviet Union.

Page Last Updated 05/08/1999
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