Today in Military History:
June 15

Events of Military significance on this day:
 1389Battle of Kossovo. Turkish defeated combined Serbian-Bosnisn-Albanian forces securing Turkish dominion over Serbia and the neighboring states.
 1567Battle of Carberry Hill. Opposed to Mary's third marriage, Scottish nobles defeated a royalist army. Mary was forced to abdicate in favor of her son, James III.
 1580Battle of Hardenberg. Count Hohenlo's Patriots defeated pro-Spanish Royalists forces during the Dutch War of Independence.
 1775Washington appointed commander-in-chief of the American Army.
 1815Battle of Ligny. Napoleon defeats Prussians but they will rise again.
 1862Battle of Secessionville. Federal troops repulsed by Confederates blocking the road to Charleston.
 1918Battle of the Marne. Last German offensive of World War I.
 1944U.S. forces capture Saipan.

Page Last Updated 05/08/1999
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