Today in Military History:
September 7

Born on this day:
 1533Queen Elizabeth I
Events of Military significance on this day:
 1631Battle of Breitenfield. Gustavus Adolphus overwhelmed Imperialists, capturing all of the enemy's guns, and saved the Protestant cause near Leipzig.
 1744Frederick the Great captured Prague but couldn't hold it during the War of the Austrian Succession.
 1796Battle of Primolano. Napoleon surprised and routed Austrian army inflicting 4,000 casualties.
 1812Third and final day of Battle of Borodino. A pyrrhic victory for Napoleon.
 1942Luftwaffe begins bombing London in World War II.
 1942Battle of Milne Bay. australian defenders give Japanese their first reverse on land in World War II.

Page Last Updated 05/08/1999
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