Today in Military History:
November 1

Events of Military significance on this day:
 1618Battle of Pilsen. German mercenary Count von Mansfield captured Pargue after 16 hours of hard fighting.
 1868Battle of Tayezian. The Shogun's troops made their last stand at the Tayezian temple in Tokyo.
 1883Battle of El Obeid. 10,000 British and allied troops trapped by the Mahdi, leader of the Dervishes. In four days of fighting, entire British force killed. The defeat prompted England to withdraw from the Sudan.
 1914Battle of Coronel, Chilie. German cruisers Gneisenau, Scharnhorst, Nurnberg, Dresden and Leipzig destroyed H.M.S. Good Hope and H.M.S. Monmouth. The smaller H.M.S. Glasgow was fast enough to escape.
 1943U.S. 3rd Marine Division lands on Bougainville.

Page Last Updated 05/08/1999
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