
Buffy Links

Political and Government Links

The White House
CNN/Time All Politics
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
The National Organization for Women (NOW)
The Feminist Majority/Foundation
EMILY's List
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Amnesty International
Michael Moore's Home Page
Republican National Committee

Entertainment Links

CNNSI Home Page
Ultimate TV
South Park Home Page
Buffy Home Page
E Online
Guiding Light Online
Gillian Anderson Images

Educational Links

Internet Public Library
Ohio University
The New York Times on the Web
The Smithsonian Institute
National Public Radio (NPR)

Links to friends' sites

The Mighty Tim
Freezeframe's Page
Johnjoe's Page
Emmerson's Page
T-Bone Rowland's Page
Arnell's Page
Dennis' Page
Bree's Page

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