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The Partisan is published by the State Central Committee of the Peace and Freedom Party at P. O. Box 24764, Oakland, California 94623. Staff for this issue included Tom Condit, Bob Evans, Marsha Feinland, Janice Jordan, Jim Smith, and Dave Kadlecek.

All articles are the opinions of their authors and are not necessarily official policy of the Peace & Freedom Party. Signed articles and artwork are copyright 2003 by their authors. Unsigned articles may be freely reprinted provided credit is given to The Partisan.

If at all possible, articles for publication should be submitted either typed and double-spaced or on computer disc. Send electronic mail to Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope if you would like articles, artwork or photographs returned.

Issue No. 17. Closing date August 25, 2003.

Back Issues of the Partisan Available

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Issue #1: State budget, Operation Rescue, Anti-Defamation League scandal, San Jose police frame-up, Bari/Cherney bombing photo, Clinton health plan analysis, Gary Graham case.

Issue #2: State and federal taxes, Attacks on immigrants, "Race, Class and the Denny Trial", Public schools and vouchers, Attempt to break up Los Angeles Unified School District.

Issue #3: Crime and prisons, Immigrants' rights, War on the poor and homeless, Hotel and restaurant workers, Return of tuberculosis, NAFTA and GATT, Political Prisoners.

Issue #4: Community college fee hikes, Housing takeovers, UFW march on Sacramento, Haiti, Attack on mobile home owners, Gary Graham case progress.

Issue #5: Unemployment, Peace & Freedom Party platform, Los Angeles transit crisis, Headwaters forest, Soledad prison protest, Food Not Bombs, candidates and issues.

Issue #6: Election analysis, Immigrants' rights, Freedom to Travel Campaign, Berkeley Rent Board victory, Shorter work week.

Issue #7: Pete Wilson's war on equal rights, attack on rent control, Gulf War syndrome, Mumia Abu-Jamal, California budget, Justice for Janitors, New Headwaters battle.

Issue #8: March primary election, Farmworkers organize, Netherlands drug policy, State attack on county budgets, Hotel workers struggle, Minimum wage, Jack London.

Issue #9: Clinton-Gingrich Welfare bill, November general election, March for Affirmative Action, Labor Party convention, Teamsters' election, Headwaters deal, Peace & Freedom 1996 platform.

Issue #10: Welfare deform, Threat to Social Security, Privatization and contracting out, Gulf War Syndrome, UC graduate student employees strike, Judi Bari and David Nadel obituaries, Headwaters update, Santa Cruz supports Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Issue #11: Neptune Jade case: solidarity with longshore workers, Remembering Ben Spock, Bear Lincoln case, Clinton's attack on Social Security, Independent Politics Summit, Teamsters' election, "Safe" movie/video review, Clark Hull obituary, Anita Whitney.

Primary Election Insert to Issue #11: Statements by all P&F candidates for state-wide offices, and by some P&F candidates for other partisan and non-partisan offices; NO on 226, NO on 227, positions on other state-wide propositions and on S.F. Proposition E; contact info for P&F candidates in June 1998 Primary.

Issue #12: Clinton Impeachment, State-Sponsored Terrorism, California State Budget, Peace & Freedom 1998 platform, November 1998 Ballot Measures and Candidates, June Primary Analysis, California's Two Death Penalties.

Issue #13: Neptune Jade, P&F Registration Drive, Millions for Mumia, Needle Exchange, Davis "Fixes" Schools, Police Kill Teenager, Mumia on Iraq.

Issue #14: Schools not Prisons, Seattle WTO demonstrations, March 2000 ballot propositions, Police Accountability in Riverside, Police Brutality in Santa Cruz, Struggle for Democracy in Carpenters Union, Michael Zinzun on LAPD Corruption.

Issue #15: "Heads up, Charlie Brown!" (the Democrats and Republicans are basically the same, though they have differences), Fight the Phony "War on Drugs", No School Vouchers, P&F Community college campaign, Government Promotes Homelessness, Peace & Freedom Party Platform, and Shaka Sankofa.

Issue #16: P&F Statement on 9/11 and U.S. Response, poem by Ferlinghetti, CIA Domestic Spying, Prominent Leftists "Appeal to Progressive Californians", Bari/Cherney vs FBI, Forgotten Election of 2000, Free Market Mantra, Economic Downturn of 2001.

Special Anti-War Supplement (for 10/26/02 mobilizations): End the War on Iraq, P&F Statement on Middle East Crisis, Mumia case and Civil Liberties, Coca Cola and AIDS, poem by Ani DiFranco, P&F Summary Platform.

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