Antagonism Press


Love Of Labour? Love Of Labour Lost.... by troploin - published October 2005 - Free
Open Letter to Comrade Lenin by Herman Gorter - This is an electronic publication, intended for people to print out as a pamphlet themselves (mostly). 23rd September 2004
Revised edition of Olive-Drab Rebels Subversion of the US Armed Forces in the Vietnam War, added 27 October 2003 -Free
Olive-Drab Rebels Subversion of the US Armed Forces in the Vietnam War- published October 2002 - Free
Bordiga versus Pannekoek - published October 2001 - Free
Murdering the Dead - Amadeo Bordiga on Capitalism and other Disasters - published October 2001 - £5.00
Beasts of Burden - Capitalism, Animals, Communism published October 1999 in association with Practical History - Free
For A World Without Moral Order by La Banquise, and revised by Gilles Dauvé 1999 - Out of Print (also available from Tarantula Distribution)
When Insurrections Die by Gilles Dauvé, published October 1999 - Free
Eclipse and Re-Emergence of the Communist Movement by Dauvé and Martin, 1997 revised edition. £3.00 - we have run out of this, but is still available from AK Distribution and other distros and shops.
Komünist Hareketin Güneş Tutulması ve Yeniden Ortaya Çıkışı - Eclipse and Re-Emergence of the Communist Movement, in Turkish

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