Bonnie's Creature Page

Updated on April 27/2009


On this page, I will share an interest of mine that is not mentioned on any of my other pages; animals! Those furry, feathered, winged, four-legged, two-legged creatures who share this planet with us. I have had many animals during my life. These have included cats, dogs, a monkey, a horse, hamsters and fish, both domestic and tropical. I presently live with one cat.

I will tell you about my life with animals and how I feel about the environment and other issues that involve animals, good and bad. You see, I'm not only concerned with social issues, I'm also concerned with environmental, ecological and conservation issues.

If you would like to talk to me about these issues, just

gotta catch that mouse!

Webmaster's Notes: Urgent!!!

Geocities is closing later this year and they will have no more free website space. This means that I will either have to move this site or start paying for it, which I really don't want to do, especially considering I have multiple websites. I will be getting more information later on in the summer, I'll share it wih you when I get it.

As passionate as I am about homeless issues, I am just as passionate about environmental and ecoclogical issues. I see what's happening to our world and the dramatic loss of widlife, and it makes me angry, especially when I see the wanton destruction of our rainforests. Don't those logging companies realize how many life-saving drugs and medicines we're losing with each acre of rainforest lost? We could probably cure a lot of our major diseases with the medicines that are being lost through rainforest destruction. Not only are we losing vital drugs and medicines, but we are also losing animal species that we will never be able to bring back.Several animals are now on the brink of extinction. Why not do your part to help save the rainforests? Simply click here to help save a portion of rainforest. A click each day will go a long way towards perserving crucial rainforest. Thank you for caring.

a rainforest and its waterfall

This is a live web camera on a watering hole in Zambia, Africa. At times, you will see nothing, other times you will see elephants, rhinos' etc. Make sure your sound is on, you will need it.


Subject: Help us put an end to whaling.

Hi, Whale's Revenge is trying to get a million people to sign a petition to stop whaling.

If you could tell as many people as you can about our website,that would be a great help.

Thanks for your support and remember to sign the petition.

Regards, Natalie


no, I don't want any bananas today

lots of fish in the lake today

Another interest of mine is nature photography. I've always liked taking pictures of animals. This could be the most challenging form of photography because you can't pose your subjects, you just have to be patient and wait for the perfect shot. But when it comes, you realize that it was worth the wait. Why not try it yourself? Start out small, in your own bacyard with shots of your pet or maybe the squirrels or the birds that live there. Have fun.

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I am an Admiral Butterfly

That chimp up there better watch out, I'm hungry!

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