Related Links

For more information on Bill 101, National Unity, language issues, or any other related topic of interest, please consult the following web sites. Soapbox takes no responsibility for the content of these sites; they are merely sources of more information and different viewpoints.

Quebec is Dying

A site protesting language laws and Quebec seperation.

Welcome to Quebec

Another protest site.

Canada IS a Real Country

Lots of great imformation, including latest news, articles, and transcripts of famous speaches made.

The Fight for Language Equality

A site dedicated to promoting free speach in Quebec.


This computer store was victim to the OLF's language laws and was forced to temporarily remove its web site from the net because it wasn't 100% translated. Read their protest page.

Equality Party

A Quebec political party aiming for language equality.

Quebec Government

Find out the government's official stance on the language issue and seperation.

Office de la langue francais

Read the OLF's view on the language issue. A warning though, english information is limited.
