Rhetoric in the Abortion Debate
You say toe-may-toe, I say to-ma-to....

Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Murder, Oppression....these are all words we hear every day in the abortion debate. In this article, Soapbox explores the real meaning behind the labels and gets past all the rhetoric.

Pro-Life is a broadly encompassing feel good term, one that makes you wonder how anyone could possibly not be in favor of life. In fact, the word was probably adopted to do just that. But how accurate is this word in describing those who are opposed to abortions? Not very.

The word pro-life implies that one is in favor of all life, when it fact, those who use this word as a self-descriptive term are really only in favor of human life. They oppose the intentional killing of a pre-born fetus, embryo, or zygote (some even go as far to call birth control pills a killing device), but ironically, many of these people are also in favor of the intentional killing of animals (for cosmetic, sport, and food purposes) convicted murders, plant life and bacteria. Yes, bacteria is a form of life.

In the purest sense, one who is pro-life is in favor of all life, good or bad, human or not. Thus, those who advocate a stop to abortions could not and should not claim to be pro-life, per se.

What would be a more accurate term, then? Well, pro-human life might be a good one, although that would exclude anyone who endorses the death penalty or mercy killing. Specifically, we are looking for a term to describe those who are opposed to the practice of abortion. Thus, anti-abortion seems most logical. Unfortunately, those who are opposed to abortion do not want to adopt this term, for pro-life (as inaccurate as it may be) sounds nicer and is likely to attract more supporters. Anti has such a negative connotation that they do not want to associate themselves with.

Anti-abortionists however, should be proud to call themselves as such, if they truly believe that abortion is wrong.

On the other side of the debate are what we know as pro-choicers. Self described pro-lifers would like us to believe that they are pro-abortion or pro-murder, but that is also not accurate. Those who advocate the right of the woman to control her body do not believe that all women should have an abortion. Rather, they advocate a choice to either have an abortion or not.

They are fighting against the anti-abortion movement, who wants all abortions (sometimes excluding rape, incest, and life-saving cases) made illegal. Thus Pro-Choice would seem fairly accurate.

They do not dictate which choice is the correct one, although they do advocate a choice.

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