“The Gospel of Joseph of Arimathea Being the truth as told by Joseph of Arimathea, also known as Caiaphas, the High Priest of the Temple in Jerusalem, to James and Peter after the Crucifixion and Apparent Resurrection of Jesus of Arimathea and Nazareth. Herein lies the final testimony of the Life-Long Protector, Legal and Surrogate Father, Teacher, Friend, Partner in Business and in Faith, and Rescuer of Jesus of Arimathea, Love Child of Mary of Nazareth and teacher of the Way of Love for his fellow sons of God.”

These following chapters posted are but a small part thereof.

Copyright Notice:

I do find the idea that anyone would try to own exclusively what purports to be the word of any of men's gods totally sacriligous and offensive. Respect for my grandfather's memory and Joseph's Gospel makes me want to bring the afore entitled Joseph's Gospel into the world to run the gauntlet of acceptance on its own merits on a level playing field as it is. On the other hand, as designated guardian to whom this Gospel was given to protect I do not want anyone else to be able to change it or to use it for their own purposes (other than for reading, reference, scholarship, and free or commercial publishing in its current form (for which they can charge from their consumers no more than a reasonable modicum for publishing). Meanwhile to ensure the rights of myself and all others to freely share and use this text and all the ideas and its story line unchanged into perpetuity, I give rights to all to reproduce it in its current form in any media that they wish as long as they do not change the text. Also I grant the right to anyone who wishes to take and use any idea or history or story from this work for fictional development and publication, with any changes they wish to make, as long as their creation does not purport to be the true Joseph’s Gospel and they give credit to the original as the source of any idea taken from it. Otherwise, with these provisos, whatever portions of this work, AKA “Joseph’s Bible,” “Joseph’s Gospel” and “The Gospel of Joseph of Arimathea...” which I publish and/or edit here are now and henceforth to be the property of the human race. Being that the portions of Joseph's Gospel here published are now in the public domain, no one or group can claim this work for their own exclusive rights. Any one may seek enforcement of their rights not to have anyone else violate any of the limitations described herein.

Following is the portion of The Gospel of Joseph of Arimathea regarding the supposed betrayal by Judas: >



1. Jesus told Judas, his beloved, the night before Jesus’ final meal with his disciples (before he departed for the garden where he was to be taken [arrested] by the authorities before the morning of the day before the Sabbath that was followed by the Passover) where he should bring the authorities. [Then]During that meal, he [Jesus] dispatched Judas to deliver the news of where Jesus could be apprehended. There was no secret as to where Jesus might be found, for all knew where Jesus was meeting [with his disciples]. That was in the upper open room of the home I had procured for Mary when she was [had]first become my ward. But Jesus wished to keep his connection with me secret. [It was no longer generally known to be Joseph's house.] And while he could have departed out of Jerusalem and Galilee to anywhere in the world that my ships and caravans could carry him, Jesus knew the need to help the messengers who had been from the Temple to provide their final test of the Covenant of the Jewish people.

2. Yet Jesus also wanted to give the Jews of Jerusalem of whom he had been appointed King by his Lord and [heavenly] father, Gabriel, Lord of the messengers of the sky god, to have every chance to be led to assert their loyalty to their King and Covenant after they had refused to follow him [Jesus]in the cleansing of the Temple, in removing the mote from their own eyes. Jesus sought, as planned by Gabriel, to be tried and sentenced to death if the priests of the Jews should persist in the errors of the previous Sabbath and intervening days. Judas was certain that if the people were faced with the Roman’s condemnation of Jesus (in spite of the Jews being unable to find true fault with Jesus), the people would arise.

3. Already I knew that Herod Antipas had enlisted [Chief Priest emeritus and Joseph's wife's father] Annas in his [Herod's] desire to remove this potential competitor [Jesus] for the Kingship of his [Herod Anytipas'] father, Herod the Great, [that] by rights should have been allowed to pass to him [Herod Antipas]. Instead Caesar Augustus had divided the kingdom between the four brothers, giving Antipas Galilee and Perea to rule, and making his half-brother, [Herod] Archelaus, Ethnarch of Judea. Then Pontius Pilate [a man to whom Antipas was antithetical] had been appointed as procurator of Jerusalem.

4. Having been told what Annas knew of Jesus from [both] Annas’ prior life as a scribe in Nazareth and [from] currently being my father in law (although he tried not to share information about me that would get me in trouble and bring shame on his family)–while at the same time [Annas was] trying to keep me a prisoner to prevent me from interfering with their plot against Jesus, Antipas shared with Annas that the Ethnarch Archelaus had decreed Jesus (as a baby) be put to death for rebellion as [for] being proclaimed King of the Jews, a decree that could not be carried out because he [Jesus] had disappeared before anyone could verify that he [Jesus] had been killed separately or [had been killed] among all the other children killed to try to get him one way of another. So Jesus was (once again) to be accused (by Annas) to Pilate of [Jesus'] already being condemned to death for rebellion and being claimed (falsely) to be King of the Jews and now once again [of] proclaiming himself King of the Jews and seeking (first) to lead a revolution against the Priests of the Temple because they would not help lead his revolution.

5. But Judas saw his [prospective] action as a tactical arrangement to help Jesus stir up the faint hearted who had not responded to his call to cleanse the Temple, but had instead turned on Jesus when he had refused to lead them [immediately] against the Romans. Jesus often told me of his conversations with Judas, [and] with Thomas, one of Jesus' two most beloved disciples–other than Jesus’ wife [Mary, the Madalene]. So understand their relationship.


1. Judas watched after Jesus returned from Persia as John the Baptist proclaimed Jesus to Judas’ zealous brothers that Jesus be blessed as Son of God. That was not long [before] John was beheaded by Herod Antipas, as had been his father. Jesus appeared to perform miracles and great wonders to save people from the evils afflicting them. And since Jesus saw that some followed in his way of righteousness as if living in the kingdom of heaven while others transgressed the needs of love, Jesus set aside his twelve disciples to preach his way throughout their world where people believed in their God.

2. Meanwhile, Jesus began to speak with his disciples about things in the heavens beyond the bounds of our cosmos. He reluctantly mentioned a few of the events and evils that would transpire before good men would find repose in the kingdom of heaven on earth. At first, Jesus talked with them all as if they all were children, including Judas and Thomas.

3. Jesus had laughed one evening in Judea at the ridiculous appearance of his disciples piously praying together in thanks for their meal, muttering in idolatry to some figment of their minds as Jesus came closer to hear what blasphemy they spoke.

4. With perplexity and hurt feelings, they asked Jesus indignantly why he was laughing at them, insisting that they had acted well.”

5. Jesus said to them, “I am laughing because you are not doing this just to express your feelings of thankfulness for the bounty of creative love of our father in the cosmos. Rather you think that through that prayer your god might hear like a man and feel praised like a man and be more inclined thereby, like a man [but not like a father], to give you more good things. Don’t you know that a loving father provides all it can for its sons and daughters whether or not they feel and express their thankfulness.”

6. Protesting at Jesus’ sarcasm, they cried out, that might be true for Jesus who is the son of their God, but they must placate their god with prayers, offerings and sacrifices.

7. "Do you not see me as your brother?” Jesus asked Are you not one with me in the generation of our father, cared for from our birth by the creative, loving care supplied by our cosmos? Yet you do not know me as a brother?” Jesus appeared to be most sad and distressed.


1. Jesus’ disciples started getting angry, blaspheming against Jesus underneath their breath.

2. “Why has my laughter made you angry?” Jesus asked when he saw that their anger had come from their misunderstanding. Don’t you understand our father is the creative love everywhere in the cosmos, heaven and earth, without and within all people and events that are good or not evil for all men. It is the truth of my laughter that has provoked your wrath from your error. All you are my brothers and sons of my father and called to treat one another with complete caring as one brother among the children of a loving father in our common home in the cosmos of our heavens and earth. You must stand and answer honestly before one another as before me and not mutter on bent knees before an idol of your fantasies saying what you imagine, think or fear it would have you say as if our father can hear and feel and say and do anything outside the nature of its being.”

3. They all said in themselves, “We are men who can stand before our God of Israel and pray to him for all good things.”

4. But they could not even stand before Jesus, except for Judas Iscariot who glanced down, shamed that he could not understand what was wrong with praying to his God, as priests had taught him to do:

5. “How could I answer one who has been beyond our cosmos and seen the work of our immortal father beyond our cosmos, I who am unworthy even to mutter the name of the powerful Lord who has brought you to us.”


1. Jesus could tell that Judas alone was ready to hear of things in the heavens far above our cosmos and how love reigns in the universe and battles evil in every manifestation of evil’s darkness.

2. So Jesus steered Judas away from the others to reveal mysteries of the kingdoms of other sons of their common father: “You may come to some understanding of the vast kingdoms and the power of the Lords, our brothers beyond our Cosmos, but not without feeling great humility and loss of your place within the brotherhood of the blind. For all will not be like you, strong enough to follow knowledge of the heavens without the destruction of their minds. It will bring you grief to lose close friends who you can not lead to join you in that understanding.”

3. “For others will displace you among the twelve who are in complete brotherhood practicing their idolatry of the god of Israel.”

4. Judas wondered when Jesus would reveal such marvels and mysteries to him and when those secrets could come to all men of his time.

5. Jesus then took Judas into the night and pointed to what appeared to be a star moving toward them, and, leaving the others, Judas found himself being raised through the night sky into the light where he discovered marvels of creation hidden from all other men, meeting brothers who we know as messengers of the Lord who was of the Temple in Jerusalem, and seeing sights unutterable to those without the common experience to understand.

6. These were secrets that Judas could not share without dying, secrets that drew him alone, apart from the brotherhood of Jesus' disciples of the God of Israel.

7. These secrets such as Gabriel was soon to reveal to me can not yet be told to all men who must yet grow to understand what Jesus could bring only one of his disciples to be ready to approach.

8. Judas returned however with the faith that Jesus had all the power of the universe at his command. So driving the Romans from Jerusalem would be little more than child’s play to those who had shown him the power to blow massive mountains of rock and stones the size of all Jerusalem from their path into dust to fall upon the moon. He now knew Jesus had the power to lead his band of Zealots to victory over Rome in whatever way Jesus chose to lead the Revolution, Judas would be his chief follower.


1. Being disappointed and jealous, ignoring Judas, they whined, “Where did Judas lead you during the evening? And what did he have you do when he took you from us?”

2. “I led Judas to partake of fellowship with a great and holy generation of the messengers of the Temple now waiting in the heavens for man to accept their new covenant offered through me that they [men] can join by living in my way.”

3. “Lord, what great and holy generation could be more superior and holier than we who are now in the realm of this cosmos?”

4. Hearing this boast, Jesus laughed and spoofed them: “And you think that you, in your inner selves, are the most strong and holy generation possible in the heavens? None of you born of man, save those I choose, will for many of your generations see that superior and holy generation of the host of messengers from the sky god of the stars, who will come to rule over that generation which is appointed to follow them when men have grown more superior and holier than any of this age. No one born of man can yet associate as with our Lord of the temple and his messengers who sent me to you. For that generation is not born of woman nor does it come from our cosmos, even from the sky above our cosmos, but from the heavens beyond and [their star] rises from the other side of the southern seas only from late Spring to Fall, brandishing his Shield and Club warning all to avoid contact with its holiness. The generations of people we bring into our world must be reborn into their holiness before generations of earth are ready for fellowship with the messengers of the god of Orion. Only then will man have the power to contend with all other powers for good and evil that ply the heavens which you might haughtily wish to rule.”

5. Jesus’ disciples were troubled by jealousy and frustration when Jesus told them they were so inferior to Judas that they could not share what Jesus had shown Judas. They could not say a word.

6. But they kept their hate and loathing for Judas in their hearts so that they would strive to injure Judas whenever they might have a chance.


1. Then Jesus’ disciples told him some of them had seen a vision as in a dream in which great evils fell upon Jesus and the people turned against them all.

2. “Then why have you not gone into hiding if the dream was a prophecy from the messengers of your god?” Jesus asked.

3. Again, they said, they saw a great edifice bearing a majestic altar tended by twelve priests such as themselves before a great idol with a name they could not read; “...and a crowd of people were waiting before that altar for the priests who were like us to be ready to receive the offering. Yet we all kept waiting for what we all knew not.”

4. “What are you as priests like?” Jesus wondered seriously.

5. “Different ones of us have had the dream for half a month; in each man’s dream, some sacrifice their children, some their wives, praising thereby the idol with a name not within our ken,” one said.

6. “We are all humbled before our God by mating with one another’s wives and by sleeping with men who come in supplication while we are all slaughtering the people while everyone commits a multitude of sins and deeds of lawlessness,” another admitted.

7. “And we are the men who stand beside the altar calling out your name in blessing and in shame indulging in such deeds of shame. Yet deficient as you say the sacrifices are which we bring before your altar to complete your sacrifices to your God who we know not, we make them nonetheless without ceasing,” others admitted.

8. Then they grew quiet, for they were troubled, not knowing what sacrifices were acceptable to Jesus’ God. So, not waiting to analyze the dream, Jesus assured them that his god wants no sacrifices–ever.


1. “What concerns you about these dreams,” Jesus asked. “Do you priests who stand before that altar invoke my name? And is it not my name that has been written on this altar to idolatry through generations of the stars through which all human generations pass, worshiping me, each in its barbaric and mistaken way, imagining that sacrifice is desired by their Lord or their brother such as me. For you will plant generations of your children sacrificed foolishly and cruelly in my name, and will put away your wives, fruitlessly, in my name, and others will act in a shameful manner in my name celebrating and sacrificing each according to his own mind and imagination that tells more of his own person than of my desires, or those of my Lord and my father I know as the sky god of the messengers, the creative love of the universe.”

2. “Those who are like you with the offerings at the altar are before the idol of a god of your own imagination that you serve. You are confused between the God of your forefathers, that you imagine me to worship, and that which you each hold in your imaginations which you would dearly love to worship. Thus the name of the idol is unclear. You are those twelve priests you have seen leading people to think it is my god of creative love of all men who Moses worshiped as Aten in his childhood that desires sacrifice. However, my god desires nothing more than to do and prompt good works and protect people from evil. For it has no desires of its own. It merely creates and gives. All desires are those of beings who seek the good and/or the evil, and who fight the battles for good over evil and vice versa in our cosmos and among the heavenly stars. Those you see with cattle brought for sacrifice are the many people you shall lead astray before that altar thinking that sacrifice has any place in the celebration of me or my god or any of our brothers who are all the sons of my god of creative love who gives all good gifts,” Jesus insisted.

3. “My nemeses [The Anti-Christs] for whom you will use of my name in your praise of your idols, will lead in celebrating the sacrifice of my broken body,” Jesus said in a regretful epiphany. “That sacrifice men of evil shall press upon me. Their evil praises for millennia of future generations, the damned will piously chant to show loyalty to him who seeks to wipe my message from the cosmos. Yet he will brand my name upon his idol as if I were a willing sacrifice acceptable to the creative love of the universe. But no sacrifice is acceptable to the creative love of the universe which knows nothing in reflection.

4. “Yet our father and all who seek to serve the sky god of the messengers of the Temple with love will always gag upon the need for any good to be sacrificed in the face of evil to save anyone from evil darkness of ignorance and pain. For all need for sacrifice is a testament to the shortcoming and failure of the good to use all the good gifts they have been given to protect and save the good,” Jesus observed to his unobservant brotherhood who did not understand such outrageous claims even enough to protest. “While one may praise any good that sacrifices itself to save or give a greater good, that is the last thing creative love could desire if creative love could desire. Love seeks creative solutions to save us from such a need. So why praise what we all should seek to avoid our and our brothers’ needs for?”

5. “What father would want a son sacrificed to save even more of his sons?” Jesus asked. “He may all the more cherish the son he lost for the love he showed, and all the more cherish those bought at such a price. However, he would not celebrate the sacrifice because it brought joy to his heart as if it were the coming of spring. A loving father whose one son had sacrificed himself to save his brothers would regret the fact that no one, even the son who sacrificed himself, could find a way around that need. And while he would rejoice at what was saved, he would still know the loss was a victory of evil over good. And while he would cherish the sons he still had whose lives were bought at such a dear price, any of those sons who then squandered that sacrifice by allowing the original evil to continue, would be even more a disgust than he was before that son’s prior failure to stop the need for the sacrifice had resulted in the loss of the father’s now most beloved son.”

6. “After the first man who distorts my way, another nemesis [Anti-Christ] will arise gaining praise and power by freeing men from the illusion that love will not allow the freedom to fornicate. That one [Anti-Christ] will pass away into the disgrace of history as people realize that they never needed permission or forgiveness by any man or god or priest as long as fornication was done with loving concern for the needs and good of all involved and a willingness and capacity to be responsible for any consequences,” Jesus said to his shocked disciples.

7. “Yet, another nemesis will come forth. He [this Anti-Christ] will seek power from those against the slayers of what they mistakenly call children in the womb, to turn evil against responsible women who seek to lovingly arrange to bring forth children when they can be most loving to them. They will cast such evil on women seeking better lives for all, as if any woman could destroy the chance to be a mother but from love for what could be and could not be and to save a child from suffering evil by destroying it before it became a baby,” Jesus said as he wept at the foul distortions of his simple way of creative love in life.

8. Jesus repeated: “Another nemesis [Anti-Christ] will seek power by using evil fears to turn hate upon men who seek to know men; then another will attack those who abstain for not spreading the most pleasure around of which they are capable, as though the good is always to pour out oneself to provide pleasure for others. Still other pretenders to my name will move the people in my name to ignore the dangers of pollution. And others will invoke my name to claim that cruel punishment is needed to stop lawlessness and error. Yet other pretenders to my throne will claim the opposite and allow the innocent to be slaughtered rather than raise hands to stop the evil ones.”

9. “Finally, there will be those nemeses who say, ‘We are like the messengers of the sky god who will take us home into the heavens where all will be provided for us instead of us continuing to have to create heaven on earth.' The failure of my nemesis [the last Anti-Christ] who would lead men to look to the stars as a way to avoid men’s need to solve their own problems of bringing creative love to their place among the stars will bring men to their final conclusions that there is no substitute for my original way:”

10. “Men must simply seek to share love and goods in freedom, knowing we are responsible for the happiness of ourselves and our brothers, and one can not have good secure without the others sharing, where each is responsible to learn and study and use all the wonders we were born with to solve problems and provide for the good of all of our own wishes, without being forced or suffering restraint–and being willing to use force and punishment only where that is essential to protect others from evils,” Jesus continued.

11. Jesus observed, “For generations priests have said to human subjects, ‘God has received your sacrifice from hands of a priest who stands between you and some God. Those men are preachers of erroneous and misleading claims.”

12. “However,” Jesus continued, “It is the Lord of the messengers of the god of creative love of all the cosmos and the the stars, who demands that, ‘On the last day they who have mislead their brothers away from the father and their brotherhood who shall be shamed forevermore in the mind of man.’”

13. “Stop sacrificing to your god as you have done over the altar, since the times when the lights in the sky [“stars”] did not raise objections to your barbaric idolatry and misunderstanding of the creative love of the universe [have ended]. That ceased when my light in the sky [“star”] led the Magi and wise men and the messengers (who had abandoned your temple when [Herod]Archelaus destroyed the Covenant of the Lord of the Temple with your people) to Bethlehem for my birth. That [old covenant] is over and the new covenant of love by living in my way has come,” Jesus insisted

14. “So those who had already been trapped by the errors of the priests before I came to free them may be left to their errors or resisted and stopped where they do evil that you can control and prevent without doing greater evils. Let them persist in their errors as long as they do no evil to others and you can not dissuade them easily,” Jesus said, pointing out that, “Their error may hurt no one but themselves. Cure it if you can without doing evil in return–unless they are hurting others you have to protect.”

15. “For there are many greater evils to attend to, and ever more that will grow as the pretenders in my name rise up to entrap ever more of the unsuspecting. So persist in thought and caring and devising means to increase the good and avoid or stop or make up for the evil for all. Attend as little as possible to the priests and claims of those who claim to speak of and for the gods beyond what I leave you with,” Jesus continued.

16. “For you and your generations have a new cosmos of heaven on earth to create against all odds and forces for evil in the universe from priests and kings and generals. What is needed are not experts on the gods who offer to stand between you and some idol they have created in your or other people’s minds, or even in gold,” Jesus warned.

17. “Your tasks are to plant the wheat and milk the cows and cast the bronze, and gain sustenance and happiness for yourselves and your beloved families and brothers while creating such small portions of the good on earth of which you are capable so you can care for yourselves and brothers,” Jesus said simply. “Do not try to carry the evil of the world upon your shoulders all alone. But all together, with each doing that small part that he has the talent for and interest in and from which he can gain the most joy, all together help freely create heaven on earth by living in my way.

18. “No single baker can feed all creation or even a small portion under the skies of heaven,” Jesus continued. “But whatever little you do for your brothers in any way, let them understand the laborer is worth a pay on which he is able to live in happiness with those for whom he is responsible.”

19. “Make sure all the children are first fed and nourished and in health in their minds and spirits and are brought to know the creative love of the universe from which they will be ready to be brought to us to save until such time has come for us to return and reclaim any of the earth for them and overthrow the long succession of those who have misled in pretending to speak for me [the multitude of Anti-Christs], those who have all left a lasting impression [needing] to be removed from the soiled psyches of our misled brothers,” Jesus concluded with eyes flashing anger and a voice choked with emotion of regret.

20. When some of his disciples began to protest Jesus’ blasphemy of their God of Israel, Jesus charged them that they, “Cease wrestling with my words. You each came into the world overseen by your own light in the sky, watching as your fruit was conceived and grown and should now be ready to be harvested to to serve your fellow man.”

21. Jesus continued accosting them: “You have been chosen to be the first [generation] freed from all the evil errors perpetrated against you by your parents, priests, kings and generals, and every-one of you must be open in your hearts to grasp all the new ideas about our cosmos and the skies and heavens above and the messengers and the nature of the creative love worshiped as the god of the messengers! If you are not, let you abandon me now instead of waiting until I am gone.”

22. “For the truth that you must embrace will turn your understanding of good and evil on their heads. You will learn that good and evil are not defined by specific rules given by any god, but by the spirits [that] minds have made and can understand underlying and behind those rules. That enables you to know where to apply those rules and where to refrain and leave such rules when they would lead you astray. For the only real question is,” Jesus sought to have them realize, “What is the loving thing to do that will create the greatest love as equally as possible for the most of your brothers possible without hurting any one. There is no evil greater than hurting one for the sake of others."

23. Jesus resumed his lessons: “In the spring when new branches, leaves and flowers have budded on a tree, we take joy in how the new generation grows in joy upon the trunk without demanding that the new leaves be exact copies of those before the fall. Rather, should you bury a dead oxen by the roots and so that the tree should respond with new leaves and flowers far more beautiful than those now shriveled ever were, you do not regret that the new are not like the shriveled lifeless hulls of last fall and winter's times that they replace. And if their beauty far exceeds those of a year before. But you glory in the new beauty that has arisen in the spring and celebrate it especially if it is far more beautiful than what it has come in place of on the tree."

24. "So celebrate,” Jesus exhorted them, “and be glad of this new era in which the Lord of the messengers of the Temple has sent a new husbandman into your garden for a time. I come not to kill all the stalks of shriveled branches and fallen leaves but to prune and bud new life to the old stalks and to water all men’s god’s would-be paradise. However, the new life of your generation will not last, but the new buds and strains of life will live along the way-sides until the time comes when all men have grown capable of being wise husbandmen of their garden: ready, willing and able to till the soil and enrich and water the soil of their garden by themselves to create their own paradise. When that time comes, men like myself, your brother, and your Lord of the messengers previosuly of your Temple will beautify and not defile the new loving ways of life of those later generations, for all eternity in their new garden patterned on the vision they have had of the joy of the heavenly edifice.”

1. “Teacher, as you heard of my brothers’ visions, now hear of my great dream,” Judas demanded.

2. Jesus laughed as he heard this, tousling Judas’ hair while saying, “You upstart of the messengers, why do you wish so to be so like your 12 brothers and sister? But let me know, my thirteenth, and I shall reveal the meaning of your dream.”

3. “In my vision, your twelve other disciples, even Mary, persecuted me so badly that they were starting to stone me. But I fled to an edifice that you were entering and I cried after you to take me in with you to save me from my brothers and sister. Yet the doors of the majestic house slammed in my face as you entered without attending to my cries. But I saw the multitude flying up and alighting in their shining horseless chariots upon the roof. However, although it was beyond my measure to understand the size of this edifice, I knew there was still room for me, and I longed to follow you, my Lord. But you closed the door in my face, not hearing or attending to my cries. That house had all the beauty of a roof like Joseph’s outside his upper room planted with a garden of bushes and flowers like the hanging gardens he tells of from his youth. Amidst the whole of the edifice was a hole to a courtyard far below. I begged you Master, that you take me in along with all these people,” Judas concluded with tears streaming upon Jesus shoulder, as Jesus embraced and patted him upon his back to console the one he called his favorite thirteenth once he had taken Mary of Magdala to be a disciple as well as wife.

4. “Judas, your messenger in your light in the heavens has led you astray and shown you what it should not have revealed to you. For it is no more possible for any man born of woman to enter the edifice that you have seen than it is for a reed from the Jordan to live in the desert, for that place is reserved for those separate by their nature from those who can live in our cosmos. Neither the sun with daylight nor the moon at night are present there amongst the stars. Only those men already reborn in new bodies separate from the men of our cosmos can repose amidst that eternal refuge with the messengers of creative love of the sky god.

5. All the mysteries of all realms in space and time which are within your ken, I have taught you. But entering the edifice revealed in this error of the messenger of your light in the heavens is even beyond my ken until I am reborn. There must be some purpose unknown even to me to give you consolation for what you must endure for my sake, that the messengers should send such a message to the one who shall remain within in the land of Aenon, beyond which the other twelve will travel to mislead mankind.” So answered Jesus with tears welling in his eyes.


1. “Is the fate of my spark or emanation already tended by those who will prepare me for the heavenly edifice to go to live with you there?” Judas inquired of his teacher.

2. Jesus responded, “I grieve at the torment that will overcome your spark or emanation in order that my truth be planted in you to germinate in millennia. Thus, I have shown you the picture of how your love will bring forth the Anti-Christs who will arise upon your brother disciples’ lies and beat upon your back until by their lies, the people shall come to know them and turn to your name and learn of your love to me. Yet rejoice that you will be sleeping among your fathers so you will not have to bear the grief the twelve and the Anti-Christs will bring in my name upon those who would enter my kingdom during the millennia of your brothers’ generations.”

3. Judas suspiciously wondered in himself, “However, what good would it do for me or anyone that I have received my Lord’s greatest revelations alone if I should have to take them to my grave as I fear from what I must have misunderstood from his words, or lack of a straight answer?” Then Judas concluded to himself as he was soon to convey to me, that he realized that Jesus was “...setting me [Judas] apart from that generation of vipers so that I can first lead my Zealot brothers to defeat the Romans and then expel my twelve brothers and sisters beyond Aeonon.”

4. “So Jesus needs a faithful follower to set up the batttle in such a way as to stir up the crowds who had not sufficient motive to join Jesus in his battle against religious authorities of the Temples when he led them to attack the money changers in the courtyard of the Temple, but they would not follow,” Judas said as he had reasoned with himself. “But now I understand that the battle against the Romans will also lead to the overthrow of all priests and authorities of religion like the Pharisees and Sadducees like you, and even Jesus’ own twelve disciples who will be misleading men and who I, the thirteenth, must lead battle against when they seek to speak for Jesus. I must come again to free those who they enslave in the place of Rome,” Judas mused to me.

5. “Jesus had answered me and saying to me, ‘Judas, you will become the thirteenth, and you will be cursed by the other generations—and you will come to rule over them in the last days,’" Judas recalled. But he turned to me in distress, “But how many millennia will it be that they will curse me? And what will it avail me to ascend above them when they are all gone? They are my brothers whom I love,” Judas wept for them all.

6. “And when I come again ascended over my brothers to that generation set apart to know the final truth, will I come again as an outcast, or as a hero conquering my brothers’ errors about our Lord ([errors] told even by those who really love us despite the fact that their preconceptions would not let them understand Jesus’ revelations or his way? That is, all except for Thomas who is struggling to understand and may yet resist the rest, and Mary Magdala. She cares not about anything other than whatever her beloved desires).”


1. Another night, Jesus asked that Judas come away with him that Jesus might teach him more of the secrets that no person has known before. Taking Judas into the heavens, Jesus said to Judas, “For an endlessly infinite realm in space and time exists, all of whose extent not even any single generation of messengers has seen. In the whole of this endless existence there is a great pattern of spirit invisible to all eyes, which not even eyes of messengers could ever see, nor thought, feeling of the heart or conception of the mind has ever grasped, and which has never been called by any name save that of the creative love of the universe, Aten, named by Akhenaten in Egypt and symbolized by a disk to represent not just the sun but the unity of all good in creation from which all good for man and beast and messengers of the sky god emanate as if by arms reaching out with hands to give all good gifts to all creation as all good in creation battles with the darkness of nothingness spread throughout the good creation.”

2. “[A] Luminous cloud appeared within the nothingness in itself, spreading outward in war against the darkness of the nothingness,” Jesus explained to Judas in terms he could grasp like the words Jesus had tried unsuccessfully to get the Mithraites to understand fully. "As if from that creative love a word was spoken that a messenger arise from the chaos of the light invading the dark to explain creative love to all who came into existence to understand it; it brought the messengers into being as midwives to creation.”

3. “Thus, the first great enlightened messenger created by the first light came forth to create armies of messengers joined with and led also by four other messengers who came into being from other clouds of light that had arisen in other reaches of the universe. Those Lords of messengers became attendants for the first messenger which was far more advanced in understanding and in powers generated by the first light aeons before the newer Lords. That first generated Lord told others of what had preceded their existence:"

4.“'The first self-generated cloud of light in space, the mother or all being, had first conceived of Time, the father of Becoming. The conception of Time in Space brought Becoming into Space ready to bring all forms of being into existence as the mother of all being commanded. But there were no forms to become in space under the order of time. The mother of all conceived of Heaven in which all perfect forms might be defined as children of Heaven.'" "'After the great mother and consort of Time and their first two children had come to be within the fertile Space and Time, Power was creating in its mother’s self conceived sister [of power], heaven, a power to move all possibilities conceived by heaven into creation to bring order to creation in its war agaisnt the darkness. First, all the perfect elements of creation were created: earth, air, fire, and water. They all were ordered into their proper places in Space and Time by the children of Power and Heaven’s [self-perpetuated offspring:] forms. As the elements fought until [their offspring]cause put them into such places in space and time that they worked together to light the darkness as they could and remain friends,' so said the first messenger to reign over the realm of light and dark.”

5. Jesus added: “More messengers came into being to serve everyone the good being created by and in the light. And myriads of messenger midwives without number had come into being in an enlightened aeon and myriads of midwives came together with messengers without number, to serve the birth of our cosmos. Thus [also] were created all the rest of the enlightened aeons across the infinite universe beyond our grasp. Gabriel was made to reign over Earth, and he created for us still more myriads of messengers to assist the birth of all men on Earth [the lengthy process to grow into true men in the form conceived of by Heaven].”


1. “Adam was named as from the first cloud of light of creative love. Yet no messenger within our realm has ever seen his light. Yet all called those first messengers, ‘Gods.’ He [Adam] was created in the form of being conceived of in Heaven, of which [the appearance of] man is but one aspect. The perfect [form of man] being can choose the form [of appearance] needed for each world and appear in every ephemeral image such as man, as we are made in that aspect of that messenger who fits within our cosmos."

2. "We call the first man fully developed in this aspect of the form that can best exist in our cosmos, Adam. Adam, our first man made in the image of a 'God' [the first Adam], was the first made after the likeness of that first messenger in a form Heaven ordained as the perfect form for our earth."

3. "[The first earthly] Adam first mated with a woman of an incomplete and corrupt form already growing from the earth. Her name was Eve. But soon Eve and their [Adam’s and Eve’s] imperfect copies of the forms of man ordained for Earth by Heaven [their children] sought to serve the darkness outside fellowship with the messengers."

4. "So the messengers remade Adam’s woman more fitting to the form of Heaven for earth of which Adam was an image. And together the messengers called Seth from Eve and produced new, incorruptible generations of more perfect [copies of the] form of man from Seth and a daughter of Earth."

5. "Then came the first twelve and then the twenty-four who sought to re-create Heaven’s form of man and Earth within our Cosmos. From Seth, through the messengers of Adam remaking the daughters of Earth, finally came seventy-two messengers of the light in that incorruptible generation, in accordance with the creative love of the universe."

6. "Finally, from the seventy-two messengers of the light, they themselves made three hundred sixty other messengers of the light appear in the next incorruptible generation, in accord with the creative love of the universe: five in that next generation coming forth from each of the seventy-two of their parent’s generation."

7.“The aeons of the first twelve messengers of the light were the times of the fathers, each with offspring under the heavens each in its own aeon, so that there are seventy-two lights of messengers in the skies for the seventy-two offspring of the messengers of the light, and for each of them five lights in the firmaments above the earth, that are three hundred sixty lights of messengers in the firmaments above the earth."

8. "Each of the 360 messengers were [had] lights in the heavens to watch over them and support them with power and a multitude of lesser messengers without limit to their number as needed to celebrate the glory with their lights of adoration added to all self-made lights adorning the skies in the image of forms of Heaven to reflect the glory of the adoring messengers of light celebrating the creative love of the universe through all aeons and all the skies reflecting all the forms of Heaven in the heavens beyond all the lights of our firmaments."


1. Whether what Judas told me next that Jesus said to him, Judas misunderstood, made up, embellished or misrepresented, I could not tell. And things were happening so quickly by that time that I had no chance to ask Jesus what he [Jesus or Judas] had meant, or if he had just been teasing Judas as he often did his disciples in his childlike way with laughter and having childish fun, not expecting anyone would remember what he said.

2. It was in such a sense of fun that Jesus preached in parables that even children could understand better than the overly complex analyses their parents tried to force on a simple story. For Jesus often tried to make up for his lost childhood after he was grown while he was with those with whom he felt at home, especially once he had mated with the Magdalene. But let no man alter what I say, that it may remain in its confusion to the time when Judas' return can make all clear and correct my errors in himself.

3. So I will repeat what I best can guess that Judas told me Jesus said to him, for I took no notes of it at the time and my scribes were not present in that night. However, I fear that what I here say is not any more trustworthy than it is cogent. For Judas did not appear to understand as much of what he was telling me as I did. I later forgot to ask Jesus even after we had escaped after his crucifixion and returned to my childrens’ homes in Wales and the plains of Salisbury and Avalon and my old place in Caramathea above my Caramathean Bay, named after my childhood home in Babylon.

4. Judas claimed that Jesus explained that “The multitude of those immortals define our cosmos they encircle, with the lights of the messenger Seth and his 72 messengers, off-spring of the light, who bring the good news of the creative love of the self-generated generations and the father, Seth, of the of the present seventy-two aeons signifying the generations watched over by the 72 lights of messengers in the heavens. In him [Seth], the first human messenger appeared with his incorruptible powers. And the aeon that appeared with his generation, the aeon in whom are the light of knowledge accompanied by the messengers of light, is called the aeon of Seth.”

5. According to Judas’ report of Jesus’ good news, "After that Seth said: 'Let twelve angels come into being to rule over this chaos and the darkness of the underworld, that they may bring light and love unto our cosmos.’"

6. "And from the light in a cloud in the sky there appeared a messenger whose face flashed with fire and whose appearance was defiled with blood. His name was Nebro, which means ‘rebel’ for all sons of Seth did not accept being only one of 72 equal messengers. Another messenger came from a light in a cloud, and with four other allied messengers as well as the former one to become the rebel’s assistants, with their six guardians in the heavens above the skies they were twelve rebel messengers plying about the skies and heavens seeking to destroy the realm of Seth and each take his portion of the powers of the 72 messengers of the light protected by their guardian lights in the skies and heavens."

Chapter XIV

1. Judas said that “The twelve ruling sons of Seth spoke with their twelve messengers in the skies who were seeking to protect the 12 ruling sons of Seth: ‘Let each of you seek peace with the men of Nebro, and assure that they each have an opportunity to do good in peace as befits a child of the creative love in the universe. Let them see the power of the creative love in action and let them rededicate themselves to the men of Seth’s children’s generations and the messengers of the lights who serve the sons of Seth, who is our father and savior we represent on earth.’”

2.Judas said to Jesus, “Tell me the length of life that a son of Seth may live?”

3.“Why are you wondering about this? Did not Adam, with his generation, and Seth with his, and the children of Seth, have they not all lived their allotted life spans according to the time and place of their allotted rule according to the longevity of their natures in their places?” Jesus asked.

4.However, Judas asked Jesus, “can the spark or emanation from the human body die?”

5. “Why think you that the great messengers of Seth devised not guidance to make available appropriate ephemeral bodies for the emanations as needed, somewhat to [as] a loan? Was it not for men’s possibly infinite emanations to use for finite times in successions of rebirths?" Jesus asked Judas as if he should know.

6. However, did Seth not also order Gabriel to grant special bodies separated from the mortal limits for the great generation of 360 without limit by a ruler in a messenger’s light in the sky. Upon those highly advanced emanations, the new soul could develop most effectively in such bodies separated from those of ordinary men.

7. “So [Jesus said], the survival of most emanations underlying the souls of most [people] upon rebirth depend upon finding suitable if ordinary mortal bodies poised for the right experiences. Only when one has reached repose and chooses to leave the human world can they receive a body separated from the mortal realm, one that will last eternally. For all others, we must suffer death until we reach our salvation in repose," Jesus concluded.

Chapter XV

1. “Living in the light of the messengers gives men the wisdom to see into the nature of creative love to see how the messengers came to know how the sparks and emanations of bodies in creation inhabit them among the generations of messengers as well as men. Through the creative love of the universal sky god, first Adam, and then those with him, learned all needed so that both messengers and man may not be misled by the chaos of the darkness so that the evil of nothingness surrounding them may not rule through fear.”

2. “But what can we expect from those generations of messengers?” Judas asked of Jesus.

3. “The lights of the messengers in the heavens (reflecting the perfect forms of Heaven) rule the aeons for the process of creation and [the time] when each aeon comes to perfection, or as near to it as created being may assume,” Jesus responded. As each generation of the children of Seth completes the form reflected by the light guiding the messengers of that aeon, what they were resolved to do will be complete, and their light in the heavens will join those of prior generations, leading those messengers to the eternal edifice of repose [whic Judas had been shown in a dream].”

4.“There,” Jesus added, “they will enjoy knowing one another in all the aspects and pleasures of which created beings are capable, with tastes, music, dance and singing and all manner of constant celebration of all the good created in the universe by love."

5. "But many messengers will look to our earth to see how men still enslave each other in my name and slay each others’ children and wage wars for darkness and nothingness of evil against the good championed by each new generation of messengers and of men progressing through rebirths as they develop the strength and patterns of their surviving emanations.” Jesus looked pleased as he continued: “And both will be moved out of repose with a passion to create the good and return to the process of creating. They will create a new and better understanding for men of the creative love of the universe you will teach in my name. For as men are reborn they will grow in a variety of experiences so that they may understand more and they can be taught more of the nature of the creative love of the universe and of the great darkness of the evil nothingness against which we all war with all good gifts."

6. “But where am I while this takes place?” Judas wondered.

7. “Dead,” Jesus chuckled as Judas’ crestfallen look of victorious expectation withered in bewilderment.

8. Jesus explained quickly since Judas did not seem happy with his play: “That vanguard of the messengers will come bearing your latest emanation to your next rebirth in a body that can serve you well to bring you with your light of your messenger to begin the new aeon of my thirteenth disciple, and to come to eternal repose if that is your wish after your mission to your people is complete.”

9.Jesus laughed in joy at seeing the wonder in Judas’ face and thinking of the wayward way of creative love, how such an impetuous youth could be brought to guide the salvation of a people. And then thinking of what he had been growing up, and in his last incarnation prior to his last rebirth, Jesus was overjoyed at his knowledge of the power of creative love under the guidance of the messengers to accomplish so much with so little with which to work.

10. “Why do you laugh at me, my Lord?” Judas wondered [a bit perturbed].

11. Judas’ Lord answered, saying, “I am not laughing at you but at the audaciousness of the lights of the messengers, that they should think they can take such as we were and are and remake us into saviors and give us eternal repose.”


1. A short time later, Judas returned from relieving the needs of his body to find Jesus still laughing as he mused. Judas asked Jesus why he still laughed at him.

2. “Not at you my brother, but at the limits that still exist in the minds even of messengers such as Nebro and his followers, and the unlimited loyalty of the messengers of the lights of each of us. For these six messengers of the lights will go astray with these five combatants [plus Nebro], seeking to protect them all they can, and they will suffer death and rebirth along with the creatures they seek to turn from their evil ways to the very end as they set upon a course that if they had the sense creative love gave even a mortal, they would know they were headed to destroy themselves, and their guardians in the process. For Nebro and his allies will make war upon the good and lead them all to death, and were it not for the everlasting creative love in the universe, to eternal nothingness.”

3. “And what will those who have been baptized in John’s name do at the advent of these evil men and their angels upon the passing of the aeons of our 12 brothers?” Judas asked.

4. Jesus answered all Judas sought to know in a very long speech that will conclude this account of what was behind Judas’ seeming betrayal of his Lord and brother:

5. "By that time [aeon] which comes for you as my thirteenth, baptism will be in my name. But the aeons of the church that will by then have lived millennia in my name as well, will have removed me and my way totally from it in all except my name. So when you come to preach my way, you will be greeted as evil by all men who will have been taught for millennia that you betrayed me. They will continue to believe that, even those who have concluded that the Church in my name is a major evil on Earth that must be removed. Even though you come to battle that church for them and to point back to my way, you and all the messengers in the heavens will fight from the start a losing battle for the hearts of those warped in faith to follow those who will have been lying about me for millennia. You and those who hear my words in you will be persecuted far worse than the Romans ever did to our twelve brothers." "Judas, my poor deluded followers of my name will still offer sacrifices to their God of Israel, and for my sacrifice that they still will not have had the sense to realize that I never made, willingly or in any other way because it would have been to no avail to lead them to eternal repose. You will face all the evil opposition and misunderstanding that I did in trying to get people to give up their idolatrous visions of God and accept the reality of creative love in the universe that can be seen everywhere as only small manifestations of brief aspects of the whole of the creative love of the universe that we celebrate and are committed to enhancing for all men. And to supplanting everything that is evil.”

6. “You will exceed myself as well as our twelve brothers in clearing the mote from men’s own eyes. For [within days] while you will try to raise the people of Jerusalem to rise against their leaders in the Temple to come to my aid, albeit, mercifully for them, with no success, the priests and our twelve brothers will have allowed me to be sacrificed upon the cross and to writhe there for millennia while men gloried in what they thought was some good my death had done them other than implicate their forefathers in the evil rejection of my way.”

7. “But you, my champion, will sacrifice the man in sackcloth and in ashes in which they will clothe me, as just another lying idol of the nature of the only [real] god that rules the universe, the creative good of the universe, that we can see and increase the substance of, and of our god as you create your own heaven on earth in your own way. In this life, you have learned to raise your horn and your ire has been set afire as your light has flared and that of the light of your guardian messenger in the sky shined brightly, and you have shown you have the heart to attack injustice and lies." "In your next life, you will learn that you can not defeat evil by destroying it, for it is nothing but the absence of good. Hence, you will grow to understand that the only way to defeat evil that will not also promote and propagate it equally, is to create good to replace it in its stead. But that is for another life, and other battles that you must lead a fight to win by showing love. But you will have me and the whole contingent of lights in heaven to aid you in creating good. You will prepare many souls who see the glory of creating heaven on earth to be reborn to follow your way. And you will clear my name from that monstrosity which they will cloth with my name and the monstrous lie that they will have wrapped upon an idol of my effigy.”

8. “You will unmask my nemesis with truth about me and my god and will turn many from your brothers’ lies and will bring down those who had [told] exhalted lies about me, leaving their edifice in a wreck as you go to repose in the edifice you once envisioned. Truly, it will not be until long after you have breathed your last breath and uttered your last lesson in the truth for man that they will be almost prepared for my return.”

9. “But grieve not, there will always be those who will rise up to deceive the people as long as they have not learned from being reborn enough to reach immunity from lies by having seen so many lies so long that they will have finally repudiated all who would be their rulers, and instead to trust the light of knowledge in their minds and the light of their guardian messengers.”

10. “Only after the aeon of my thirteenth will the people ignore the lies of one who raises up upon the debris of the edifice created by our 12 brothers to lead them with further lies and deceptions for a millennium; he will be destroyed by truth found and put in the place of his lies.”

11. “And then the great generations of Adam will be exalted, for prior to heaven, earth, and the messengers, that generation, which is from the eternal realms, exists as the first source of love that has marched across the universe.”

12. “Then the generations of Seth, including mine and yours, will be seen to have worked out inexorably all that many souls being reborn had to learn to reach toward the good, the truth and the light.”

13. “Now you, my thirteenth disciple, have been told everything you will need to know that I can tell you. What more you must learn must come from your messenger of the light. Raise your vision upon that disk of light among the manifold stars surrounding it. That disk of light that leads your way will direct your mind and understanding to your act of love toward me regardless of all that wars against it still within you.”

14. Judas lifted up his eyes and saw the disk of light he floated upon [unto] as if on a rising cloud, and he entered into it. Jesus and those standing on the ground heard a voice coming from the shining disk, praising, “the great generation of Judas that shall tear down the false image that shall become an idol effigy to lies about our Lord [unintentionally] told by Jesus’ other twelve disciples. For they can not understand their Lord because they could not overcome the lies told by those who rejected the covenant of Gabriel because they had not yet been reborn to understanding that there is no good beyond the good who can blame or forgive beyond the natural consequences of good in their war with evil. All the aeons since Akhenaten and Nefertiti and Tutakhenaten and their son, Moses, have been to no more avail than Jesus’ witness among the Persians as their Mithra, who only learned that man must join the war of the light to the good against the darkness of evil.”

15. Annas and the other priests of the Jews later came with Judas to the upper room of the house I had for Mary before the birth of Jesus. There I often came [secretly] to remember better days and keep informed of the working out of the conspiracy I entered into with Zachariah all those many decades ago. Judas had fled the supper to bring Annas and the priests to take Jesus with them according to the will of Jesus. Yet after they had gone up the stairs, they murmured because Jesus and his disciples had gone from the table where Judas told them Jesus would be at the center place.

16. They turned to blame Judas who told them that Jesus and the 12 must have retreated into the garden on the roof where Jesus was want to go to pray. Not wanting the blasphemy of interrupting prayer, the priests sat to wait while their scribes fanned out around all exits to prevent Jesus’ flight, watching carefully in order to arrest him as soon as the prayer was done, but before the light of day. For all feared that in the light the people who had hailed Jesus as king of the Jews but days before and then fallen away when he had attacked the Temple instead of the Romans may have since once again sworn to come to Jesus’ aid. He was still regarded as a prophet by many as well as a blasphemous conjuror by many other of the people. Which view would prevail and bring most of the others to their point of view once violence began, the priests, especially Annas who was serving Herod Antipas, were scared to predict. For it would be revolution if the people turned against Annas’ and the priests’ leadership. Then Herod and the procurator (who Herod had already warned that if he did not stop Jesus, Herod would declare Pilate himself as one of the Revolution and a traitor who Herod would claim he [Herod] had to interfere with for the sake of squashing Rome’s enemies.

17.When Jesus had not arisen, Annas and the priests decided to approach Jesus in the dark, but feared that in the confusion, other of his disciples might be alarmed and resist them with swords which would serve to lead the people to revolution on Jesus’ side. So they approached the weeping Judas and said to him after taking his weapon by which he intended to resist them and start the revolution when they moved to arrest Jesus, “What are you doing still here? You are Jesus’ disciple who betrayed his presence here tonight to us. Was it to surround and kill us with your swords? But we know not which of the men in the garden is Jesus and who will seek to protect him and attack us. If you will go ahead of us and kiss him goodby to let us know which one he is, we will tip you well and if not we will kill you on the spot.”

18. And they made Judas take some money and put it away as a token that he would do their will. By then Judas was anxious to get it over with and see if the 12 would resist and raise a ruckus that could alarm the people to come to Jesus' aid. So Judas did their will as they wished (with a knife to his back but a willing heart faltering in hope that any would rise to defend Jesus), wanting to get it over with.

19. As all stood by and watched the scribes hold Jesus with a knife to his back, finally most disciples started to flee for the stairs. Peter belatedly pulled his sword for show, and much too late to do any good. He raised his sword to threaten scribes and paused as if he was trying to frighten them with a tableau by which they [hypocrites] ended plays in the theatres. Seeing that resistence would be to no avail, since his own disciples had not even tried to save him, Jesus had concluded that there would be no chance to raise the crowds to come to his aid, any more than there had been days before when he had led an attack upon the [money changers and priests of the] Temple. So, pitying Peter, so that Peter should not be hurt or killed in a futile show of resistence for Jesus' sake (just because Jesus had [earlier] shamed Peter by pointing out to him that Peter would deny him three times before the morning), as a scribe turned to do battle, Jesus told Peter to put his sword away and flee.

20. Meanwhile Judas had grabbed a sword from one of the scribes and slashed the ear from the scribe who had a knife in Jesus’ back as Judas fled through the garden and down a nearby tree from the upper room into the street, having lost his cloak and his mind in the futile melee, running naked up and down the streets calling out that the priests had taken Jesus to try for treason to give to Herod.

21. Even when Judas called out at the door of his own commanders of the Zealot opposition, they did not open unto him or even offer him clothes with which to cover his nakedness or fellowship to console him. It was soon clear to Judas that all was lost, and in his grief, Judas could think of nothing but the consolation of repose Jesus promised would someday be his.

22. The grief and the hope gnawed at his heart until he came to me. I gave him food and clothes and fellowship, but soon I had to leave him--as by then I had been called to the Sanhedrin to try Jesus as I had been told to do by Gabriel as part of the final trial of the Jews' right to a covenant with their Lord, Gabriel.

Copyright Notice:

I do find the idea that anyone would try to own exclusively what purports to be the word of any of men's gods totally sacriligous and offensive. Respect for my grandfather's memory and Joseph's Gospel makes me want to bring the afore entitled Joseph's Gospel into the world to run the gauntlet of acceptance on its own merits on a level playing field as it is. On the other hand, as designated guardian to whom this Gospel was given to protect I do not want anyone else to be able to change it or to use it for their own purposes (other than for reading, reference, scholarship, and free or commercial publishing in its current form (for which they can charge from their consumers no more than a reasonable modicum for publishing). Meanwhile to ensure the rights of myself and all others to freely share and use this text and all the ideas and its story line unchanged into perpetuity, I give rights to all to reproduce it in its current form in any media that they wish as long as they do not change the text. Also I grant the right to anyone who wishes to take and use any idea or history or story from this work for fictional development and publication, with any changes they wish to make, as long as their creation does not purport to be the true Joseph’s Gospel and they give credit to the original as the source of any idea taken from it. Otherwise, with these provisos, whatever portions of this work, AKA “Joseph’s Bible,” “Joseph’s Gospel” and “The Gospel of Joseph of Arimathea...” which I publish and/or edit here are now and henceforth to be the property of the human race. Being that the portions of Joseph's Gospel here published are now in the public domain, no one or group can claim this work for their own exclusive rights. Any one may seek enforcement of their rights not to have anyone else violate any of the limitations described herein.

The complete title of the work of which a portion regarding Judas is here published, which is covered by the terms of this copyright is: "The Gospel of Joseph of Arimathea Being the truth as told by Joseph of Arimathea, also known as Caiaphas, the High Priest of the Temple in Jerusalem, to James and Peter after the Crucifixion and Apparent Resurrection of Jesus of Arimathea and Nazareth. Herein lies the final testimony of the Life-Long Protector, Legal and Surrogate Father, Teacher, Friend, Partner in Business and in Faith, and Rescuer of Jesus of Arimathea, Love Child of Mary of Nazareth and teacher of the Way of Love for his fellow sons of God"

Illustration for My Epitaph with casually faked UFO not intended to fool anyone

For real: One of many ships of the messengers of the gods that visited Pungowi's ancient people on St. Lawrence Island Alaska, Early 1963.

A sloppy faked illustration of a chilly Lee Harvey Oswald Who Hated the Cold in Russia and Alaska

A real photo of the real Lee Harvey Oswald just before he came to Alaska

A picture taken after Eastern Synrise Service at NECape on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska showing a chilly Lee Harvey Oswald Who Really Hated the Cold in Russia and Alaska standing next to "Spy," his KGB guide who he killed within a day on their way back to Provideniya

A postcard from Minsk where Lee Harvey said he saw 2, then 3,UFOs over the station when he arrived

A sloppy faked illustration.

A sloppy faked illustration of Oswald's claim that he saw 3 UFOs over the station when he arived in Minsk

A real photo of a UFO that shows it in the time the camera clicked the picture going fron the tiny cigar shape into an exlosion of energy expanding into a great expanse as the ship disappeard befor my eyes. Look closely into the patterns in the explosion for the beings. Within 30 to 45 seconds the UFO raised up from practically still at the back of our acre lot, accelerating so fast that I could barely grab a camera and clamber up onto our roof to take the shot just before it disappeared in a blaze of energy.

My 10 year old daughter's sketch of what she saw as the UFO raised up over the top of the pine trees in our back yard where my daughter had spoted the UFO and signaled me as it accelerated over our house and up into the sky. I did not see the windows of the UFO because from my angle, as the nose was raised, and I only glanced at it before turning around by the open kitchen door off our deck where the camera lay ready to grab to take take pictures of our daughter, By the time I could do more than glance to keep track of its progress, it was practically gone. But she always was a pretty accomplished artist as well as a very level headed kid. She sat right down where she had been drawing in our backyard just before and produced her drawing in a couple minutes. This is how evidence of real experiences come in real life. Rather than making judgements of whether peoples' experiences fit withoin our theories, we need to get back to starting from the experiences people really have and creating our theories to account for the experiences people really have.

Taken from the north side of the Base looking south several miles to a hanger complex and dome. After being told to move on by the guard at the fron't gate, I drove around to this dirt road through maize fields because I thought I saw an armada of helicopters. But as I started down the roat I saw some very bright glinting low over the maise where I saw the pulsating disk shaped craft. The very bright summer sun, about 11 AM, more or less could not account for the pulating, and the lights glinting as the craft appeared to have some slight wobbling instabilities. They were proceeding relatively slowly until I started backing up for fear of being caught down that road. Although they must have been maybe half a mile away, their response was instantaneous, and I could not even get a second shot before they disappeared back toward their base, followed by the other craft that I later guessed might have been regular helicopters.

In keeping with the normal Majestic method of hiding in the open behind inconsequential fascades, The gate that had very little business while I was watching it, appeared to have only one guard and a few old security signs, about like it had had 41 years before.

This came out of the private estate papers of Harry Truman. A carbon of a copy he kept and never returned because of an overlooking of the carbon copy. It's legitimacy is witnessed by the absense of a copy number after MJ, because those were not added until after approval and they were applied to the copies for distribution after approval. The original would have been put into a Majik, Eyes Only archive after Truman was ready to give it up. But in the tense and hectic days, HST's retention of the carbons was overlooked.

Please note: This publisher, like many tried to do, makes "foolsteps" into "foot steps" as a much less offensive and much more trite alternative

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where you can have fun with SATIRE,>

where you can have fun with SATIRE,

Talk Between Laura and Georgie Porgie Bush Sung to ‘50 Ways to Leave Your Lover’ Edromar, thanks to Paul Simon “The problem is all inside your head,” Georgie said in his glee. “The answer is easy if you Take it logically: I’d like to help them in their struggle To be free. There must be fifty ways To bomb Iraqis!” Georgie said, “It’s really not my habit To intrude. Furthermore, I hope my bombing Won’t be lost or misconstrued. But I’ll repeat myself At the risk of being crude. There must be fifty ways To bomb Iraqis. Fifty ways to bomb Iraqis. You just slip in the front, runt. Make a good con, Don. You don’t need to be quick, Dick. Just bomb Iraqis. Just roll out the dice, Rice. You don’t need to discuss much. Just fly from a tug, Doug. And bomb Iraqis.” Laura said, “It grieves me so To see them in such pain. I wish there was something you could do To make them smile again.” Georgie said “I appreciate that And would like to explain About the fifty ways....” He said, “Why don’t we both Just sleep on it tonight, And I believe in the morning You’ll begin to see the light.” And then Bush bombed Iraqis. And she realized he probably was right: “There must be fifty ways To bomb Iraqis. Fifty ways to bomb Iraqis.” “Your problem is all inside your head,” He said with glee. “The answer is easy if you Take it logically: I’d like to help them in their struggle To be free. And there must be fifty ways To bomb Iraqis.” Laura said, “It’s really not my habit To intrude Furthermore, I hope my meaning Won’t be lost or misconstrued. But I’ll repeat myself At the risk of being rude: There must be fifty ways To leave Iraqis. Fifty ways to leave Iraqis: You just slip out the gorge, George Make a new plan, man. You don’t need a new toy, boy Just let them live free! Hop on the stick, Dick. You don’t need to discuss much Fly out on a plane, Jane, And let them live free.” Georgie said, “It grieves me so To see you in such pain. I wish there was something I could do To make you smile again.” Laura said, “I appreciate that, And would you let me explain About the fifty ways To leave Iraqis? There must be fifty ways to leave Iraqis.” Bush said, “Why don’t we both Just sleep on it tonight And I believe in the morning I’ll sharpen my bombing site.” And then he dreamed of dropping bombs all night. And Laura realized Bush was real far right: “Your problem is all inside your head,” She said miserably. “The answer is easy if you Take it logically: I’d like to help them in their struggle To be free. “There must be fifty ways To leave Iraqis. Fifty ways to leave Iraqis. You’re out of your gord, George Make a new plan, man. You don’t need a new toy, boy. Just let them live free! You act like a prick, Dick. You don’t need to discuss much. Fly off in a plane, Jane. And let them live free.

where you can be inspired by ART,

Design for the WTC as a memorial to 9-11
as a fallen phoenix rising from the ashes

where you can have fun with SATIRE,


sung to the tune of the BEVERLY HILLBILLIES

Come and listen to my story 'bout a boy named George.
A wild-catting redneck from a West Texas gorge.
He drank like a fish, an' I don't mean no trout.
But that didn't matter 'cuz his daddy bailed him out.
DUI, that is! Criminal record! Cover-up!

Well, the first thing you know Georgie Porgy goes to Yale.
He weren't worth a damn, but he raised a lot of hell.
He spent all his time a[ss]-kissin' all the blokes.
An that's when he started to snort a little coke.
Blow, that is! White gold! Nose candy!

The next thing you know a war in Vietnam comes.
Big Bush said: "Georgie, stay at home with Mom."
Let all the little guys get maimed and shot to hell;
In Texas' Nation'l Guard, you can raise a lotta hell.
Cushy, it was! Country clubs! Nose candy!

Twenty years later, Georgie got a little bored.
He traded in the booze for coke and said he loved the Lord.
He said: "State capital is the place I wanna be."
So he called his Daddy WarBush who called the GOP.
Governor, that is! Corrupt politics! Soul-selling for contributions!

A few years later, his fat cats got a little bold.
They looked for a candidate who could be controlled.
Georgie said: "The White House is the place I wanna be."
So he called up his daddy's friends and they called the GOP--
Gun owners, that is! Dixiecrats! Theocrats! Fat Cats!

Come election day, Georgie didn't rate.
Big Bush said "Jeb, steal Georgie boy your state!"
"Barricade Democrats; don't let them in your polls."
So they deleted blacks, and took them off the rolls.
Voters, that is! Choice Point! Felons-lists!

Come election night, miscountin' ran quite late.
Big Bush said "Jeb, steal Duh?bya your state!"
"Don't let Jewish votes all get counted right."
So he stopped counting pregnant chads for so many nights.
Chads, that is! Butterfly ballots! Buchanan!

Once they were recounting, Supreme Injustices stepped in.
Five did all they could to make little Georgie win!
They fired all the counters and sent them on vacation.
And that's how Georgie Porgie got his coronation.
Rigged, that is! Illegitimate! No controlling legal authority!

Y'all come back and vote now. Ya hear?


My Epitaph

When my life has come and gone,
When through portals it has flown
Into Man’s sweet paradise
And altered life’s youthful caprice
Into its immortal fate,
I pray my epitaph may state:

“Here lies the body of a soul
That lived a life worthwhile.”

Though centuries may roll
I pray they not defile
This lone commemoration,
The only revelation
Of my life’s destiny.

May my plaque of infinity
Bear no name
To mar a soul’s simplicity
And have no date
But, as a star, shine immortally.
copyright 2004


Old Meg and Me

First frost broke on the bough at dawn,
and caught me slipping to the barn,
to hay the milkers.
And I saw the bevy, too,
alight from scratching corn and husks
in the barnyard stalls.
I too took mind to give them sport.
But sorry Meg, not this Fall.

You and me, old gal, have tracked alot,
since Big Jed studded the good bitch, Lass,
his last and you came a pup in the early Spring,
while Spring still flowed
through my taut legs
—odd thirteen year ago.
And each first frost we hit the trail.
But sorry Meg, not this Fall.

You know last Fall, when first frost lit
and charred the golden leaves,
you whimpered, scratching at the kitchen door.
You begged me rise from my warm bed
to brace against the whirlwind of leaves.
Then cold against my Mary's pleas,
like crusty ice upon the bucket in the well,
my heart was hard, and words were crisp.

I rose and took my shotgun
from our mantle shelf,
and loaded down my powder pouch:
“Tobacco, shells and knife.”
And then sat down to pull upon my feet
These old battered shoes.
Then we set upon the trail
–though my spindly legs could barely get around the nearest hill,

Lying cripple-legged and spent,
a night–‘til you fetched neighbors
to lift me from my thicket bed
–once is quite enough for one old man.
Many days I laid in bed
and heard the Mrs. tred the crunchy snow
to herd the cattle to the barn
for milking with her cold rheumatic hands,

My Mrs. nursed me with those hardened hands
till Christmas time; she too took ill
Still adamant that I remain in bed to gain my strength.
There would be time for her to rest
she'd pled with me,
"When strength's regained."
"Or strength is lost," I'd said prophetically.
Now she has the time to rest.

She withered like the Fall ripe,
over-ripened stalks of corn
that shrivel in the hoarfrost’s grip.
She spit blood; Doc Wallas let me know
a month before she left
with flowers on her breasts
and all her sons and daughters come
to pay “respects" for love that’s overdrawn.

The house was quiet without yaps
your whole last year;
for you had no pups, old Meg.
I was too weak to tread the hills and hunt the birds.
I'd not make it back this year.
I reckon you too've reached your age.
When hunting is too much for your old heart and legs.
So sorry Meg, not this Fall.

But the hunt's all you were born for.
I had my Mrs. home last Fall;
giving up the sport would not have been too hard.
Your days of bearing pups are through;
You languish by the hearth with twitching legs;
You dream of pouncing rabbits to the earth.
Once legs no longer pounce,
I reckon all there is is earth.

The only whimper
you've 'the strength to plead
is flickered in your eyes.
You slightly shuddered as you stretched a paw
to scratch the kitchen door this Fall
You raised your head
as if to plead
—“Just this last Fall.”

Perhaps there's nothing left to lose?
Our health is gone—and loved ones.
We're alone.
I reckon all we have's the hunt.
To give that up's to stop, to not go on.
For us the only way I reckon, is to tread the hills
with powder pouch and shotgun at our sides
till we lay down upon the thicket bed to wait for Spring.


copyright 2004

copyright 2004
An explanation of my Xmas Card:
The following letter includes extensive information and graphics from Ed's fictional Doppelganger Galaxy which may or may not be coincidental with people and events true to your experience in your galaxy of experience. In it a character based on Ed’s experiences, “Red,” here called "Ed" deals with the following people and facts which are true to Ed's expeiences: Jan. 1, 2004

Dear Friends:

Ed appreciates all of you who had the kindness to respond so positively to his Xmas card this year. Thanks for the appreciation. However, Ed is sorry for the perplexity caused those of you who, as several have told him, have searched the web, library and other references for some record of Princess Kisluk Punglowi. This letter is to clear up some of that confusion and to supply the background story for appreciating what caused that confusion.

Ed needed to include this explanation with his Xmas Card this year, if for no other reason than to explain his violation of the taboo on his web site: Yes, he pleads guilty to getting his Xmas card on the web before Xmas for a revolutionary change.

To explain his card, Ed needs to mention that during the past year Ed had responded to a poetry contest at on the web at a particularly vulnerable moment in his emotional life, when it had become clear that our self-proclaimed President was going to force a lot of Americans and Iraqis to get killed for no good reason. The contents of the Xmas Card were a consequence.

Contrary to popular opinion, our intelligence services knew they had no good evidence whatsoever that Madman Insane (the one previously in Iraq) was of any danger to the world (which is more than we can say for the Madman Insane in Washington). They knew that if they didn't give Bush what he wanted, their funduing would dry up. What's the sense in paying a king's ransome to them if they can't provide the king with an apparent cause to go to war, expecially when King Duh?bya had told all his court jesters to find him any basis to take Saddam out.

There was no good evidence of weapons of mass destruction, no evidence of connections with al Quaeda, nor even any evidence of a powerful military force to fear. But, whatever Duh?bya wants, Duh?bya gets. It was clear to Ed that Iraq would be a pushover for our dumb bombs, and that the smart ones still didn't have the sense to stay home. Ed had recently written a couple letters to the editor opposing the madness. That set the stage.

For last Xmas Ed had urged people to collect mangled and maimed old Barbie Dolls to re-dress, further "wound", and paint as if wounded, as if they had been through the bombing and battles that were soon to be in Baghdad. He had urged all to give these "Baghdad Barbies" to friends' children as protests of what was soon to be done in our and their names, not failing to include some dead and wounded GI Janes and Kens in the mangled menagerie. Although this was not to be an "equal opportunity" war, we knew a lot of our young people would be victims, and not just by becoming war criminals in "pre-emptive" crimes against humanity, against all international law. The war was against the Charter of the UN and in violation of the principle enunciated by Judge Jackson as the basis for the Nuremberg trials. Ed had also written a letter to the Editor calling for the impeachment and removal of our illegal President and his Veep, and calling for their subsequent trial, conviction, and execution for treason.

About that time, in that context, Ed had come upon a contest on the web to write poems to be included in a soon to be published book. Ed submitted one on a lark, "Dessert Storm Redeux" (No, not "desert" but "dessert, as in "just desserts" and in what promises to be a pleasant overindulgence but which end up killing you), just jotting down words that flowed from "Roses are red, violets are blue and so are the wounds of soldiers too..." and the rest, as they say "is history," albeit history that no one knows nor may care to know. But Ed will display it below:

Dessert Storm Redeux
© Edward C. Marshall 2003

Roses arc Red.
Violets are blue.
So are the wounds of soldiers, too;
Even those without a clue.
Bravely flung across the desert sands,
They'll eat their fill of excrement
vomited from their missing guts,
And then move on,
Their fatal foolsteps in the sands of time,
Blown beneath the desert storms--
Disappearing in timely soldiers' cadence
As they pulse their ebbing, flowing blood
Upon the sands-of temporality.
Roses are red and violets arc blue.
Even on caskets and body bags, too.
Draped with flags and tears and dirt
Deep beneath the green, green grass
—at home.

If you want to see his protest from the heart, you can also go to and search under "Ed Marshall" until you are led to "Edward C. Marshall" to read it (which doesn't seem too sensible since you have seen it above--but if you like poetry you should be familiar with their web site).

Ed doesn't claim that "Dessert Storm..." was great poetry. That is for each reader to decide. However, Ed was surprised at how much he liked it when he later heard that it was print--since Ed had spent all of ten minutes on it as an impromptu anti-war protest. But it is no more fit for kids than is a Baghdad Barbie.

Anyhow, Ed had pretty much forgotten that poem when an editor at Noble House in London who had seen that poem asked him to submit a poem to include in a new volume called Colours of the Heart due to be published this February. Ed didn't have time to write anything new while trying to make some progress on his own seemingly "impossible dream," a novel he calls his Doppelganger Galaxy, that is taking forever. But Ed was flattered enough to resurrect an ancient poem, originally called, "Epic," written as Ed's praise of life after he had almost lost his life two times in Alaska in the last 3 weeks in the Spring of 1963. Ed just prepared that poem as "My Last Rites of Spring." "Epic" was written in reaction to being frozen to death as a preferable alternative to being eaten alive by a polar bear that had chased him for miles across the tundra, as well as a consequence of almost being killed in what promised or rather threatened to be the first battle of the first and last war of nuclear annihilation of all life. Fortunately, it wasn't.

At that time, Nigel Hillary, for the Noble House publisher, also asked that Ed write an explanation of the history and meaning of his poem for Colours of the Heart. That was what Ed felt people might find most interesting-not Ed's youthful effusions of an untrained poet and untrained artist. Included with that explanation that Ed wrote (which is the basis of this letter) were various graphics included in the link to the "rest of the story" below the collage: one was of the original water-colored "study" for the idealized portrait of Princess Kisluk Pungowi (by whom that youthful effusion was partly inspired) and the other was of the finished, idealized oil painting (also above)inspired by both the experience in which Princess Punglowi helped resurrect Ed from the dead, and by a thankfully aborted dog fight with the Ruskies involving about 50 aircraft, along with a map of where this happened over St. Lawrence, Is., Alaska.

In addition, Ed included there and below a copy of the original version of what is now "My Last Rites of Spring," typed in the immediate aftermath of several of the most profound experiences of Ed's life, first in his choosing to freeze to death to avoid being eaten alive by a polar bear, and, secondly, within three weeks (even before Ed had recovered from frost bite incurred in being frozen to death to escape being eaten alive by a polar bear) by having fully expected death in a threatened nuclear holocaust. Those events contributed to Ed's enthusiastic embrace of life symbolized by this poem and the accompanying portraits he painted soon thereafter.

Ed wrote "Epic" in the spring of Ed's life 41 years ago as an intelligence agent on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, while he was posing as a USAF intercept and analysis technician. Ed had been frozen to death in an attempt, as hopeless as it was desperate, to out-think and outrun a polar bear across the tundra while Ed was returning from an intelligence gathering trip to Siberia to satisfy his operational boss, Lee Harvey Oswald, who directed Ed's investigation of UFOs for Lee's Majestic intelligence unit: Oswald had ordered Ed to St. Lawrence Island because of the frequent observation of UFOs over that base.

Oswald had recently returned to the states after several years in Russia looking for a Russian connection to UFOs. Lee Harvey wanted Ed to make one last observation to supplement Lee Harvey's own study of, and conclusions within Russia regarding Senator Richard Russell's (GA) suspicions raised by Russell's observations of many UFOs during a trip of his through Russia in the late 1950s. Russell suspected that UFOs were Russian weapons or at were least working with the Russians. Ed had discovered the ancient connection between Punglowi's people and myths that UFOs were ships of the messengers of the Gods. Lee Harvey wanted Ed to see if the UFOs also came from bases in Siberia across the ice from St. Lawrence, Is. or if they had really a relationship to the indigenous population.

A Collage of Relevant Graphics

After stopping in Savoonga on St. Lawrence Is. for a little recreation, listening to their drumming band,

on his was back from Siberia, Ed's cat track broke down. Rather than wait to be found, Ed had left his cat track when the power supply had shorted out. He tried to trudge the last 20 plus miles back to his base. However, after skirting around polar bear sow and its cub, he found himself upwind of a big boar bear that proved to be as hard to outsmart as it was to outrun. It had brains as well as brawn. Ed had finally tried to avoid the chase by wading through the rivulets of run-off melting snow from the mountains where it mingled on the tundra with the brine from the Bering Sea at high tide. He preferred, finally, to freeze to death rather than face being eaten alive by the bear. At the last moment, Princess Kisluk Pungowi's family's seal hunting party sought to harpoon a seal and found that it was Ed dead, floating toward the sea. They carried Ed back to their village where he was brought back to life by Kisluk and her mother in mysteries from times as immemorial and secret as their methods were effective.

So back to the days of yesteryear: During the ensuing weeks while Ed was recovering from the frostbite, one day he was sitting at an NSA voice intercept console, listening to Russian voice intercepts from a Bear (TU-111) bomber apparently lost and overflying Alaska. Fulfilling his cover in the USAF, Ed had reported his radio intercept of the lost, confused youngsters flying without sufficient training, calling on every frequency that they could think might be listened to, to find out their location and how to get home.

The Russian bomber had overflown Alaska. So now our boys wanted to shoot it down as it flew back toward its home. Upper echelons who could not hear the confusion onboard that plane said they thought this might be a soviet electronics warfare intercept plane measuring our response capabilities. So, in accord with the oxymoronic military mind and mindset: They responded to it with everything they had. That would have given away the farm just to try to close the door by opening it to let the horses out. Once detected, an electronic surveillance aircraft would have forwarded to base any precious data they had detected on which radar sites had detected them, and where aircraft would be dispatched from for interception, fulfilling their mission.

Pretending that it was crucial to national security to shoot the bomber down before it got back into Soviet air space, NORAD had launched a few fighters from Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. Naval aircraft carriers soon sent hordes of planes to intercept it right over St. Lawrence Island. The Russians had already launched dozens of their best fighters from Anadyr and Provideniya (which out-matched our aircraft both in numbers and technology) to defend the "Bear" bomber.

Before our fighters could reach the Bear, Russian Migs were all over the sky-a couple dozen of our boys trying to shoot their bomber down and a couple dozen of their boys arriving to shoot our fighters down. Ed witnessed on the radio and from sounds of a major dogfight over their outpost what threatened for half an hour to be the beginnings of the last World War-if any of the numerous air-to-air radar lock-ons and air-to-air missiles fired had found their marks instead of landing in the Bering Sea and on St. Lawrence Is. In the volatile political and military climate of 1963, soon after the Cuban Missile Crisis, had one plane succeeded to bring down an enemy, no one would have stopped before they all were downed and both countries ' Def Con 5 ("defense condition" 5-the highest) launch of nuclear bombers would not have been called back.

"Meanwhile Ed and a friend were too busy to feel while writing analyses and filing Estimates of the Situation calling for our upper echelons to call off our wolves because the Russian boys were just lost and trying to find their way back home. With every missile fired, Ed knew the added chances of hitting something (even if not the intended target) in the crowded sky-or even on the ground-brought all of us closer and closer to Armageddon. Our Joint Chiefs had recently failed to get Kennedy to let them annihilate the Russians in a nuclear holocaust because Russia had nukes in Cuba. They had notified JFK so late to try to leave JFK no option. The nuts really thought that they could win. Ed knew they had wanted an excuse to try again and had lured a series of Russian bombers all Spring into overflights with a secret magnetic plasma laser weapon that caused all kinds of false UFO reports besides messing up electronics as well as guidance systems. So Ed thought the powers that were would not call off the conflict.

Thankfully, even before Ed and his friend, Larry, were able to convince our upper echelons in time that the Russian bomber was on a training mission with students at the helm and had only accidentally overflown Alaska and was trying desperately to get home, they got a premature reprieve from Armageddon. Before any air to air missiles had hit and brought down dozens of planes in their wake (since neither side would have accepted defeat in such a large battle and both sides had already begun to launch nuclear bombers--not yet beyond the fail-safe point), someone up the line listened to the two men's analyses and Estimates of the Situation and called off Armageddon once again-but not the Joint Chiefs. This was but one one of many repeated overflights in 1963 which got some superficial attention in the media-without any mention of the dogfight that was almost the one to end all dogfights-and all dogs.

However, our salvation came from the fact that intelligence commanders on the carriers were routinely sent info copies of each EOS as it made its way up the chain of command. Since their planes were already running low on fuel and we had warned that they were about to face increasingly bad odds from Russian reinforcements pouring in from a nearby Russian fighter base by Provideniya (across from the end of St. Lawrence Island), the naval commanders wouldn't wait until our upper echelons called off the battle to take advantage of our intelligence alerts that the bomber was non-hostile. Having received no explicit orders to the contrary, they called back their fighters on their own initiative. When the naval aviators suddenly pulled out of the dogfight, the Ruskies did not pursue, but ceased firing missiles, if they still had any after the multitude pounding the Island and the Sea. Cooler heads had prevailed and Ed and his friends found that they could catch their breaths. Ed and his fellow spies, agents, analysts and voice language interceptors, soon were told that both sides Def Con 5s had been cancelled and the bombers all recalled both by ourselves and the Ruskies (Actually they used different designations, but to the same point).

To a man, the dozens of boys in Operations knelt down in tears, some sighing, some giggling and others laughing hysterically simultaneously in relief that their loved ones had been spared the nuclear nightmare that could have happened at any moment if one of either side's air-to-air missiles had found its way home and led to the destruction ofour own. Ed, however needed to celebrate, to express his love of life that had come so close to being snuffed out three weeks earlier and then again in that latest threat to allhumanity. "Epic" had been Ed's immediate reaction of relief when it had become clear that the dozens of planes in a dogfight directly over their Air Force Intelligence Unit on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, hurtling air to air missiles landing on the mountains, hills and sea, but thankfully not him, had been called off before anyone had been hit. Ed sat down immediately after sending off his final tech rep follow-up to his last EOS report and began typing his "Epic" through tear-blinded eyes right after that incident. He started typing "Epic" on one of the illicit originals of the six ply paper used for Top Secret Codeword Russian intercepts, right beneath the text which he had been typing on, analyzing and sending EOS and tech reps from his station.

This poem was written all at once at that time (now slightly revised for publication). Ed accidentally illegally carried the Top Secret Codeword six-ply paper that he had typed on (shown above) out of the intercept and analysis station. Ed had been so affected that he had not even realized that he had taken some of his Top Secret intercept and analysis documents with him from the intercept station along with his poem. Rather than return them, he took the chance to keep them to always remind him of the need to stop the madness and of the time he had almost failed and how it sometimes takes only one or two people who know that they are right to move the world from war. And a poem was born, and a song was written, as fast as Ed could type with fingers falling all over each other, in a rush born of enthusiasm for life and a second chance for man.

Why that poem took the form it did, Ed could only speculate since he had not planned a bit of it. Rather it wrote itself. He only served as a silent midwife standing by for afew minutes as it came to birth beneath his fingers. Ed realized that the sense of gratitude in resurrection came from his "near" or "through" death experience of three weeksbefore. And Ed felt his gratitude for Princess Kisluk Pungowi's part in helping bring him back to life without debilitating effects from the frostbite. In his enthusiasm for living after passing through the veils of the shadows twice so recently, Ed expressed his feeling in terms of an idealized vision of the coming of spring after the death ofwinter. Hardly original, but at least heart-felt and spontaneous.

That night Ed also started to chalk out and, in the ensuing days, began to paint the idealized portrait of that princes and the beloved land they shared.

Luckily, Ed had in his room a portion of a large canvas on which Ed had begun painting a resurrection scene (below, left). Ironically, when Ed's peripatetic Chaplain, Cap't. David Johnson (who Ed helped by running the Chapel program in Ed's spare time between the Captain's monthly visits), arrived for his last time before being transferred out, he had wanted to buy only the part of that painting showing devils dancing in celebration of life, leaving the "religious" part of the resurrection behind. It was that on which Ed then started to paint his portrait of Kisluk as he had earlier painted a portrait of his fiancee; (below left).

Who was Princess Kisluk Punglowi? She was the daughter of Clarence and Helen Punglowi, the Chief of the indigenous people on St. Lawrence Island who appeared much like many natives of the Chutkotsky Penninsula north of Kamchatka in Siberia, about forty some miles across the Bering Sea from the western end of St. Lawrence Island. Clarence insisted they not be called Eskimos. He felt it was an insult to lump these other people who his people's oral histories claimed had come from Korea and Japan after the flood of about 12000 to12,500 years ago with his ancient Aleutian people. That flood had wiped out most of his people's industrial civilization when the land-bridge north of what now is the Bering Strait had been swept away by warming waters that had been rising for millennia in the Arctic Ocean until it's sea level was a thousand feet above the sea level of the Aleutian Lake and Delta.

Thawing glaciers, along with drastic climate changes fed by the release, use and waste of thermal energies from vents in the Aleutian Delta and peninsula (which was then a volcanic southern semicircular mountainous ridge at the edge of the Aleutian delta), had led to increasing waters from the skies and land accumulating behind a thin land bridge (behind the unstable intersection of the tectonic plates of Alaska and Siberia), separating the Aleutian Delta (now the Bering Sea and Strait) from the Arctic Ocean. A similar land bridge between Greece and Turkey held the great Eurasian Sea back from the Mediterranean basin. Another land-bridge had protected the North Sea delta from that mighty Arctic Ocean that had inflated so drastically in the ten previous few millennia when the glaciers had been melting back, leaving landlocked Arctic and Eurasian Oceans a thousand feet higher than sea level in the Mediterranean, North Sea, Aleutian and other lakes and deltas.

Ed saw the remnants of some old giant whaling boats from that time that had washed up upon the mountains around Savoonga and Gamble, nearly a thousand feet above what had been sea level but days before. Ed brought back fossilized ivory implements from those boats, beautiful sentinels proclaiming the horrors of mankind's careless manipulations of nature. The warming climate raised by industrialization using thermal energy had melted glaciers and had raised enormous inland oceans across the Arctic and Eurasia, with large lakes covering much of North America and North Africa.

As more and more of the northern hemisphere (at least Punglowi's people had no specific stories about more southerly lands) became covered by water teeming with algae and water plants, the waters increasingly absorbed the sunlight and evaporated ever more water into the air, creating a thermal steam machine that warmed the planet within a century or two, eventually evaporating massive waters firstfrom sea and then from the consequential permanent cloud cover, causing unending rainfall cycles. In the midst of one such lengthy storm (which we now can speculate was world-wide), the weight of the backed up waters led to world-wide earth quakes. The quakes breached the land-bridge that was keeping the Arctic Sea out of the Aleutian delta as well the land-bridge by what is now Istanbul (between the Black and Aegian Seas) that had kept the Eurasian Ocean backed up, protecting the rich, highly industrialized Mediterranean basin, both then 350 to 500 feet below our present sea level, but then, like the North Sea, the continental shelf off Florida and the lands around the Atlas Mountains of North Africa, a thousand feet below the sea level of the swelling Arctic and Eurasian seas.

In any case, Clarence's "ancient people" (not to be confused with the later arriving Aleuts who now inhabit the Aleutian Peninsula) as he called his few forefathers who hadsurvived the flood, made peace with their new neolithic lifestyle. They had to revert to whatever worked since their ancient civilization and sources of thermal energy werethen, after the floods, at least 500 feet below the sea. Fluctuating but generally colder shifts of climate made life increasingly harder to survive for a millennium.

The Punglowi's have stories of messengers from the skies who came to teach them how to survive and how they had to respect the earth with new life-styles that were necessary for their survival, including behavior that for people in other circumstances is generally thought to be immoral, but which for Punglowi's people was the key to their ability to survive-including things such as the self-sacrifice of the elderly members of their families when they can no longer contribute to the group if food runs out in winter as well as freely sharing sex with visitors (essential for a wider genetic pool to keep them having healthy offspring)
One of many ships of the messengers of the gods that visited Pungowi's ancient people

Yet the elderly were among the most respected members of their families. They had an important job of sending on the stories and wisdom of their people; but when it came to a choice between traditions and starvation of them all (that would have surely snuffed out that wisdom), they were necessarily pragmatic that first things had to be first. The most productive hunters, youngsters and women of child bearing age, all of whom could rebuild their families in Spring, had the first priority to survive. And even with freely sharing sex, the family was the most important thing, but not our sort of "nuclear family." Theirs were all "extended families."

Among the many functions of the elderly among them is the passing on of their oral histories and folk wisdom, sort of like my Grampy's teaching me his Gospel of Joseph of Arimathea (much like Punglowi's stories which also emphasized the role of the messengers of the sky god-angels- which came in similar crafts of light). The elders job was to pass on whatever the messengers had taught that people needed for life, especially medicine, such as knowing how to revive a father who has frozen to death (aka a "popsicle" -just checking if you are still awake). Ed was lucky because Ed was found by the Eskimeauxs (as Clarence allowed Ed to call his people but only in lieu of every other name Ed could not pronounce) who knew how to resurrect even corpses such as Ed's if they had not been frozen for too long. Ed may or may not have been completely dead. Clarence's two sons who found Ed could not quite agree; one insisted that he felt some almost undetectable breath. Ed will never know, nor will he ever really know what Helen and her daughter, Kisluk, did to resurrect him although Ed did have delerious imaginings that masquerade as memories about what came afterwards.

As best Ed could figure out (at least what he could talk about): apparently each girl wrapped her bare body around each of Ed's legs with skin to skin contact transferring the maximum of body heat. As their fires filled their skin tent with heat it made them sweat profusely from their very hot and feverish flesh, leaving them very thin and frail after a week while Ed was beginning to mend. Kisluk, aka Sharon, had been so full of life when Ed had last visited with their family several weekends prior to this incident that Ed was shocked to see her in the week after she had helped save his life: She was so scrawny and ill for nearly a month. Ed recovered fully before Kisluk did!

Ed was told of other aspects to treatment for victims who are frostbitten above the knees, such as keeping the victim in a constant state of sexual arousal ASAP to keep appendages from getting gangrenous and falling off. Apparently movement too stimulates surface and other circulation and healing masculine hormones, high blood pressure forcing blood through swollen and inflamed blood vessels and tissues. But these topics are too raw to talk about, tabu knowledge no one asked for or wants to know about. But frostbite can be as bad as burning flesh. And just as immediate care is needed for the one, so it is for the other, without worrying about our moral nicieties especially among these people. For if exposed appendages were let to rot off such people, an important aspect of those people's families' social lives, as well as promotion of their greatly needed more diverse genetic pools, would be lost. What do you think those ancient people do to get through lengthy nights with large families shut up without privacy in small tents in winter in what is not the land of the midnight sun until summer? Play scrabble and take cold showers in snow showers all winter long? Ed doesn't think so.

While Clarence insisted that Ed marry Kisluk thereafter only because she had saved his life, she was only 13 to 14 years old, which was their age for sex and marriage; but that was a culture shock for which Ed was not prepared (even if he had not already been counting the days (literally) until he could return to the States to marry his fiancee). Besides, Ed was not open minded enough to have considered any marriage that Clarence and Helen would have recognized, for marriage to them really amounts to adopting a girl's mother's family).

The ancient indiginous people of St. Lawrence have a maternally organized and supervised society with the best male hunter serving as a figurehead king or chief. But all decisions are communal consensuses. Nobody abstractly "rules" anyone else. But if someone doesn't like what is going on as the communal consensus develops, he or she is free to "divorce" his or her family by moving out and "marry" into another family-if he or she can find a family to take him or her. Or if the consensus of the family is that someone is not pulling his or her own weight or can't fit in or is too quarrelsome to allow the rest to be happy, they can put his or her clothes and things outside their hut to tell him or her to take a hike and not come back.

Neither form of "divorce" often takes place because to be without a family is a death sentence in the winter in the Arctic. Willing cooperation and sharing with your family and tribe are essential to life. By the time Ed was scheduled to leave, Clarence had made his peace with the fact that Ed already had his own wedding planned for after he was to leave St. Lawrence. Clarence sent the puppy (later added to this painting), Kolya-Little Nickolas-home with Ed as a wedding gift for Ed and his wife since a great husky is the single most important possession that a man can have among Punglowi's people. So Ed arrived forhis wedding with a blue-eyed, white and black, drunk Siberian Husky, less than six months after almost dying twice within three weeks. Kolya was drunk because Ed had to sneak what had started out as a handful sized puppy (and had ended as an armful of dog by the time Ed got home to share him with his fiancee) on to airplanes in his duffle bag. The only way Ed could keep Kolya quiet was with a baby bottle full of margaritas, that he kept surreptitiously squishing down his (Kolya's) throat while Ed held his duffle bag in his lap.

Ed had suffered the frost-bite while nearly home from unintelligently pursuing intelligence in Siberia when his cat track broke down from an electrical short. Rather than wait inside until someone came to look for him, that bright boy took off trudging over 25 miles back to Northeast Cape AFS in almost freezing temperatures. While Ed had safely skirted a Polar Bear sow and cub, a big bear boar caught his scent and dogged him until Ed was almost frozen dead from sloshing through the rivulets running off the melting tundra snows as he tried to out-run and out-think the big bear boar, since the big boy had the advantage of "braun" and, as it turned out, of brains as well. Ed had only survived by taking to the water that slowed the blind bear down as Ed chose to freeze to death rather than be a live dinner for a Polar Bear.

As far as what Lee Harvey Oswald was doing there? Clear your preconceptions. He was the representative of the most secret codeword organization in our intelligence organization whose very existence is unmentionable and whose codeword may be known by only the handful who have the need to know. He had recently returned from Russia, expecting to be reassigned from UFOs to pose as an apparent Commie friend of Castro who might be able to get into Cuba to kill Castro with a cancer causing cigar.

A Chilly Lee Harvey Oswald Who Hated the Cold in Russia and Alaska

A few years earlier Lee Harvey had recruited Ed to investigate UFOs which have been important to our intelligence communities since foo fighters flitted around fighters from both sides in WWII. Lee Harvey went to Russia to study whether UFO's were Russian weapons or were aiding the Russian military. During a trip across Russia in the late 1950's, Sen. Richard Russell (GA) had witnessed many UFO's and thought they might be Russian secret weapons. Lee Harvey had to decide for Majestic how to proceed. He had sent Ed to St. Lawrence Is. under cover as a USAF intelligence interceptor/analyst at N.E. Cape to study whether the extensive surveillance of that island by UFOs (actually by foo-fighters from the 2nd WW on) were coming from Russia, or how they related to oral traditions passed down by the ancient peoples on the island who claimed the UFOs brought messengers of the gods (angels) to their ancient people.

The final irony of all of this writing is that when Ed submitted "My Last Rites of Spring" to the publisher, he found out that it was supposed to be only 24 lines or less, and Ed had to substitute another poem, the first one he wrote, called, "My Epitaph" (above) in place of it.

However, although Noble House is this not registering Ed's copyright for "My Last Rights of Spring" for use in their volume, Ed retains all rights to it as well as to "My Epitaph" (frontispiece above). Ed has included "...Rites" and the background material here discussed in his forthcoming Doppelganger Galaxy novel.

So Ed retains all copyrights to all written content and graphics contained herein. However, any resemblance in name, image or information regarding anyone or event here alluded to, to any person not yet born, living or dead, or anywhere in between in your Galaxy of experience is surely coincidental and apparently misleading.

Ed's Doppelganger Galaxy is in a universe fictional to everyone but Ed. Ed makes no claims to its truth beyond the fact that it is his personal experience. If his universe is delusional, so be it. As Ed's novel challenges you to do, you must research to decide for yourself what in Ed's/Red's galaxy is true in your world as well.


From My Doppleganger Galaxy

Read on through the rest of the story--->

Dedicated to Defeating

The Great Satan Duh?bya


Progressive Populism and Progressive Journalism

and Comedy


Stop the Presses!

Just in from Greg Palast!



"In retaliation for the investigative story about the finances of the George W. Bush campaign, Barrick Gold Mining of Canada has sued my paper, the Observer of London.... "...also aims to gag my reporting on his company's purchase of rights to a gold mine in Nevada- containing $10 billion in gold- for a payment of under $10,000 to the US Treasury."


Read the report the Barrick Corporation doesn't want you to READ!

Bush family finances: BEST DEMOCRACY MONEY CAN BUY!

by Greg Palast in The London Observer, Sunday, November 26, 2000:

Read about other results of Palast's investigations BELOW:
Links to Gregory Palast's investigative reports can be found at
There you can also subscribe to Palast's column:
"Inside Corporate America"
It appears fortnightly in the Observer's Business section.
Nominated Business Writer of the Year (UK Press Association - 2000)
Investigative Story of the Year (Industrial. Society - 1999)
Financial Times David Thomas Prize (1998)



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The West Texas Hillbillies
(Sung to the tune of The Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song)

Come and listen to my story 'bout a boy name George.
A wild-catting redneck from a West Texas gorge.
He drank like a fish, an' I don't mean a trout.
But that didn't matter 'cuz his daddy bailed him out.
DUI, that is! Criminal record! Cover-up!

Well, the first thing you knew Georgie Porgy went to Yale.
He weren't worth a damn, but he raised a lot of hell.
He spent all his time a[ss]-kissin' all the blokes.
An that's when he started to snort a little coke.
Blow, that is! White gold! Nose candy!

Read, Sing, and Listen to the rest of
"The West Texas Hillbillies" and "The Ballad of Jeb Bushit!"

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What Bushisms Show Us or Lincoln at Cooper Union


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Gregory Palast's investigative reports can be found at
There you can also subscribe to Palast's column.Gregory Palast's column "Inside Corporate America" appears fortnightly in the Observer's Business section. Nominated Business Writer of the Year (UK Press Association - 2000), Investigative Story of the Year (Industrial. Society - 1999), Financial Times David Thomas Prize (1998).

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