"East Timor Lament "

Craggy and forbidding
Rock faces climb out of sight
clung to by stubborn vines
parched meadows roll down
and up toward the clouds
searching more desperately each day
for the face of the mountain
named Mundo Perdido*
Below the land falls slowly toward Baucau
lethargic island pearl
and the Wetar straits
evaporating into midday below
hills are dotted
with moldy white vestiges
of an Iberian empire
that withered for four centuries
toothless and stubble faced
it clutched its farthest tropical outpost
in drooling dreamy oblivion
I rattle the glass doors
of the Escuela do Reino de Venilale
but they won't let me in
worn schoolbenches of another age
sit idle
while a new generation plays tentatively
under a solitary tree
in the dusty courtyard
I see only the young
I see no one who remembers
Off the rocky roadside
I peer into crevices
for traces of bones
of tens of thousands
become rock and soil
and sediment
foundation of an unborn nation
softly voices wail on the wind
for someone to honor them
to weep for them
late in the solitude of night
but they cannot be mourned
without proof they existed
the mountain has absorbed the blood
the horror and the tender memory
of mothers and fathers
yielding only piercing silence
and the voices of aimless youth
brash in their defiance
angry at a future
dangled before them
and at once witheld
by grinning Jakarta generals
the cool breeze whispers:
Mundo Perdido