theme from "Mission Impossible"

I would like to start by saying that I do not have a degree in this topic. I am just a woman who loves dogs and has been a DogMom since 1982. So, whatever experience and knowledge I have obtained I would like to share with all of you. Anything you would like to add please feel free to e-mail me, and I will gladly make corrections or additions..

General Maintenance

There are some things you just can't get around in taking proper care of your dog, like making sure they get food and water on a daily basis. :o) Well you also should be brushing their teeth, clipping their nails, and cleaning their ears along with some other daily/weekly chores. Now you can look at this as drudgery or you can make it fun and enjoyable for both you and your furbaby. I'm inclined to believe it will go much faster if you make this a pleasant experience rather than a traumatizing struggle where neither you nor your dog comes out the winner.

I truly believe if you do these things before they become a problem or cause discomfort to the animal you will always be ahead of the game. Good luck and don't forget to plant a smile on your face, and hold on tight to your sense of humor. ;o)


Purchase a good dog shampoo, I like the Herbal formula by Pet Botanics. But any natural shampoo will do. It's better to spend a little extra and get a good shampoo, after all, the better the quality, the less you will need to use. If your dog has dry skin or problem skin you might want to try some of the oatmeal based versions. The most important thing to remember when bathing is a little shampoo goes a long way and you should do at least 2-3 rinses with cool or tepid water. Rinse, Rinse, Rinse, and Rinse again, I can't stress that enough. If you don't get all that shampoo out you will have an itchy dog who flakes and scratches till his next bathtime. I also wouldn't advise shampooing more than, say once a month or every other month. It's best not to mess with your dogs natural chemistry. ...more to come

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This page last updated~November 23, 1998