Carolina Flight Aviary

Specializing in Fischer's Lovebirds


 Bird Clubs of America Fischer's Lovebird Species Support Page

Raleigh-Durham Caged Bird Society

 Bird Clubs of America Fischer's Lovebird Breeding Partnership

Bird Clubs of America Web Sites:
Bird Clubs of America Home Page
Bird Clubs of America Lovebird Partnerships
Black-Cheeked Lovebird Partnership
Peachface & Masked Lovebird Partnership
Abyssinian Lovebird Partnership
Madagascar Lovebird Partnership (currently under reconstruction)

Other sites of interest:

African Love Bird Society (ALBS)
Paul Crow, ALBS Judge's Panel
Janet Landvater, ALBS Judge's Panel
  The American Federation of Aviculture
National Cockatiel Society
American Cockatiel Society
Pin Farm (Extensive Photos of Lovebirds)
 Agapornis Acres
 Vera's Fischer's Lovebirds
Gwen's Fischer's Lovebird Page
 Liz's Lovebirds - Fischer's Page
Love Nest Aviary
Aqua Oceans: Fischer's Lovebirds
Peachfaced Wonders Aviary
Avian Health Web Site
Pet Links Directory
  Lovebird Mailing List
Lovebird Exhibitors List
In Loving Memory


1988 - 4/24/00

Gv Ge Yu i 
(I Love You)

Aisv Nv wa do hi ya do 
(Walk in Peace)

May the Great Spirit Watch Over You
Until We Are Together Again

Wendy's Cherokee Heritage Page


Member, African Love Bird Society

Member, National Cockatiel Society

Show Photos
Photo Gallery

Copyright © 1998-2003 - All rights reserved.  The contents of this page, past or present, are the sole property of  TWP, and Wendy Edwards, all being the same and may not be copied, reproduced or used in any form or fashion without specific written permission or legal action may result.