August 11th 1995

Second Wave

122 Colborne Street

Brantford, Ontario

This was the first draft made by Rob, the $4 for the tape was kind of confusing. People might of thought it was $4 for the show and we wanted people to come to the show. So the next poster was made up.

Our eleventh show on August 11th. The poster was drawn by Jan and not very many of both were put up to advertise our second tape release at Second Wave for Don't Let A Stranger Touch Your Body. Jimmy Tsronis was taking pictures of the show and no photos turned out because they were all on one frame.

There was even less people at this show. Probably about two or three. All the talking on the tape was us and Dave Harangozo who ended up introducing us to our empty room. At some point in the show there was no one at all downstairs.

In order to get people downstairs Rob said we had Mentos so Jan announced that we would give away free Mentos. No one came down. We started of the set with Ray Is Gay, then played Ethel Rocks Jonah Boyer announced that he loved that song, even though he had never heard it and it was our first time playing it live. Next we played Mr. Bumpy, but before we played it Jan made sure everyone there got a free Mentos. Next was Revelations 19:11, Jimmy said that the shovel he had was his new clapping instrument. Next was Disco Edna, At this point Jimmy wanted us just to play Searching For Giant Squid the Trilogy's and leave but of course we didn't because we needed to practice anyway's so we continued with My Heart In The Real World (Minutemen) when three more people walked downstairs. Boy did we get excited. There was a small crowd growing, La La La which we announced as Dirge Soap (this song was on Choice Cuts), Ferrari, then we fooled around and made fun of Green Day, next we played Wall-Mart (Vince Moya of Circle Theorem helped with the vocals) at this point I threw my garbage bag full of Wall-Mart ads that I was saving for a couple of weeks into the "crowd" from this point on whenever we played Wall-Mart it was a mess. The flyers went everywhere and it was a very large mess. (this version of Wall-Mart also appeared on our Not Another Hour!? tape) After the chaos of Wall-Mart we played UNH 106, at this point Dave wanted us to play a Primus song so Jeff started to play Winonas Big Brown Beaver but it only lasted a couple of seconds. Next we played Sun One, Out Of The Cave And Into The Light, Pee-Break, this version of Pee-Break was the one that was featured on our Choice Cuts album it had Paul Evans running downstairs to take a pee in the washroom downstairs. We have him a mic so we could hear him. You can really hear it that well on the tape since it gets lost in the hiss of the tape, only in the master copy can you really hear it. Next we played Spackle, then we slagged another Green Day song this time it was Basket Case somehow we managed to bastardize the whole song. After our fun we did a funky ad lib where Jeff just wailed away on guitar. After that Vince asked us if we could play the porno song Jan and Jeff made up which was short lived. Next we played Death Of The Flying Crane, Goat, Sleepy Bonehead (which was not recorded), Spade (also not recorded) finally we ended the set with Don't Let A Stranger Touch Your Body.

After the show there was a big clean up of the mess we left. Paul was amazed. Later on he would play drums with Jimmy on guitar and Vince on bass after everything was cleaned up.

Last updated October 5th 2002

tape code CN-08-37

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