CasalsK's Page of Stuff

Howdy! Here's a collection of links to places and things that I've gleaned from my many travels around the World Wide Web. I just hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

Must-Have Dowloads
If you don't download anything else for the rest of you life, you must download this stuff! I'm serious! Ya gotta have 'em!

Free Geiss Screensaver

Geiss Screensaver - Free Download!
This has to be the absolutely coolest thing I have ever seen! And to top it off it's free! I would have paid good money for this screensaver but this brilliant man gave this achingly beautiful program to the world and asks for nothing in return.
It's trippy to the extreme. Just pop in an Audio CD and watch the visual psychedelics. If you read his site's guestbook you'll see that many have enjoyed his program the way some people used to enjoy the planetarium. That funny smell in the back row wasn't coming from "bud"ing astronomers, if you know what I mean....nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more, say no more.... Download it, put on some Pink Floyd, and enjoy!

Winamp - Another free download!
If you are at all interested in music, you must download Winamp. It's an excellent audio player that plays most web audio formats. And you can trick it out to suit your sense of style. Click the link for more details.
Plus it's a must-have if you're going to listen to the hottest thing out there... MP3 music files. More on that next....

Napster - R.I.P

Well, Napster is no more. But never fear... Morpheus is here! You can download Morpheus @ MusicCity.Com or visit Downloads. The interface isn't as slick as Napster's but it's what's under the hood that counts.
And hey, unlike Napster it's actually up and running.

URLs are for Computers... People use Networds

I use Networds every time I go online. I can't imagine my browser without it. Once you've got Netword's tiny program downloaded, you can type in the names of your favorite sites into your browser's address bar. You can even create your own! The creation part is the thing that really sold me. I was able to made a Netword for David Chesler's- Unoffical Co-op City site. To take Netword for a test drive, type "David Chesler" into the Netword slot below. Try the name of any site or anything that comes to mind. If you want the download, and I can't see why you wouldn't :), just type "Netword" to download it today.

Enter a Netword
Get about the Netword

Saturday Morning Cartoons and Coco Puffs...

Two great things that go great together! Okay, so I'm a grown woman that still digs cartoons. There's nothing wrong with that..... is there???

Visit Cartoon Network I watch cartoons whenever I get the chance. And that's just about every day thanks to Cartoon Network! My favorite one right now is the Power Puff Girls. What can I say. They're so darn cute! And they kick butt nightly. Plus it's just worth it to get to see a Mojo Jojo episode.
I like just about all of the classic cartoons. Who doesn't like Bugs Bunny?!? But it's cartoons that begin to stand out over time.
Tex Avery cartoons seem almost hyperactive in comparison to Warner Bros. 'toons of that era. They picked up the zaniness from where WB dropped it when they moved the spotlight off of Daffy onto Bugs. What can I say, I like
If you are looking for free 'Toon icons for your desktop, free games, screensavers, etc., you should visit the Cartoon Network Archive. It's a one stop shop for all the downloads Cartoon Network has to offer. Enjoy!

This is my new favorite link:
Yesterdayland - Saturday Morning TV Cartoon Super Site
Boy did this site bring back memories! You could spend all day reminiscing thru it. Along with the requisite 'toons they've even got a pages on other children's shows like Zoom, Wonderama, The Electric Company, and The Magic Garden. Remember the Magic Garden's Giggle Patch and Story Box? Talk about comprehensive!

Pete Puma

My all time favorite cartoon character is Pete Puma. Poor Pete gets no play ! I can count on one hand how many times I've seen Pete Puma in the past 10 years. I was so happy to run across the sound bytes below. I luv me some Pete Puma ! Click the links to listen to the sound snippets. If your using Windows Media Player it's best if you wait for it to load up first and then replay it.

Classic Pete Puma :

WANTED : "The non-tax deductible donation of the following '99 Passat (in black or green) will go to those less fortunate souls hopelessly afflicted with CP syndrome."
- The CASALS K "CP" Foundation

'99 Passat

If you happen to have one of these laying around, collecting dust, I'll galdly take it off your hands.

O.k., I'm busted. I'm a friggin' prep. It's an illness. That is why I've set up the CasalsK Foundation for the Critically Preppy.

Symptoms of C P include :

  • The need to drive a Volkswagon vechile
  • Owning more than 4 turtlenecks
  • Regularly shop @
  • If you've ever worn deck shoes (i.e. Bass, Sperry, etc.)

If you suffer from C P there may still be hope for you.
Note: If you ever wore pastel plaids, a sweater draped over your sholders, or made little preppy knots instead of tying you deck shoes, then forget it. You're are too far gone. There's no hope for you at all.

Ask the Magic 8 Ball

The Magical, Mystical 8 Ball!

Back To Co-op City

Since 03/99