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Teacher Librarians

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This site was conceived, developed and launched in August 1999 by Amanda Credaro, who has continued to maintain it since its inception a decade ago. In recent months, time constraints have resulted in a somewhat sporadic maintainance schedule, but a wide-ranging search for someone to take over this facility has not been successful, most likely as it is without financial renumeration.

In addition, Yahoo!Geocities, who host this site, have now announced they are ceasing operations shortly. Therefore, no more registrations will be accepted nor details amended.

Those who have their details already available in the database might consider contacting one of their local specialist library employment agencies that offer casual and relief employment. Wishing you all the very best for the future,

Amanda Credaro
28 June 2009
Jenny Brisbane
Updated 21.3.09
Prefer south of Adelaide's GPO. Looking for 0.8 work. SA Tchrs Registration B.A., Grad.Dip.Ed., Grad.Dip.Info.Studies. Head of Library, St Philip's College, Alice Springs; Teacher Librarian, Berri Library; School Services Librarian, Seaford Library; Early Childhood classroom teacher, 2 years; Early Childhood classroom teacher 4 years in indigenous communities; Support teacher for primary aged ESL students 2 years in London.
Julia Danvers
Updated 9.2.07
Within 45 minutes Adelaide metro area. 5 days/week. DECS, CEO, private Dip T ECE, Grad Dip TESL, Grad Cert Lit & Lang, (currently) Masters Degree in Information Studies. Relief Teacher Librarian, Library Assistant, Kindergarten & Junior Primary Teacher, English as a Second Language Teacher, Training and Development Officer. Experience with Bookmark, Alice, AmLib, Horizon, Voyager plus Smartboard.
Liz Eckert
Updated 21.2.07
Inner southern suburbs, Eastern suburbs, and Northern suburbs of Adelaide. Avail 5 days/week with notice.HS only. SATR; DECS TRT B.Ed., Grad.Dip.Theology in Ed., Cert IV in Assessment and Workplace Training; Grad.Dip.Info.Studies. TL The Heights School (1 yr); Library placement & volunteering at Valley View Secondary (5 months); Tchg 5.5 yrs contract & relief. Online CV
Steve Filipponi
Updated 31.8.08
TRT Adelaide; longer contracts anywhere. Avail 5 days/week. DECS, CEO B.Ed.(Sec); Grad.Dip.Info.Studies; Cert in Business Systems Analysis, Cert. in Microcomputer Support. ESL 18 years as a teacher (15 in Secondary, 3 in Primary schools); in Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, government (SA, VIC, NT, overseas), 2.5 years as a TL (H.S.)
Andrea Kipperman
Updated 25.8.07
30 min radius of Adelaide; avail Mon, Wed, and Fri. Primary only. DECS M.Ed. (Prim), Currently working on M.Ed.(TL). 8 years primary clrm, relief and contract teaching.
Mary Therese Izzo
ph: 08 83567961
Updated 21.2.06
Districts: Central North/East/NW/NE and western districts of Adelaide; Fleurieu Penninsula 5 days/week. K-12 DETE - T. Reg to 2004. Auth. for Relief in 2001. B.A. (English and Sociology),Dip.Ed.Secondary (English and Spec.Ed.) Grad.Dip (Info Studies - one subject to go) 6 yrs tchg exp (English 8-11), contracts in Special Education, Work experience in Charles Sturt library West Lakes and Findon; Hendley High. Bookmark and AMLIB.
Sally Johannes
Updated 04.08.07
Adel. Nthn metro. Seeking part-time. Currently applying for TRT Grad.Dip.Ed.(Secondary); B.A.(Lib.Studs), Grad.Dip.Bus.Admin. Tchng to 1986; Public Library 1987-1996, 2006.
Jennie Jones
Updated 1.2.07
Adelaide Metro: South, SW, East; Friday only. Primary only. CEO Dip.T., B.Ed., Grad.Cert. TL.; Advanced Skills Tch (Catholic). DECS & Catholic Prim School libraries; ICT Coordinator & network manager Adaptive Ed / Special Needs; Key Literacy Teacher
Julie Mackenzie
Updated 2.9.07
Adelaide Metro; some country areas. Avail for blocks of up to 4 days. DECS Dip.Tch.Prim.(TL major) 40 yrs as a Librarian and TL in Public and school libraries. Last position - Librarian at Henley High School Term 2 2007; 12 years as Youth Services Librarian at Adelaide Hills Council Library Service; 6 yrs as TL with DECS. Recent experience with Bookmark. Referees on request.
Paula Neale
mob: 0418-692-569
Updated 22.2.07
Adelaide Hills, Adelaide metro, E and S Adelaide. Available 5 days/week. DECS B.Ed.(Junior Primary and Primary with submajor in librarianship). First Aid Certificate. Contracts at Crafers Primary years R,1,2,3 and 4.
Susan Nosworthy
Updated 1.2.07
Adelaide metro. Terms 1, 2 & 4, 2007. Primary only. Registered Teacher B.Ed (Librarianship) Many years as a classroom teacher and a as teacher Librarian in both DETE and independent Schools.
Kerry Oakes
Updated 16.3.08
Adelaide, Wallara Outer South, Inner South Metro, Hills. Prefer Tues to Frid - will do 5 days/week if required. Primary only. DECS Dip.Tchg (Primary), Grad.Dip.TL, Masters TL. 15 yrs contract and relief TL for DECS.
Lisa Preston
Updated 21.3.09
Adelaide Metro and Adelaide Hills. Avail Mon Tues & Thurs in pm only; Wed & Frid all day. Also weekends. No information provided Completing M.Lib & Info.Tech. Experience in Computer programs, background in Architecture, CAD and teaching at UNI and TAFE levels.
Donella Reed
Updated 04.08.07
Adelaide metro - Southern regions or Eastern or Western suburbs. Avail. most days. Registered Teacher B.Ed., currently enrolled in M.A.(Information Studies). Tchr both Primary and Secondary levels. Volunteer at a specialist Library 1 day per week.
Michael Seneca
Updated 26.1.08
Adelaide, Nthn and Estn subs. Avail 5 days/week. Full Teacher Registration. B.Ed.(Secondary Music); currently completing Graduate Diploma in Information Studies. 18 years as Head of Music in a Catholic Secondary School; many years experience as a freelance musician in a variety of bands.
Diane Tanner
Updated 22.2.07
Adelaide metro; days negotiable - prefer part time. S.A. Tchr Regstn. Dip.Tch., Grad. Dip. TL. NSW Permanent and relief teaching 1973 to 1984. SA Teacher Librarian contracts and Relief Teaching 1985 to 2006.
Pam Wheare
Updated 21.3.09
Adelaide, preferably within 40 mins of Marion. DECS Dip.Tchg.; Grad.Dip.Info.Studies. 10 years contract in libraries, TRT, secondary and primary. Contracts 2008 Greenwith & Glenelg Primary Schools
Cathryn Wyld
Updated 10.5.08
Adelaide. 5 days/week. Primary only. TRT, CEO, DECS. Dip. TL (Primary), B.Ed. (Computer Studies). More than 30 yrs as Primary TL (mostly disadvantaged schools & Second Language learners).

Library Support Staff

Betty Barasa
Updated 24.6.07
Metro,NE and W suburbs, Nthn and Sthn areas. 5 days/week. No info supplied Dip.Lib.Studies ,NAATI Interpreting Prep. course, TAFE SA. Lib. Assistant, interpreting (bilingual).
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Barron
Updated 21.2.07
City and Eastern suburbs. Avail. 5 days/week. "yes" Ass.Dip.Lib.Studies. 27 years in an Academic Library and some part time work in public and school libraries
Anthea Butcher
Updated 22.2.07
Adelaide - North, North Eastern. Avail 5 days/week. DETE. Certificate II in IT. Volunteered for 2 years, 3 days per week in Primary School Library, 1 year curriculum support (15 hours/week) and 3 hours Maths co-ord. support and minimal library.
Deborah Butler
Updated 10.5.08
Adelaide area, southern, western, eastern suburbs, south of Adelaide. Thurs and Frid evenings only. No information Dip. LIS. 6 yrs in school library.
Mary Bywaters
Updated 8.2.09
Adelaide North, East. Avail 5 days/week. Interim DETE B.A. Info. Studies. Volunteer at Trinity Gardens Primary, Charles Campbell High. Work placement at ABC Sound Library and State Library. 1 yr contract Library Technician TafeSA Marleston Campus.
Angela Darlington
Updated 18.5.06
Available 5 days/week; prefer Adelaide City, Glenelg, City of Marion, Brighton, Mitcham areas. High school only. No information Certificate III (Lib & Info.Studies) Volunteer - Adelaide City Council
Steve Filipponi
Updated 4.3.07
TRT Adelaide; longer contracts anywhere. Avail 5 days/week. Willing to work in library support role. DECS, CEO B.Ed.(Sec); Grad.Dip.Info.Studies; Cert in Business Systems Analysis, Cert. in Microcomputer Support. ESL 16 years as a teacher (13 in Secondary, 3 Primary schools); in Catholic, Anglican, government (SA, VIC, NT, overseas), 1 year as TL Norwood-Morialta HS.
Lisa Grieger
Ph: 0400-446-626
Updated 1.11.07
Adelaide Hills and inner southern suburbs. Avail 5 days/week after 15.11.07. Primary only. Library Assistant, DECS. B.A., B.Ed.(LOTE), currently completing Grad Dip in Information Studies (UniSA). Have worked voluntarily in primary and high school school libraries over the last 2 years. Some basic experience with Amlib.
Jane Harding
ph:0415 321 067
Updated April 14 2006
Adelaide, Western subs and surrounding areas; PT/Cas 5 days/week Library assistant; awaiting SSO pool approval Certificate II and III in Bus.Admin. Work placement at Thebarton Senior College Library.
Melva Hatchard
Updated 22.2.07
Adelaide central north east or central north west. 5 days/week. Library Assistant Advanced BookMark course; DETE training courses. Amlib. 10 years DETE SSO experience in High; 10 years DETE High School and Primary library experience. SCIS cataloguing. 3 years experience of running primary school library unassisted as there was no teacher librarian. (BookMark)
Donna Isgar
Updated 02.09.07
Sth & SW area; Mon, Tue, Wed only. Library Assistant Advanced Training Course in Library Operations. Vast library experience in Local Govt Library (Manager), TAFE (Library Manager), Schools (both primary and secondary) in Dept schools and private schools.Experience with QUOLLS, Microfusion, Dynix, Alice, Bookmar, Amlib.
Jennie Jones
Updated 21.2.06
Adelaide Metro: South, SW, East; Mon & Frid only. Primary only. CEO Dip.T., B.Ed., Grad.Cert.(TL); AST(Catholic). DECS & Catholic Prim School libraries; ICT Coordinator & network manager; Adaptive Ed / Special Needs; Key Literacy Teacher
Danijel Malbasa
Updated 12.11.06
Northern Suburbs. 5 days/week. Library Assistant Completing B.A. (Laws) B.A. (International Relations) Prior experience as a volunteer libararian at Parafield Gardens High School, and Magill Campus.
Cindy Martin Adelaide; 3 days/week Library Technician Post Grad. Diploma in Info. Studs. Edna - Vet Project; Minter Ellison; Piper Alderman
Carolyn Peake
Updated 14.4.06
Adelaide City Southern Suburbs; avail 5 days. Contact for more information Studying part time in cert III in Library / IT Studies at Adelaide TAFE. Volunteering one morning a week at Goodwood Library.
Michael Seneca
Updated 26.1.08
Adelaide, Nthn and Estn subs. Avail 5 days/week. Full Teacher Registration. B.Ed.(Secondary Music); currently completing Graduate Diploma in Information Studies. 18 years as Head of Music in a Catholic Secondary School; many years experience as a freelance musician in a variety of bands.
Robyn Shelley
Updated 01.02.09
Wallara Outer South; Inner South Metro. Avail. 20 hours per week. DECS Contact for more information. AMLIB; Volunteer at Hallett Cove R-12 School for past 3 yrs; Temporary relief SSO position at Shiedow Park Primary School. Certificate II LIS.
Jean Seifert
Updated 9.6.06
S.A.TAFE 5 days/week. Registered Nurse; Occupational Health & Safety Officer; Certificate III in LIbrary Information Services. Volunteer achives state library; 25 years nursing; 4 years first aid trainer; 5 years proprietor of small business.
Sandie Sherriff
Updated 14.4.06
9-2.30, 5 days/week; Wallara District Southern area. Primary only. Library Assistant; SSO approval Amlib. 3 yrs Volunteer at Happy Valley School (on going); CV on request.


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Frequently Asked Questions!

Why does this site exist? This database exists to provide school library staff with a quick summary of professionally acredited and employment-approved relief staff.

How much does it cost to be included? This is a free service, "staffed" by a volunteer.

Who can be on this database? "Registration" as a Teacher Librarian requires an industry-recognised formal qualification in the Information Sciences, together with the same level of qualification in teaching. As this facility aims to provide rapid access to experienced staff, Library Assistants, Technicians, and other support staff will ideally have already been approved by a state-recognised authority to work in the K-12 education sector.

Can I trust the information shown here? The information on this page was provided by the individuals shown above. Responsibility for checking the credentials of the people listed above rests with the employer.

How current and accurate is this information? This page is updated as information comes to hand. It is the responsibility of those who register here to provide updated information. If users of this facility find anyone listed who is no longer available, it would be of enormous help to all if they could advise us of that fact.

How can I contact the webmaster? If you have any questions or comments about this website, please email me.

5th April 2009 (9.10 pm AEST)