1) You have to have a page. If you don't, mail me and maybe I'll let you use a bit of
    my space. Ask nice, give me clear details on how you want it, and any images
    you want to use.. and of course your story :)
2) On your page, there has to be an Aspirant. That aspirant can be from any
    place, but please explain how he got to Icarus. Also, I only accept Aspirants
    from 14 years of age and older.
3) Please try to keep your page decent, Just don't be too graphic.
4) Male and Female Draks pair with either gender. The bond is relatively weak,
    they mostly know what the other is feeling, but no real thoughts. Draks learn
    language very easily, so they'll speak to your aspirant. Some Draks may pair off
    together, but this doesn't happen frequent. The Mother names her Children.
    For more info, please visit Planet Icarus.
5) You can alter these images by rotating, flipping and resizing them. No
    recolouring for obvious reasons. If you want to do anything else with them,
    please mail me and I'll say if you can. And now to check if you have read the
    rules....please enter "We like ettins" in the comments box. Don't worry if you
    forget, it's likely I'll forget about it too. Just make sure your page is ok.
6) You will have to join the The Icarus Group to get notifications about hatchings
    and growths.
7) Every Aspirant is allowed 4 pets on your page, one of which can be a young pet
    (because they need more attention and work).
8) Please inform me if you are participating in a mating flight. Just say where you
    are and that's ok, it's for the geneology.

On to the FORM!

Castle  DesCas MAIN