-- by Anthony Sava

Position: High Mage of Ikros

Xanath began his service to Ulmerad in the latter half of the Thirty Years War. His magics are second to none in the kingdom, and no one dares challenge his strength. When he was younger, he could paralyze an entire army with a word, leaving only those with magical defenses free to run for their lives. Now in his aging state, he acts more as a sage than a sorcerer, leaving the battles to Ulmerad and his knights. A kindly old man, Xanath loves to play practical jokes. Making sure never to harm anyone, he loves to create false doors in walls and create false knockings on doors, Xanath has fun at every opportunity. He also loves to give advice to the young knights who have not quite made their way in the world yet. He believes answers are to be found out, not given.

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