August 8, 2001

     No news so far -- although when I stuck my head out the door, I did see Dr. Eames at the table, so I expect to see her in here pretty soon.  Hopefully, we'll get to leave today, but I'm not holding my breath.  Shay only drank about 750 ml yesterday, all water, and she *still* threw up some of that.  Poor kid -- I know that it isn't fun -- but I never have to worry about her being bulimic! <G>

     I will update as soon as I find anything out, and I will note it on the index page, so y'all will know.  Cross fingers and other appendages.  I know I want her out of here, but I want her out healthy... 

     I did hear from Cassie earlier today.  She's flying in Saturday -- I can't wait to see the little monster again.  She's been gone not quite a month -- and she said she's so dark from being outside riding horses and bikes and all that.  Brat <G>


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