

Disclaimer: Castlevania belongs to Konami not me. I am making £0.00 out of this fic, it is written purely because I have a burning need to create. Although I would like to own Adrian . . . then he’d be mine.


Warning: this fic contains Yaoi (GuyXGuy) References, Bloodplay, and Incest; if this offends or upsets you do not read this, it that simple.


Rating: NC-17


Setting: Pre Dracula’s curse


Dedications: this is dedicated to all Castlevania fans, there could never be too many.


Summery: Alucard’s life changes when he meets Trevor.


Authoress note: Not sure where this idea came from, not sure I want to know lol. Very short chapter I’m afraid.


Italics mean either flashbacks or thoughts


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Chapter Five


{Two weeks later}


The night air was cool on his skin and Adrian enjoyed it.


It had taken him over a week to convince his father that he was both healthy enough and trustworthy enough to be allowed out into the gardens again. The gardens were in a constant state of spring and had been for the last five years, since Adrian mentioned to his father that he liked the spring. Adrian smiled to himself watching some of the sakura blossoms fall; no one would ever believe that Dracula was capable of such small affectionate actions. But unbeknownst to the world outside Dracula was occasionally quiet affectionate. Adrian put his father’s current overprotective hyper-drive state down to affection. Looking around it was clear that the castle walls had somehow grown another six feet in height. To high for the dunpeal to jump over now, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t escape.  


Wandering the gardens had always been a pleasure but tonight the half blood found himself to deep in thought to truly notice the grounds around him. Adrian continually found himself thinking of the mortal again. It had been a strange creature; its behaviour had been most unexpected. He had imagined that if one day he was ever unfortunate enough to become captured he would either be killed almost instantly, tortured or fortunate enough to escape with his life. All of the possibilities were fast and probably painful. But the mortal who had caught him had done none of these things.


The mortal had spoken to him, even tried to help him by binding one of the wounds he had caused. Admittedly the mortal’s words had been unbalanced to say the least but the half blood found himself thinking on them a lot since his return. He constantly wondered why the mortal had said such things, why he had been gentle when he had the famed son of Dracula at his mercy. It was all confusing enough to make the dunpeal’s head spin and he had an almost uncontrollable urdge to go and find out more. Go and find the mortal, corner him, demand answers from him. Why had he done as he did? Why was he having such a strong effect on the immortal?


Adrian sighed, he had given his word he would not leave the grounds.


But then weren’t children meant to be rebellious? And stupid?


The village was quiet; it always was late at night. Only the bravest or drunkest wandered the streets at this hour. Adrian considered himself neither of the above but rather as one of the monsters he had nothing to fear. His confidence swelled and almost erased the memory of his capture and that strange conversation. He was the strongest here, nothing could harm him, in the darkness, in his element. It was amazing how fast his confidence had returned after the attack.


He did not remember where he had been held during his capture, he had not really been paying attention when he had fled, his instincts had lead him to the forest, to the castle. So now he sniffed at the air and leapt from rooftop to rooftop following the myriad of scents that lingered on from the daylight hours. It was difficult and slow, more than once he found himself going in circles and twice he ended up outside of the public house. But eventually he found himself leaping down from a rooftop to wander a thin path towards a lone house that stood a little away from the village but close enough to still be a part of the community. The house was small and simple on the outside and the scent of two week old vampire blood still came faintly from it. Adrian smirked at his victory and approached the house. The curtains were drawn but he could hear movement inside and the dim candle light lit the windows. He knew someone was home and the scent of mortal men hit him, it was similar to the one he remembered but a little different. He paid no mind to the difference and circled the house until he figured out roughly were the lone inhabitant was, after doing so he settled himself a little distance from the house and watched.




End chapter


Authoress note: Short sweet and pointless.


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