

Disclaimer: Castlevania belongs to Konami not me. I am making £0.00 out of this fic, it is written purely because I have a burning need to create. Although I would like to own Adrian . . . then he’d be mine.


Warning: this fic contains Yaoi (GuyXGuy) References, Bloodplay, and Incest; if this offends or upsets you do not read this, it that simple.


Rating: NC-17


Setting: Pre Dracula’s curse


Dedications: this is dedicated to all Castlevania fans, there could never be too many.


Summery: Alucard’s life changes when he meets Trevor.


Authoress note: Not sure where this idea came from, not sure I want to know lol.


Italics mean either flashbacks or thoughts


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Chapter Two

He had died.


Derek’s father had closed his eyes and ceased to breath in the late hours of the afternoon. The sun was still in the sky at this point, but Adrian did not care, the sun did little to him, there were more important matters at hand. The werewolf weeping at his side needed vengeance and Adrian was happy to help him. He remembered discussing this with his father last night but the memory was distant, the sensation of the bite and strong hands after the bite however were not and served only as a distraction at the moment. He shivered remembering and Derek moved and looked at him, tear stained eyes sore and red.


Adrian?” he asked, he dunpeal shook his head, no doubt it would not do for Derek to know he had been thinking of his own pleasure when Derek’s father had died only hours ago.


“I’ve been thinking that some revenge may be in order.” Adrian smiled at the wolf that was his companion. Leaning forwards he ran long fingered hands through the werewolf’s hair earning a slight sound. Derek shivered and leaned into the dunpeal’s touch for a moment, enjoying longs fingers running through his fur, before pulling back to speak.


“But your father said we should remain in the castle, he spoke to me of dangerous men.” Derek sighed looking at the bed that hours ago had held his father before the castle had reclaimed his body.


“Yes, my father worries for us.” Adrian sighed “but we will be fast and we will be ruthless. A sudden fast attack will not allow them any time to retaliate and we will not be harmed.”


“But …” the werewolf started


“My father worries for nothing!” Adrian snapped “your father deserves blood!”


“Yes.” Derek nodded, “I wish to avenge my father as does our pack.” Adrian smiled and standing lead his friend from the castle. The werewolf pack following at their heals.


The woods are calm and quiet this time of year, the werewolf pack let out mournful howls and run on head, hunting on their way to their vengeance. Mortal men rarely come here in the autumn and those that do are often dispatched by the local inhabitants far to early to be a bother to anyone from the castle. So Adrian is surprised when he and Derek encounter a mortal man in the forest. They pause for a few moments and watch the mortal, unsure what to make of the situation until the mortal begins to turn; Derek turns and disappears into the undergrowth, in no mood for a game. Adrian however is slightly intrigued as to how the mortal could have survived this deep into the forest, especially with a werewolf pack on the lose. The mortal yelps when he spot the dunpeal.


“You gave me a fright!” he laughs, he is big for a human, thick limbs and strong hands. His appearance is rough but friendly. Attractive in a very mortal fashion, Adrian feels his fangs prick his bottom lip and does not answer him, aware of wolfish eyes watching them both. Instead he emerges further from the shadows and eyes the mortal closer. He smells of blood and sweat, a scent that immediately goes to Adrian’s head and makes him slightly light headed, his fangs prick his lower lip harder, fully lengthening in his mouth. An effort of concentration pushes them up again and Adrian sighs to himself. Maybe his father’s nagging to start eating breakfast is not all hot air. But then Adrian smirks he would not be this starved if his father had not used him as his dinner. Again pleasure ripples through him at the memory.


“You hunting the rabbits too friend?” the mortal asks and Adrian scoffs,


“You pick a dangerous place to come just for rabbits.” He answers, the mortal nods and seems to think for a few moments before sighing.


“True.” He says “was not my intention to come for the rabbits but now that I’m here I thought why let the opportunity pass.”


“Why did you come here?” Adrian asks sharply, the mortal looks confused “this is private land.” The dunpeal remarks “and the owner is non to friendly to those who trespass.”


“Or those that don’t so I hear.” The mortal nods, “well then sir you take a risk also, your wife must be angry with you.”


“You assume much.” Adrian mumbles looking into the shadows and spotting an impatient Derek “and you take much risk for so little a prize.” The gestures to the rabbit


“Oh don’t you worry for me.” The mortal answers “I have bigger game in my sights and am capable of hunting it.” There is an awkward silence while Adrian wonders if he should just kill the mortal and be done with it, his stomach is complaining loudly to him and his fangs are lengthening again as the mortals sweet scent wraps around him once more. But his thoughts are stopped by the man. “I’ve not seen you before?” the man phrased it as a question and Adrian shook his head. There was something strange about this one, even strangers knew to stay away from him. It was not just the talk around the town that warned them but rather a gut feeling that all mortals had, some almost silent inner voice telling them that he was dangerous and to be avoided. If this man had such a voice he was ignoring it.


Not all people avoided Adrian, this was true for how else would he eat if he did not have a way to make people ignore that nagging voice that whispered warnings to them. It was not hard to draw mortals to him, he knew he was beautiful and he knew how to entice. He also knew that enticement was a strong hunting tool and could be used to easily separate a man from his wits. But he ad made no effort with this one in front of him. he was not trying to draw this man to him, why then was the mortal so easily approaching him.


“My name is Trevor.” The man smiled and Adrian almost smiled back, it was infectious and overflowed with welcome and happiness. Adrian simply sighed and looked to Derek who was growling now and without saying a word he turned and walked away. Leaving Trevor to his rabbits.


It was a simple action to terrify the villagers, Derek and his brothers ran rampant through the streets, tearing into houses and shops; while Adrian remained in the town centre, playing with those who ran through. The object of this little misadventure was not to destroy all the villages inhabitants but merely to let Derek’s family have their revenge and put the fear of the daemons back into the village. Mortal should know their place and should not be allow to behave as if they were free.


Adrian laughed to himself as a man bolted into the square and spotted him, the mortal back peddled so fast he fell to the ground. Adrian allowed him time enough to get to his feet before the dunpeal leapt from his perch on the village’s clock and landed heavily on the mortal man. He heard the man’s bones break beneath him and wasted little time sinking fang into vein. The blood rushed into his mouth to fast for him to handle. The mortal’s heart beating frantically pushed the blood to far to fast and Adrian felt most of his catch run down his chin, staining his clothes.


The man died after a few minuets, bleeding to death much faster than the dunpeal would have liked. He much preferred it when mortal’s came willingly, they were calm and accepting, finding joy in the bite and clinging to him as if he were their saviour. Their heats beat slowly and the blood moved calmly, it was easy to take his fill. Some even lived for days with his mark on them if they remained undiscovered by the village. he could return night after night taking what he wanted before the mortal eventually died. Unfortunately if the mark was discovered the mortal was torn apart by the village, the mortals feared the birth of a new vampire, another predator more than they loved each other.


Adrian sighed to himself as he walked back to the clock and looked around at the blood stained but empty square. He was becoming bored quickly this evening and was in half a mind to go and collect Derek, surely they had done enough to make sure a repeat would not occur and hopefully by now Derek would have killed enough to allow his pain to begin to ebb. He was lost in these thoughts when without warning there was a hand on his shoulder and Adrian jumped. Turning he expected to see his father, no doubt furious with him for coming to the village when he said he would not. But it was not the vampire lord behind him but rather the man from the woods.




“Come!” Trevor pulled the dunpeal but found himself unable to move the pale youth. “Come we must get you and the others away from here.” The mortal was confused, why was the man in front of him not fleeing. In fact why was he so calm? Trevor paused a moment remembering back mere moments when he had entered the town centre, the pale man in front of him had been laughing.


“You really are a fool.” Adrian sighed looking the mortal up and down again. “I thought you merely odd and impossibly lucky but no you are a fool.”


“Yes I believe I am.” Trevor took a step back from the man, saddened and confused. “You are one of them aren’t you.” It was not a question. Adrian smiled a little, wondering at why the mortal seemed saddened by this news.


“I reside at the castle yes.” Adrian nodded and watched as the mortal reached under his coat and drew forth what appeared to be a rope, it was thick where the mortal held it but became thinner as it uncoiled. Adrian sudden felt worried but anger overrode his fear. This was the man who had killed Derek’s father. Adrian felt his lips pull back from his teeth.


“I did not know that he kept other vampires.” Trevor muttered watching as the pale one started to circle him.


End chapter.


Authoress note: shorter than the last one I’m afraid.


Please review.