

Disclaimer: Castlevania belongs to konami not me. I am making £0.00 out of this fic, it is written purely because I have a burning need to create. Although I would like to own Alucard . . . then he’d be mine.


Rating: PG-13


Part: one of one


Setting: Post LoI


Authoress note: Mathias contemplates his change.


Italics = thoughts and flashbacks






He was very still.


Stiller than he had ever been as a man. It was almost as if he were made of stone, he smiled to himself, the only movement he had made in the last hour. He was so much more now than he had once been.


Yet he had to wonder, had he made the right choice. It had seemed right when he had been lying in bed curing the world and its grandmother for taking everything away from him. but now that it was a reality and not just an ambition he had to ask himself, was he right? Of course speculation at this point was completely pointless, what was done was done, he could not go back now and he did not want to go back.


His smile became wider as he remembered what had made him realise his new purpose, his new path. Elizabetha had been dead only days when the priest had come to him and had spoken words that no doubt the old man meant to be comforting, but in reality only angered him more.


God has a plan for all of us.” And “he gives and he takes away.”


Those two phrases had done it. Two phrases uttered by the man of God had turned Mathias away from God forever. But it wasn’t enough that he simply renounce God, he had to do more. Simply renouncing God would not truly accomplish anything, nor would it show the magnitude of his pain. No, he had to do something profound. He had researched after that decision and it had not taken long for him to find his way.


Walter was a foolish creature, arrogant and stupid beyond a doubt. For what vampire could truly expect a mortal to come to them willingly with no ulterior motive. Stupid, stupid creature. Locating the Ebony Stone had been somewhat harder but nothing was beyond him now. He had a drive that he had never had before in life and he was no fool. So after a few months of conversing with the vampire and searching until he found what he was searching for, he put his plan into action.


Now it was all said and done.


Leon hated him now, had sworn he would hunt him, but it did not truly worry Mathias, for while Leon was brave and strong, he was not the genius of the pair. He would not find him. but still it saddened the vampire to think on all he had lost, his love, his only true friend and his life, all to show God the magnitude of his error in taking Elizabetha from him. Mathias had to ask himself if he was cutting his nose to spite his face. But regardless it was all done now and there could be no going back.


But still he was lonely, and he had to wonder.


End Drabble


Authoress note: Yup … hope you liked :-)


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